Canada Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208906Members
check this out so i looked inside the nuclear reactor and there was nothing but i checked out the bio reactor and you can see a picture of a house and trees (look in the green windows from the inside )i think take a look
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by <a href="https://sketchfab.com/fox3d?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Fox3D</a>
on <a href="https://sketchfab.com?utm_medium=embed&utm_source=website&utm_campain=share-popup" target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>
You know that this month update will be named machinery update and include scanner room, interior reactors for power generation, battery & cell recharging stations and ScottT's cyclops changes (not the chipped upgrades).
This, and the fact that interior reactors are shielded from potential creature attacks, would give them back their usefulness. Players whose base might have been cut off from power through creature attacks might want some interior emergency power system. And assuming the base could get a creature defense system it might be better to power a system defense from within or otherwise the best attack strategy is to cut the outer energy support to lower the system defenses and then crush the powerless base.
Still, I'd like to see the bioreactor be able to consume rotten biomaterial to make it more useful. Or we get a 3rd machine that can dispose any stuff that gets inside.
Finally the models imply the reactors will be positioned at the round room center, although they might fit the edges. Let's wait and see.
I ferar this house is just a generic reflection map that is used while displaying the model.
But the new ractors do look cool!
Yup, there was an error on the Trello board. It should have said Bio Reactor instead of Thermal Reactor. Thermal will stay outside. We will be changing it so that the bio reactor can use any kind of plants, not just the mushroom discs and kelp plants that it currently uses, which should give farming an additional use. Interesting idea about using rotten biomaterial, though, that could be a nice bonus.
And yes, the Bio and Nuclear Reactor will be positioned in the center of the generic rooms, similar to how the Large Aquariums work.
I believe I speak for players everywhere when I say this: THANK YOU!
yes, yes you do the bioreactor used to be such a hassle with this it will be waaaay better
oh and @Squeal_Like_A_Pig will the bioreactor tweak be released in the machinery update?
Interesting. I do believe that using rotting biomaterial is a good way to prevent inventory from being wasted. Would this apply to all biomaterial or just flora, because I'd love to use some rotting Reaper to power my base
This is true and false at the same time. :-) It is true that you can build solar panels at the surface and route energy to everywhere on the map if you can get a route built. There are areas on the map where solar power is your only viable fuel free power source (like atop the Giant Coral Tree where I built my last main base) and relying on solar power alone has drawbacks. At night, there is no power, so you need a lot of panels to store energy for the night. If you have a water filtration machine running, you have more problems.
Then, there are the deep places of the world. In the Lost River biome, solar panels will do exactly nothing. I do not know if there are thermal vents planned there so fuel free power could very well be a problem. Thats why I am very happy about the "new" bio-reactor (and the nuclear plant, too) that even lets me grow the fuel for the reactor.
Sure, we can route power down to the center of the world (I tried it, 3000m over almost 60 nodes, it works) but then, there are creatures, maybe they will at some point be able to attack our structures. I can imagine maintaining a kilometre-long power line that fails every other day won't be that thrilling...
(Minor nit-pick: at the moment, every plant can be grown in every biome, which I am certain isn't very realistic. Thinking technically a bio-reactor is sort of a second degree solar power plant / thermal power plant. Energy comes from the sun (or thermal vents) and is "stored" in living orgaqnisms. When they die and decompose, the energy is released again and can be harvested by the bioreactor. Growing creepvine in the Lost river next to a bioreactor would be handy but to a certain degree defies its purpose)
Maybe,you could make some of the deeper areas not have thermal vents (lost river e.g) so the player can use the vegetation or uranium to power their base instead of always relying on the solar panels or thermal plants.Either way,its still up to you devs.Great work on the models too!
The nuclear reactor
The bio reactor
Chances are that all power for the Cyclops will come from Power Cells. So no Solar Cells, Bio Reactor, or Nuclear Reactor for the Cyclops.
That would suck.... I can picture either one going just behind the Seamoth hatch at the forward end of the drive shaft.
Yep.The devs have said that the eould fit in the middle of the rooms like the large aquarium.