Some theories I gathered after looking through the forum (POSSIBLE SPOILERS!)
Somewhere Join Date: 2016-05-01 Member: 216238Members

Sooo, I feel like I have to sum up everything that came to my attention so far and made sense to me. As the title states, I do not own these theories, I just wrote everything down that made sense to me (I won't mention names here, because I can't remember where I got which part, so if some author likes to be mentioned here post it below [if you are the real one that is
PS: I wrote everything down first and simply copied it in here
- the reason of the Degasi’s crash
Some voice log (can’t remember which one) tells us, that the Degasi was struck down by some kind of energy. It is not mentioned that it is some laser beam or rocket or whatever, just “energy” – which throws up a lot of questions. How did this energy find its way to the ship? Was it controlled by some other ship, or possibly by someone or something on the planet itself? Is it some kind of weaponized energy wave or is it something natural surrounding the planet like for example a certain layer of atmosphere?
- Crash site not found in the game
Possible explanation: voice logs tell us that the Degasi survivors salvaged all the parts of the Degasi ship, which could mean literally that they used ALL the metal they could salvage. That being said, there won’t be anything left of the Degasi
Another possible explanation: the Degasi will be added later in the game
- the Degasi survivors’ demise
Degasi voice log #6 and especially #7 are interesting. They found a “ship”, which is “glowing” and say that it could belong to this planet. Then they found out that they are infected with some sort of bacteria, which can alter the genetic structure, given enough time. Could be a hint at DNA tampering and experiments done on the planet OR the survivors’ simple assumption: it belongs to the ecosystem of this planet and they (as humans) are not immune/used to it.
If you take a look at the unused voice log 1# (you can look it up on the wiki) you can see that it is 7 years and 146 days old. That’s a long time considering that they crashed on an ALIEN planet. If the survivors went deeper into the planet, their chances of rescue were pretty slim which means that they died on this planet or still live… maybe not as humans, but as something different (some people on this forum say that they may have transformed to warpers, but the warpers are still a mystery as they are not implemented).
There’s also this theory going around that there is a secret organization on this planet and they experiment with DNA. Whether they are some kind of intelligent alien species or actual humans is still up to debate.
Also more hints in voice log “Baat Torgal’s voice log #6?”: Baat talks about “shouldn’t have gone so deep” (jeez, the ambiguity is real ‘:D ) and that “they don’t want us down there”… who are they? And where exactly is “down there”? At which depth or location? Still not really answered in the game (probably because of development of the game, which is totally fine by me
Aaaand yes, the sea emperor is locked up down there in the inactive lava zone, but I will come to that later)
- the reason it crashed on this planet
the Aurora got possibly shot down by the same “energy” like the Degasi, which means that there is more behind it than just some sort of natural energy: someone or something shoots down space ships which come close enough to the planet
- Do the wreck pieces really belong to the Aurora?
That’s really hard to tell because of multiple reasons.
The game is still in development. That means the devs probably just placed the wreck pieces on the map. Or to be more precise: it could be that the devs haven’t programmed the wreck pieces yet (like actually flying through the air after the explosion and landing on a certain point on the map. It could be troublesome to have some player swimming where the wreck piece falls down… Killing the player could be a “quick” solution… a solution which could make hardcore players “unhappy”, to say the least
Or those wreck pieces found are parts that fell off the Aurora while falling down on the planet.
OR: Those pieces do not belong at all to the Aurora. Instead they belong to other ships, or maybe even to the Degasi itself.
- the escape pods
They look really messed up, like something or someone ripped up or actually shot at the life pod. The shooting part coincides with the energy that could have been used to shoot down theses space ships. Maybe a smaller version of the energy cannon that shot down the ships, like a repulsion cannon-like size.
Btw: 3 hours have passed since the planetfall when the game starts… keep that in mind when you’re thinking about that energy-cannon-wielding-alien-extermination-team-killing-all-survivors-theory
Interesting to note is the distress signal sent by life pod 17. Why does our life pod/com relay receive this distress signal? And when we’re already at it: what does this strange message you receive mean? It was something like “You have been down too long in the midnight sea. Oh, don’t you see what I mean?”. Really disturbing tbh ‘:D
Other interesting thoughts:
- the reaper leviathan(s)
Well, the first thing doesn’t really belong in here, but every creature has a name that gives him its “identity”: the peeper, chirping like a bird; the gasopod with his gas sack or gas “pod”; the reefback with a back that looks like some sort of coral formation (reefs consist of corals if you didn’t know :P ); the stalker, which is actually a pretty accurate naming considering its hunting behavior and location as described by the PDA: he waits for prey coming from the safe shallows, therefore “stalking”/lurking around the kelp forest looking for some poor fishy to swim between his calcium-hardened teeth.
Back to the leviathan: what does his name mean? Reaper could be a reference to the actual grim reaper, as he brings death to many players and enough nightmare fuel for an entire space ship crew of players. But I’m just really lazy to look up what leviathan means, it’s getting late, I’m tired and English is not even my first language (German, duh :P).
What’s its purpose? There are many explanations for that.
They could just live right there where the aurora crashed.
Or they are somehow attracted by the radiation coming from the aurora wreck, which brings up another question: why do they stick around when you have fixed the aurora? There are two possible explanations: Either they are not there for the radiation OR they are not programmed that far, meaning that they are not “despawning” because you cleared the area of radiation.
Maybe they are of higher intelligence than we anticipate. They noticed the crash (be it because of a tsunami-like shockwave or just by seeing it falling down from the sky) and headed to the crash site, maybe investigating or looking for some goodies… like survivors :P
And last but not least, they could have been sent by some high intelligence alien species to kill off any survivors they find. Conspiracy theory strikes again :P
Why do they reside exclusively in the dunes and around the crash site? Where’s the connection between these two biomes? [Do they just hang around at that particular biome or did I miss some on my travels in other biomes?] There are also some explanations. I already mentioned it above that it could be possible that they just live there. Maybe because they have enough space to move around or some aquatic reason (fish is very sensitive to changes in water).
OR, the conspiracy theory part, there is some kind of entrance to the location where “they” are.
- the stalker(s)
The first thing I want to say about those things is that they are really interesting and annoying as f*ck at the same time. Players rotting out the ocean? Well, then you certainly didn’t know about the stalker, this thing that eats the whole ocean literally empty if you stick around for too long… especially with the help of his many friends
Jokes aside, I read that I’m not the only one who’s annoyed by that. I also read that the devs are actually working on a special respawn mechanic: fish, which gets eaten or killed by other aggressive fauna, will respawn. Papa bless you, devs (I’m not religious or anything, just watched too much h3h3 ‘:D )
Back to the interesting stuff. Apparently stalkers have the ability to learn. Reward-based learning, which means that they can be trained. BUT it also means that they are capable of understanding patterns and have advanced cognitive abilities. How did it come to such an evolution? Maybe some gene manipulation thingy going on, who knows? And why do they collect wreck pieces? Are they “cleaners” or what? The PDA entry states that the stalker sort of synthesizes metal into calcium which it needs for its teeth – maybe explaining the rapid regrowth of stalker teeth. It doesn’t seem “natural” to me that an animal collects fabricated metal, because it is not naturally generated – except the titanium found in limestone chunks, but then again: why don’t they break limestones instead? Still confuses me a bit.
- sea emperor
Currently, I don’t have much to tell about that thing, except that it is held captive by some secret organization down in the inactive lava zone – which is not really implemented though.
That's everything I got for now and sorry for the long post >.<

PS: I wrote everything down first and simply copied it in here
- the reason of the Degasi’s crash
Some voice log (can’t remember which one) tells us, that the Degasi was struck down by some kind of energy. It is not mentioned that it is some laser beam or rocket or whatever, just “energy” – which throws up a lot of questions. How did this energy find its way to the ship? Was it controlled by some other ship, or possibly by someone or something on the planet itself? Is it some kind of weaponized energy wave or is it something natural surrounding the planet like for example a certain layer of atmosphere?
- Crash site not found in the game
Possible explanation: voice logs tell us that the Degasi survivors salvaged all the parts of the Degasi ship, which could mean literally that they used ALL the metal they could salvage. That being said, there won’t be anything left of the Degasi

Another possible explanation: the Degasi will be added later in the game
- the Degasi survivors’ demise
Degasi voice log #6 and especially #7 are interesting. They found a “ship”, which is “glowing” and say that it could belong to this planet. Then they found out that they are infected with some sort of bacteria, which can alter the genetic structure, given enough time. Could be a hint at DNA tampering and experiments done on the planet OR the survivors’ simple assumption: it belongs to the ecosystem of this planet and they (as humans) are not immune/used to it.
If you take a look at the unused voice log 1# (you can look it up on the wiki) you can see that it is 7 years and 146 days old. That’s a long time considering that they crashed on an ALIEN planet. If the survivors went deeper into the planet, their chances of rescue were pretty slim which means that they died on this planet or still live… maybe not as humans, but as something different (some people on this forum say that they may have transformed to warpers, but the warpers are still a mystery as they are not implemented).
There’s also this theory going around that there is a secret organization on this planet and they experiment with DNA. Whether they are some kind of intelligent alien species or actual humans is still up to debate.
Also more hints in voice log “Baat Torgal’s voice log #6?”: Baat talks about “shouldn’t have gone so deep” (jeez, the ambiguity is real ‘:D ) and that “they don’t want us down there”… who are they? And where exactly is “down there”? At which depth or location? Still not really answered in the game (probably because of development of the game, which is totally fine by me

- the reason it crashed on this planet
the Aurora got possibly shot down by the same “energy” like the Degasi, which means that there is more behind it than just some sort of natural energy: someone or something shoots down space ships which come close enough to the planet
- Do the wreck pieces really belong to the Aurora?
That’s really hard to tell because of multiple reasons.
The game is still in development. That means the devs probably just placed the wreck pieces on the map. Or to be more precise: it could be that the devs haven’t programmed the wreck pieces yet (like actually flying through the air after the explosion and landing on a certain point on the map. It could be troublesome to have some player swimming where the wreck piece falls down… Killing the player could be a “quick” solution… a solution which could make hardcore players “unhappy”, to say the least

Or those wreck pieces found are parts that fell off the Aurora while falling down on the planet.
OR: Those pieces do not belong at all to the Aurora. Instead they belong to other ships, or maybe even to the Degasi itself.
- the escape pods
They look really messed up, like something or someone ripped up or actually shot at the life pod. The shooting part coincides with the energy that could have been used to shoot down theses space ships. Maybe a smaller version of the energy cannon that shot down the ships, like a repulsion cannon-like size.
Btw: 3 hours have passed since the planetfall when the game starts… keep that in mind when you’re thinking about that energy-cannon-wielding-alien-extermination-team-killing-all-survivors-theory

Interesting to note is the distress signal sent by life pod 17. Why does our life pod/com relay receive this distress signal? And when we’re already at it: what does this strange message you receive mean? It was something like “You have been down too long in the midnight sea. Oh, don’t you see what I mean?”. Really disturbing tbh ‘:D
Other interesting thoughts:
- the reaper leviathan(s)
Well, the first thing doesn’t really belong in here, but every creature has a name that gives him its “identity”: the peeper, chirping like a bird; the gasopod with his gas sack or gas “pod”; the reefback with a back that looks like some sort of coral formation (reefs consist of corals if you didn’t know :P ); the stalker, which is actually a pretty accurate naming considering its hunting behavior and location as described by the PDA: he waits for prey coming from the safe shallows, therefore “stalking”/lurking around the kelp forest looking for some poor fishy to swim between his calcium-hardened teeth.
Back to the leviathan: what does his name mean? Reaper could be a reference to the actual grim reaper, as he brings death to many players and enough nightmare fuel for an entire space ship crew of players. But I’m just really lazy to look up what leviathan means, it’s getting late, I’m tired and English is not even my first language (German, duh :P).
What’s its purpose? There are many explanations for that.
They could just live right there where the aurora crashed.
Or they are somehow attracted by the radiation coming from the aurora wreck, which brings up another question: why do they stick around when you have fixed the aurora? There are two possible explanations: Either they are not there for the radiation OR they are not programmed that far, meaning that they are not “despawning” because you cleared the area of radiation.
Maybe they are of higher intelligence than we anticipate. They noticed the crash (be it because of a tsunami-like shockwave or just by seeing it falling down from the sky) and headed to the crash site, maybe investigating or looking for some goodies… like survivors :P
And last but not least, they could have been sent by some high intelligence alien species to kill off any survivors they find. Conspiracy theory strikes again :P
Why do they reside exclusively in the dunes and around the crash site? Where’s the connection between these two biomes? [Do they just hang around at that particular biome or did I miss some on my travels in other biomes?] There are also some explanations. I already mentioned it above that it could be possible that they just live there. Maybe because they have enough space to move around or some aquatic reason (fish is very sensitive to changes in water).
OR, the conspiracy theory part, there is some kind of entrance to the location where “they” are.
- the stalker(s)
The first thing I want to say about those things is that they are really interesting and annoying as f*ck at the same time. Players rotting out the ocean? Well, then you certainly didn’t know about the stalker, this thing that eats the whole ocean literally empty if you stick around for too long… especially with the help of his many friends

Back to the interesting stuff. Apparently stalkers have the ability to learn. Reward-based learning, which means that they can be trained. BUT it also means that they are capable of understanding patterns and have advanced cognitive abilities. How did it come to such an evolution? Maybe some gene manipulation thingy going on, who knows? And why do they collect wreck pieces? Are they “cleaners” or what? The PDA entry states that the stalker sort of synthesizes metal into calcium which it needs for its teeth – maybe explaining the rapid regrowth of stalker teeth. It doesn’t seem “natural” to me that an animal collects fabricated metal, because it is not naturally generated – except the titanium found in limestone chunks, but then again: why don’t they break limestones instead? Still confuses me a bit.
- sea emperor
Currently, I don’t have much to tell about that thing, except that it is held captive by some secret organization down in the inactive lava zone – which is not really implemented though.
That's everything I got for now and sorry for the long post >.<
I'd say something organic in nature has shot down the Aurora and the Degasi. Entirely organic. A creature with the ability to fire off concentrated bursts of energy.