Translation site back online! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Our aim is to make games for the world, and to bring people together. To do this, we need to make games that are played by the world, and understood...
I cannot register an account since my e-mail is already in use and when I reset my account password the e-mail that I get sent does not contain my username.
I've tried all of my usual usernames.
I'm just a translation admin for german language. I've ask @GhoulofGSG9 about the sound topic but he said he does not know. And I don't know if he asked the concerning devs.
A few questions:
First you may be right about the black page and the login. As I created an account to be an admin I can not fully say I felt like that, but I know what you mean. I suggest this should be changed.
You have to change the language manually in the options. Someone like me looks at every possible setting first before entering the first game. In that case you would not miss the language setting. For quick starters a OS related language pick maybe the best choice but since everybody knows how to play a computer game in english it may not be that important.
As in the Guidelines mentioned you should only translate something if you are pretty sure about the context.
I myself did not find out what the tooltips are good for. But I did not need them either.
In this point I agree with you. The guidelines should explain the voting system. I asked and was told it is as you guessed only a help for the language admin. There is no auto approval. But this is good like it is since you could take 3-4 people translating strings like shit and then approve them with the votes of the other ones.
I guess it's just like that. You need an admin to approve every single string.
I hope I could help you
I know, but how do you figure out where it is used? An example: I don't know what "ABM" is, and "need" is pretty generic. But in languages with declension, I really need to see the full sentence. Where should I look for it? If I see that this is from "commander.cpp" file or "evolve.cpp" file, it might help me quite a bit.
Definitely, thanks a lot!
One further question, for Czech language I see many strings approved (might have happened some time in the past), but no language admin in the list. Is it just missing from the list, or is the admin no longer active and was removed from the list? How do I know?
He should be able to help you
Check ingame. Only way to make sure everything fits well. When I took over French translation a few years back, I had to change lots of strings that seemed correct on the translation page but didn't suit ingame.
You of all people know to put images in a spoiler tag by now. Also, must you really thread shit? If people want to translate a game they like they may. -Iron
i have bought Ns2 for atleast 20 people because i would feel guilty reccomending the best game in the world (but barely any people to play with) its not like we will go omg it supports hundred more languages
As a general thing, I find its much more motivating if you have help translating. It is a rather boring task, and if you are in doubt about something then it helps to have others to talk to.
Yes, but I meant immediately - copy the file somewhere, start NS2 and see it in action. It can help translators to figure out whether the translated strings are e.g. too long and need to be shorter, whether all characters render properly, spot inconsistencies, etc.
But its still going to be live on the next build :P
Found it, thanks
Now that should be in the guidelines!
[location] - [usage] - [note]
location: is like 'general menu', 'in game hint text' or 'HUD'
usage: describe reason text is shown
note: do explain details
Examples ?
HUD - when player is re-spawning - marine team
ToolTip - join the game - newcomer join ready room for first time
NOTE: you don't need original texts when you have explanation like this. Sometimes different languages have different sentence composition and original (English texts) are misleading and result to very strange translations.
EDIT: will you support subscription for admins of mods? I have 3 texts in my GunGame mod which will be worth to translate but dunno how to do it, and where to subscribe to allow community to translate them (I know only 3 languages so far and two of them are c# and lua)
Also, for all strings containing \n translators need to input \\n, because one of the backslashes disappears after page reload. That should also be fixed, most people won't notice when translating and the texts will be broken.
The characters are supposed to look like ordinary ascii characters, just with a small graphics above them:
It would be much better to use the font which supports Czech alphabet in the whole game, instead of doing mix and match of two different fonts. Developers, is it possible to do this, please? I'm quite sure I can find some free-to-commercially-use fonts supporting full Czech alphabet (and probably many other European languages as well), if needed.
Alternatively, I could try to draw the missing characters into the existing font, if it's a bitmap font, shouldn't be too hard. It's just images.