Stalkers born in Tanks (Ideas, probably silly...)

CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
1. You should be able to interact with them more than just looking at them through glass.

2. If you release a 'tamed' or 'tank-bred' Stalker, he shouldn't immediately become full-size and attack you; he should remain the size he is, and be friendly, bringing you metal salvage, or always wanting to be 'with' you (i.e. swimming alongside you when you're outside, or in the Seamoth.

3. When you're home, so is he, he thinks of your base as 'home'

4. When the Seamoth is docked, he sometimes will 'surface' and poke his snout above the water in your Moon Pool.

5. When your Stalker is with you; you can pet him by running a hand along him as he swims by, or he nudges you playfully.

6. If you're in the depths running low on O2 and your Stalker is with you, he'll position himself in front of you; then an animation plays of you taking hold of one of his back flukes/spines and he rockets you to the surface.

7. Simple toys for him to play with, shiny like the metal Salvage?

I know these would need more time and animations put in, but it'd be so, so very awesome if we could interact not only with the Stalkers in our tanks, but with all the tank-bred creatures in unique ways.


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