Trello Update Mega-Thread -- Any Interesting Trello Stuff Post Here
Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members

From the Activity Feed...
Charlie Cleveland added Blood kelp 2 to Machinery update (April)Apr 9 at 1:20 AM -- Possible new Blood Kelp Zone, or a second zone.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Start PS4 port if XB1 sales good from Machinery update (April) to Exosuit update (May)Apr 7 at 4:32 AM -- Subnautica might be ported to Playstation 4
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Reimplement Mesmer from Machinery update (April) to Exosuit update (May)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- The Mesmer might be changed in some way we don't know about!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Move life pods out of safe shallows from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Place Jonas' greybox gun emplacement (dev only) from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- A 'gun emplacement' of some sort, for base defense, as it's been said that creatures might attack your base!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Lost river bone shark from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- New kind of Bone Shark, living in the deepest, darkest depths???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Abandoned bases from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Abandoned Bases will be finished?
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Making Cyclops relevant (ScottT) from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- BIG changes to the Cyclops, Sub, as we know!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Streaming out optimizations from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Not sure what this one is; changes to the way content is 'streamed' to us in the game, to reduce pop-in and lag?
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Remove Terraforming from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Buildable battery/cell charging station from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Battery Cell/Charging stations are coming...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Greybox precursor bases (dev only) from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Ancient Bases, perhaps not the ones on the Islands???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Map scanner room from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM - Scanner room will be fully implemented???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Place Seatreaders in world from Scanner Room update (March/April) to Creatures Attack! update (April)Apr 7 at 4:16 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Cyclops chipped upgrades from Unknown to Creatures Attack! update (April)Apr 7 at 4:08 AM -- Upgrade 'chips' for the mighty Cyclops!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Revamp "middle" recipes from Scanner Room update (March/April) to UnknownApr 7 at 4:03 AM -- Implies 'middle' tiered upgrade recipies for the Scanner Room, beyond what is now in 'creative' mode...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Warper from Scanner Room update (March/April) to Creatures Attack! update (April)Apr 7 at 4:03 AM - Creature called the Warper is coming; more things to give us all the heebie-jeebies...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Inactive lava zone layout complete from Scanner Room update (March/April) to DoneApr 7 at 3:57 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)
Charlie Cleveland on Lava castle
Probably going to put a precursor base inside.
Apr 7 at 3:55 AM
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Lost River layout complete from Scanner Room update (March/April) to DoneApr 7 at 3:54 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland added Move life pods out of safe shallows to Scanner Room update (March/April)Apr 7 at 3:52 AM -- No easy tech for us; possible story reasons? Signals guiding us to them, now???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Cut any craftables that aren't working from Polish (July) to Story mode test branch (June)Apr 7 at 2:47 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland added Team retreat one week to Story mode test branch (June)Mar 25 at 6:57 AM -- Devs take well deserved break after all their hard work. Hope so.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Plants generate O2 from Scanner Room update (March) to UnknownMar 25 at 6:40 AM -- This possibly implies that one might be able to have O2 in powered or unpowered bases via Plants in grow boxes, though unsure when/if it will be implemented.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Creature eggs from Creatures Attack! update (April) to DoneMar 25 at 6:40 AM -- All creature eggs complete.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Respawn creatures that are eaten from Exosuit update (May) to Creatures Attack! update (April)Mar 25 at 6:39 AM -- Biomes won't go 'dead' anymore; YES!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland archived Start GOG shippingMar 25 at 6:38 AM -- Game will be put up on
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Crafting of serums (10ish) from Creatures Attack! update
(April) to UnknownMar 25 at 6:38 AM -- Implies we'll be able to create craftable serums from creature DNA with the Transfuser, with various effects.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Expand pipes to bases (O2, power, loot) from Creatures Attack!
update (April) to Polish (July)Mar 25 at 6:36 AM -- Implies, when we're just starting out, we can use the titanium pipes to pump O2 from the surface to our bases, either powered or unpowered...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Cyclops incinerator from Scanner Room update (March) to UnknownMar 25 at 6:36 AM -- We'll be able to finally break down items we don't need/want... hopefully back into their component parts...
LOTS of good stuff here, if you pick through it--exciting stuff; have trimmed it down and added my thoughts.
Charlie Cleveland added Blood kelp 2 to Machinery update (April)Apr 9 at 1:20 AM -- Possible new Blood Kelp Zone, or a second zone.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Start PS4 port if XB1 sales good from Machinery update (April) to Exosuit update (May)Apr 7 at 4:32 AM -- Subnautica might be ported to Playstation 4
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Reimplement Mesmer from Machinery update (April) to Exosuit update (May)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- The Mesmer might be changed in some way we don't know about!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Move life pods out of safe shallows from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Place Jonas' greybox gun emplacement (dev only) from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- A 'gun emplacement' of some sort, for base defense, as it's been said that creatures might attack your base!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland) Charlie Cleveland moved Lost river bone shark from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- New kind of Bone Shark, living in the deepest, darkest depths???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Abandoned bases from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Abandoned Bases will be finished?
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Making Cyclops relevant (ScottT) from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- BIG changes to the Cyclops, Sub, as we know!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Streaming out optimizations from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Not sure what this one is; changes to the way content is 'streamed' to us in the game, to reduce pop-in and lag?
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Remove Terraforming from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Buildable battery/cell charging station from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Battery Cell/Charging stations are coming...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Greybox precursor bases (dev only) from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM -- Ancient Bases, perhaps not the ones on the Islands???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Map scanner room from Machinery update (March/April) to Machinery update (April)Apr 7 at 4:22 AM - Scanner room will be fully implemented???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Place Seatreaders in world from Scanner Room update (March/April) to Creatures Attack! update (April)Apr 7 at 4:16 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Cyclops chipped upgrades from Unknown to Creatures Attack! update (April)Apr 7 at 4:08 AM -- Upgrade 'chips' for the mighty Cyclops!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Revamp "middle" recipes from Scanner Room update (March/April) to UnknownApr 7 at 4:03 AM -- Implies 'middle' tiered upgrade recipies for the Scanner Room, beyond what is now in 'creative' mode...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Warper from Scanner Room update (March/April) to Creatures Attack! update (April)Apr 7 at 4:03 AM - Creature called the Warper is coming; more things to give us all the heebie-jeebies...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Inactive lava zone layout complete from Scanner Room update (March/April) to DoneApr 7 at 3:57 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)
Charlie Cleveland on Lava castle
Probably going to put a precursor base inside.
Apr 7 at 3:55 AM
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Lost River layout complete from Scanner Room update (March/April) to DoneApr 7 at 3:54 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland added Move life pods out of safe shallows to Scanner Room update (March/April)Apr 7 at 3:52 AM -- No easy tech for us; possible story reasons? Signals guiding us to them, now???
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Cut any craftables that aren't working from Polish (July) to Story mode test branch (June)Apr 7 at 2:47 AM -- Obvious.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland added Team retreat one week to Story mode test branch (June)Mar 25 at 6:57 AM -- Devs take well deserved break after all their hard work. Hope so.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Plants generate O2 from Scanner Room update (March) to UnknownMar 25 at 6:40 AM -- This possibly implies that one might be able to have O2 in powered or unpowered bases via Plants in grow boxes, though unsure when/if it will be implemented.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Creature eggs from Creatures Attack! update (April) to DoneMar 25 at 6:40 AM -- All creature eggs complete.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Respawn creatures that are eaten from Exosuit update (May) to Creatures Attack! update (April)Mar 25 at 6:39 AM -- Biomes won't go 'dead' anymore; YES!
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland archived Start GOG shippingMar 25 at 6:38 AM -- Game will be put up on
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Crafting of serums (10ish) from Creatures Attack! update
(April) to UnknownMar 25 at 6:38 AM -- Implies we'll be able to create craftable serums from creature DNA with the Transfuser, with various effects.
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Expand pipes to bases (O2, power, loot) from Creatures Attack!
update (April) to Polish (July)Mar 25 at 6:36 AM -- Implies, when we're just starting out, we can use the titanium pipes to pump O2 from the surface to our bases, either powered or unpowered...
Charlie Cleveland (charliecleveland)Charlie Cleveland moved Cyclops incinerator from Scanner Room update (March) to UnknownMar 25 at 6:36 AM -- We'll be able to finally break down items we don't need/want... hopefully back into their component parts...
LOTS of good stuff here, if you pick through it--exciting stuff; have trimmed it down and added my thoughts.
Members: Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Colin Knueppel (colinknueppel)
Either Brandt or I,
Take medbay and make backing into fabricator screen.
Add one nozzle to top from fabricator.
Animation to print medpack.
It sounds like they're going to turn the Firss Aid Kit "box" into an actual Mini Fabricator for the Medkits; no just opening a wall-box anymore and getting a medkit; we'll see it being made? Or maybe we'll have to feed it ingredients if we want Medkits, like the tool-making fabber! Wow!
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed shuttle_crawler on LODs
Level-Of-Detail work; these creatures will look awesome close-up... if I want to get close, that is...
Vyacheslav Sedovich (vyacheslavsedovich)Vyacheslav Sedovich completed 3. Change the high-capacity tank to also be slotted into the paper doll. on Make tank part of paper doll UI6 hours ago
Vyacheslav Sedovich (vyacheslavsedovich)Vyacheslav Sedovich completed 1. Add a paper doll slot for the tank. on Make tank part of paper doll UI6 hours ago
Vyacheslav Sedovich (vyacheslavsedovich)Vyacheslav Sedovich added Checklist to Make tank part of paper doll UI6 hours ago
Vyacheslav Sedovich (vyacheslavsedovich)Vyacheslav Sedovich moved Make tank part of paper doll UI from To Do to Doing
Oh, nice; not sure about that Tank Recipie, though. No more making tanks willy-nilly. How many slots in the paper doll will we have for tanks? Possibly two; that's about the amount a diver can carry on his back. Hmmm...
I reckon it's the opposite, low LODs for faraway objects. Hopefully solve the distance pop-ins for most of the fish.
Ah, okay.
From what I understand, each of the new tanks will be worth two of the old tanks. However, only the tank in the paper doll slot will work. Not sure if we will be able to switch a tank in our inventory with the tank in the paper doll slot. Although realistically, no diver would use a tank that can only store a minute of air.
Add a paper doll slot for the tank.
Change the high-capacity tank to also be slotted into the paper doll.
Change basic tank recipe to 4 titanium and 1 glass.
Count oxygen value of the oxygen tank in slot
Change tank code so it doesn't count the number you have, but instead, your O2 and
swimming speed are equivalent to the current game with 2 tanks.
Balance the high-capacity tank to be equivalent to the current game with 2 high-capacity tanks.
Make sure that the new Tank slot is added after loading old savegames
(The above have been done; below is to be done)
Make sure that Tank is unregistered in OxygenManager when it is used in crafting PlasteelTank or HighCapacityTank
Make sure that player death will unregister Tank in OxygenManager
TODO 2 0%
use (LMB) equippable item to put it onto the paper doll (use signals to put on the paperdoll)
use (LMB) bindable item to put it in the quickslots
alt use (RMB) should switch container only if you're using an actual physical container in the world
alt use (RMB) should drop item otherwise
This is gonna be so nifty when it's implemented... so close, now. Also the Coral Reef Tree Mushrooms will be getting their LODs. It's so amazing that we even have the privilege of seeing this game/watching this game be developed at all! We're extremely lucky that the Subnautica Devs are so awesome. They could 'close' everything down and keep it all 'behind closed doors' but they don't; instead they have the trello, they've 'opened it up' and we get to see it and comment on it and the Devs respond...
We are so lucky.
Michael Schouten removed Louis Karim from Add uraninite crystal spawns to world 2 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten joined Add uraninite crystal spawns to world 2 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Louis Karim to Add uraninite crystal spawns to world 2 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Add uraninite crystal spawns to world to To Do 2 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Jake Smith to Add sea treaders to world. 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten joined Add sea treaders to world. 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Add sea treaders to world. to To Do 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten joined Complete abandoned bases. 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten joined Finish new aurora room gating, effects and item spawning. 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Sylvain Hel to Finish new aurora room gating, effects and item spawning. 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Finish new aurora room gating, effects and item spawning. to To Do 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten joined Move escape pods to grassy plateaus from safe shallows and kelp forest. 4 hours ago
Michael Schouten (michaelschouten)Michael Schouten added Move escape pods to grassy plateaus from safe shallows and kelp forest. to To Do
Looks like a major roadmap shift will soon come. Or the machinery work has already been done, forgotten to show on Trello and will just need to be updated on Trello soon.
But I really like the uranite crystals. I hope they get placed under earth like those mercury you need to find with the scanner room and drill out with the exosuit.
I forgot:
Lots of work I saw on Trello went into LOD work for creatures and plants. That's necessary as hunting bugs, but won't bring us new gameplay elements. Unfortunately.
Right now my favorite thing that does show on it as being worked on are LODs for the mushroom forest and other plants. (YES!) Finally they won't just pop into existence.
If the Devs are still planning on an August Launch Date, then they are biting off more than they can chew. If they are planning for a more realistic Launch Date like November, then they still have plenty of time.
And what's this '1.0' thing, anyway. For all we know 1.0 to newcomers just might be "Feature Complete Stable Build xxxxxxx" to us (early access/experimental players) and the Devs will just keep adding to experimental then release another stable build as 2.0 or whatever.
We're aiming for August, but it's not set in stone. It's good to have a target to help keep focus even if that target eventually has to change.
As long as it is not set in stone. Too many games have suffered due to fixed deadlines.
They already did that with the sea emperor video more than a year ago, feeding everyone's belief that they could also animate this thing. Now the game is almost finished and the creature is implemented roughly, but it will take months for the devs to do and tune awesome animations with this beast (assuming possitively they can and will do so). That's good for a Xmas 2016 release schedule, but for August the sea dragon and emperor would just be needed to cut down to not so awesome "dukes of death".
The reason is simple: It all depends on the right (but complicated) tentacle animations to make them awesome. The tentacles and claws must also interact physically with their prey. Really very, very difficult. And if this gets cut out of the game (it was never really promised to get inside, all just imaginations from players looking at the video), then a lot of players will get disappointed. I mean a lot of reviews were based on this unspoken promise of a tentacled giant beast inside the game. Of course it's possible to live with a ramming and claw striking sea dragon, but even then the movement without smooth animated tentacles flowing naturally with the motion would leave the sea dragon look like it looks now. Stiff. Very, very stiff. And I haven't even addressed clipping problems like with the reaper. Or the problem how to deal with the cyclops that is invincible at this time, but has no drive to escape such a fast beast if the sea dragon could hurt it. If the cyclops stays invincible, then people won't fear the dragon, if not the cyclops can't escape the dragon.
Which would address the next problem: Driving a usable Cyclops. No fear for the player inside an invincible sub. No fun to drive this sub that can't accelerate, tilt or roll and thus being unable to navigate dynamically around targets. If a sea dragon could damage the sub, the controls wouldn't allow any escape at all. The sub is also not fun to drive because the controls are still too limited. A lot of rework has to be done for the cyclops. And feedback from players gathered with the new sub controls. But then the problem would be, what would happen when you exit a tilted and rolled sub cockpit in mid of motion. You couldn't have walking animations. Just look what happens when you get the cyclops to sink or fly, exit the cockpit and try to walk. The walking animations don't work anymore.
A third problem I see is the missing creature AI that would allow rich environmental interaction and natural animal behaviour as well as creatures attacking with schemes and strategies and the player defending a base against creatures (not even speaking about what happens if your base at the other end of the world gets attacked while you are preoccupied somewhere else). Right now there isn't much of a creature - creature interaction matrix. Reapers tend to ignore prey like sandsharks and prefer player only. And if there is, like with biters, stalkers, sandsharks and bleeders, then it's a blind everyone tries to kill everyone. Not much to ignore, really flee, get into symbiosis or advanced interactions. Much too much that is missing and assuming they know how to programm real good looking creature AI.
Finally a short summary:
Not speaking about cutting deep content (1500-3000m), LR areas or still a lot of areas to fill and things to implement. These are calculatable problems that take time or can be cut. Also not speaking about pleasing the people that miss MP or weapons.
I would love to see you finish all in August and accept a lot of cuts of content I've never seen or been shown as coming, like more than 2 LR areas or deeper than 1500m caves. I would care more about polishing the actual game elements to make them awesome and fun to play. This alone, I think, will take you far beyond the August schedule. But the focus on August will surely help you keep the pace.
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed membrane tree on Plant LODs 22 minutes ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed twisty bridges large blue barnacles (too solid. No Anim) on Plant LODs 24 minutes ago
Andrew Jones (acwjones)Andrew Jones moved Blood Kelp 2 detail pass 2 from Doing to Done
B65 Machine Update Date TBA an hour ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed blue coral tubes on Plant LODs 2 hours ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed spike trap on Plant LODs 2 hours ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed koosh bush on Plant LODs 2 hours ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed floating pods on Plant LODs 2 hours ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed coral trees on Plant LODs 3 hours ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed giant kelp plants on Plant LODs 3 hours ago
Brandt Wojak (brandtwojak)Brandt Wojak completed mohawk plant on Plant LODs 3 hours ago
Scott "Obraxis" (obraxis)Scott "Obraxis" moved Seatreader turning from Doing to Done B65 Machine Update Date TBA 6 hours ago
Scott "Obraxis" (obraxis)
Scott "Obraxis" on Seatreader turning
Igor added the turn programming in 32012
*** What's this? I've never seen a 'Blood Mushroom.' Is he talking about the Deep Shrooms, as in the Mushrooms found in the Blood Kelp Biome? It would be awesome if there was a blood-red coloured mushroom found in the red blood-grass plateaus...
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>
Didn't say indoors. Looks like outdoor model improvement. They seem to get rid of the ugly placeholders now. That could mean we'll soon see realistic fragments.
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev moved Floating_storage_cube from Doing to Done B65 Machine Update Date TBA an hour ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev completed merge to main on Floating_storage_cube an hour ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev moved Thermal_reactor from Doing to Done B65 Machine Update Date TBAan hour ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev completed merge to main on Thermal_reactor an
hour ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev completed merge to SRC on Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev completed prefab on Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev completed materials on Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev completed textures on Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s) Sergey Solovyev attached Thermal_reactor_in_game.jpg to Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev added Checklist to Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev joined Thermal_reactor 2 hours ago
Sergey Solovyev (sergey_s)Sergey Solovyev added Thermal_reactor to Doing 2 hours ago
Awww, yeah! (Read from bottom to top.)
Blood Mushroom = Deep Shroom. In our development file system, most of the files associated with them are named some variant on "blood_mushroom".
Floating storage cubes are no longer green boxes!
Though i have to wonder,will it float at the surface like the Mobile Vehicle Bay?Or will it stay the way it is?
If its the former,i feel that it would probably be a bit problematic if you deploy it late game ( out of the safe shallows).If its the latter however,the buoyancy raft around it would probably make it look silly.Either way,it looks amazing
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""><