Idea for the Edge of the map.

QuelzothQuelzoth Malaysia Join Date: 2016-05-10 Member: 216597Members
edited May 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I recently saw this discussion, and it gave me an idea for a way to make a definitive "edge" of the playable area, which would still fit in with the games theme (No invisible walls)

Basically my proposal is: At the edge of the normal map, have a Massive dropoff, as intended/currently implemented, but DONT make it bottomless. Make it instead so its Just out of reach, but visible, to show the players that, yes, there is a bottom, and there is NOTHING THERE. Then as the player moves further away from the main map, have Hostile Plant tentacles (Relativly easy to make/animate/texture) that lash out at ANYTHING within their reach, causing an insta kill on a player outside a sub, insta kill on a seamoth, and a 2 hit kill on a cyclops (first hit casuses many hull breaches, second hit destroys) and have the tentacles get bigger with Scaling reach the further away from the main map the player gets (eventually reaching the surface). This gives a clear message to the player: "DONT GO HERE" and can keep a player from just staying in a solar charged seamoth and driving out along the surface. Furthermore, imagine the player experience: You're sailing along in your cyclops, having explored all of the "Main" area, and are now looking around the edges out of bordom. Suddenly, you see what looks like a Tentacle lashing out at you from the darkness surrounding you, Crippeling your cyclops and leaving you startled, then it hits again, and suddenly your safe, mobile base is GONE, and you are surronded by darkness. You notice another tentacle speeding towards you! and... DEAD, respawn (and potentially have nighmares for a few days). This serves as both an excellent motivation to keep the players in the designed areas, and creates a practical wall.
Relativly simple to implement (models can be re-used, just scaled up) and can easily be removed if you want to build more map in its place (actuall terrain would be FLAT)
I got this idea from seeing some concept art on the wiki of a massive area that was filled with hostile tentacles that would attack the cyclops if it had its lights on (can't seem to find it again or I would link it)

comments/ input?

EDIT: Found the concept art that gave me the idea


  • jimmy2jimmy2 US Join Date: 2016-05-02 Member: 216285Members
    I like the idea of a bottom. However, instead of the classic "here be dragons" at the edge of the map just have it be barren emptiness. Nobody is going to spend a lot of time trying to explore it. The impact to game performance of having a seafloor should be minimal to non-existent.
  • QuelzothQuelzoth Malaysia Join Date: 2016-05-10 Member: 216597Members
    @jimmy2 I agree that that is an excellent point, but it doesn't actuall prevent the player from just sailng off into the emptyness, which some people will do just to see how far they can go (Minecraft Farlands anyone?), which could put strain on the game engine and bloat save files. Furthermore wouldn't you find it dissapointing? You upgrade your cyclops the the Max to investicate the mysterious abyss past the edge of the map, only to find you wasted your time to do so. With an active deterrent, at least you have the feeling of having something happen, giving a bit of closure. Futhermore, I personally think that just having a blank slate down there wouldn't really fit with the game, and would kinda break immersion. (just my opion on that ofc)
  • epicwaffle567epicwaffle567 USA Join Date: 2016-04-01 Member: 215176Members
    i like it, could be interesting for some horror aspects
  • QuelzothQuelzoth Malaysia Join Date: 2016-05-10 Member: 216597Members
  • badgerfrothbadgerfroth Darlington UK Join Date: 2016-04-10 Member: 215599Members
    I'm all for falling off the edge of the map and landing with a crash through the roof of Morrisons Supermarket.
  • KaduranKaduran Germany Join Date: 2016-05-17 Member: 216898Members
    i think a unreachable bottom would be nice, but i also like the idea of an unknown lifeform that finish you off if you go to deep. something like an giant anglerfish for example. Pitch Black and than you see some glowing in the dark moving to your location and the last thing you see in the spotlight of the cyclops is a gaping mouth. ^^
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    "Warning, you are leaving the front! Deserters will be shot!"

    Also an insta-kill is quite the nono, it would require a fair bit of warning. I mean the Cyclops isn't exactly maneuverable
  • That_Gaming_Guy1That_Gaming_Guy1 A Strange Water Planet Join Date: 2016-04-30 Member: 216198Members
    well its what ya get for going too far off and too deep
  • MalsqueekMalsqueek United States Join Date: 2016-05-17 Member: 216835Members
    Love the idea, but have the tentacles hit about once every two seconds, and do 10% damage to whatever they hit. Give a distinct music change and have the shadows start shifting once you get over the edge, with the hits starting about 10 seconds in. Couple accidental trips over the edge and players will be good and taught.
  • Phoenix223Phoenix223 Chicago Join Date: 2016-02-18 Member: 213174Members
    edited May 2016
    Malsqueek wrote: »
    Give a distinct music change and have the shadows start shifting once you get over the edge...
    Something creepy that would send a chill down the player's back as they near the boundary, and then the screen turning blood red as the tentacles appear and whack or grab you and pull you down into oblivion! Mwahahahahahah!
  • ifferiffer Join Date: 2005-03-12 Member: 45041Members, Constellation
    I've been assuming that is what the 0 degree water is there to show us... I was going to suggest while still in early release the unfinished biomes could have a little "under construction" barricade for a bit of humor :)
  • njohnson1448njohnson1448 Alabama Join Date: 2016-06-14 Member: 218556Members
    A void creature of some kind would be rather neat, but it'd be rather difficult to keep the realism. I mean, the entire surrounding ocean be filled with plant tentacles, but why not the playable area? What kept the tentacles away? Food for thought
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited June 2016
    A void creature of some kind would be rather neat, but it'd be rather difficult to keep the realism. I mean, the entire surrounding ocean be filled with plant tentacles, but why not the playable area? What kept the tentacles away? Food for thought

    The planet is not a planet but a creature, which has a bald spot. That stuff comes with age... Anyways, we're living in the bald spot...

    /flies away
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