End game ship
Norway Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217308Members

As many of you guys know, the cyclops is the end game submarine. But what if the devolopers would make a gigantic ship to make the game last longer, one of these on this picture from real life. but instead of plane's on the top of the ship, what about seamoths and cyclopses instead. Something that would be nice with this gigantic ship would be to have an cyclops docking station and nuclear reactor's and stuff on this gigantic ship, this might seem like an impossible idea, but i belive that if the devoloper like this idea, we might see it in the far future. If you like this idea please rate it to make it a posebillety in the future and feel fre to comment something it should contain 

I know that this would take a lot of hard drive space, but imagine being able to explore more than one planet?
Problem is, making the planets actually look like planets. I mean, the planet we're in is probably a flat map, but hey.
Look up No Mans Sky!
On another note, Prince... What are the odds that you'd find another waterworld like Mannanan* (the current world)?
*Source: AURORA FALLS by Bugzapper
If a sub's hull can keep water out at any appreciable depth, it's automatically spaceworthy.
I'd like to see either the Shark or Draconis hulls used, as they are absolutely first-rate designs.
But then they again need to make an new game in space if not it would just been an end game travel, than it's kinda an end to the game... but if they manage to make an space thing i guess it would been amaizing!
And ofc they could make an gigantic submarine, but wouldnt it be cool to have an boat to the game. and it would been troubble to navigate with a submarine that large. You would just crash into everything. im not calling the idea foolish, just for me it would seem a little bit of a mess to have a that large submarine, and i would feel a little bit more creepyness from the ocean if i were on an large boat with nice grapichs then jump down in the water and see the creepy cold dar endless ocean.
Yep it would been like no man's sky. You might find a subnautica like planet but you can't gather the titanium and build the stuff from subnautica. So if subnautica were to copy no mans sky it would not been alike.
That was why it were ment to be an boat. Ofcoure do not build it where you spawn in the lifepod. This is an end game ship that is suppost to be your last main base. I might not have understood what you ment but you wrote aircraft carrier, but what i wrote was instead of aircrafts what about an cyclops docking station that can for example actually power the cyclops! so you don't have to make new power cell all the time.
That still sticks to subnautica without a no mans sky feel.. We get our majestic Draconis or "carrier" and All of us get to play this amazing game longer