Let's get thinking! #1
Away from Reapers Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217316Members

If I state anything thats already in the game or something you agree/disagree please voice your opinions!
If you guys would be so kind as to mention either a new topic or choose a topic from this list and write what you have underneath it like I have here, it will make it much easier for me to place it when I update
Many thanks!
Here are the current topics:
Combat and Tagging
Seamoth & Moonpool
New Vehicles
DNA Sampling & Creature Taming
We Want More Space
Coral Reef Preservation
Item Stacking & Resource Reserves
Continued here: http://goo.gl/J43YGg
If you guys would be so kind as to mention either a new topic or choose a topic from this list and write what you have underneath it like I have here, it will make it much easier for me to place it when I update

Many thanks!
Here are the current topics:
I do belive the Dev's are changing the way they look so they won't all be that same placeholder, hopefully that will make searching for them a bit more exciting! I don't like how we find fragments for a propulsion cannon on the sea bed miles from the Aurora for example so maybe hold those for JUST wrecks and/or the Aurora?
We need to see some sort of docking station at least, good news is that it's in development according to Sennera (unconfirmed but afatk). I fail to take that thing anywhere without ALOT of power cells! According to Sennera (full of information this one)
a charging station for cells and/or batteries is in development! Going on from the docking station, I've thought about the ability of extracting all loot we've aquired from the cyclops faster? I mean i've done a quartz run for loads of glass after filling my Cyclops to the brim with lockers, but running back and forth to my base after a trip is tedious!
The Cyclops also needs lights... I mean yeah there is some but we need MUCH brighter ones below and infront so we can see surfaces near us better! Apparently they're being tweaked all the time but who knows? We can hope.
GameyDerp wrote:
"what about adding something like a magnet to the cyclops to grab scrap metal on the ocean floor? then put it into storage, so the player doesn't need to risk dying from creatures while trying to grab it"
Not a bad idea or even a magnet 'box' you can place down near the Aurora to collect metal scraps?
Also I do believe vortex torpedos are being added to the Cyclops but don't hold me to that one!

The Cyclops also needs lights... I mean yeah there is some but we need MUCH brighter ones below and infront so we can see surfaces near us better! Apparently they're being tweaked all the time but who knows? We can hope.
GameyDerp wrote:
"what about adding something like a magnet to the cyclops to grab scrap metal on the ocean floor? then put it into storage, so the player doesn't need to risk dying from creatures while trying to grab it"
Not a bad idea or even a magnet 'box' you can place down near the Aurora to collect metal scraps?
Also I do believe vortex torpedos are being added to the Cyclops but don't hold me to that one!
Combat and Tagging
TaiphozReal wrote: world science discovered the reason behind great white sharks vanishing from one if their primary feeding grounds was due to orca eating one of them, sharks smell their iwn blood freak out and dont come back for weeks or months.
How about we use the dna syringe thingy that's in dev to sample a predators blood, with this we craft a predator repelent specific to the species, item should be worn in one if the temp, compass slots, while worn that species will avoid the player." So kind of like a Stasis rifle but used as a way to scare off a creature.
My first reaction to this was "Brilliant idea, I fail to see why people don't like it." but then another user Sennera wrote: We're assuming that the behaviors of great white sharks can apply to an alien species."
After a bit of thought and digging around on the net there is another argument: "Yeah we're up against completely alien creatures... but then again we're looking at alien creatures on an earth-like planet, creatures do seem to swim away when hearing the Cyclops horn and if you think about it that's earth-like creature behaviour it's what we as humans know and that reflects from the developers to the game." Weighing it up though... with both these arguments presented and analyzed, so far I really dont see this being passed just yet.
There is very limited combat in this game and personally I prefer it this way! Being able to defend yourself is great but moving into a shooter game is a no no with this one! Harpoons, knives, stun guns and all other DEFENSIVE style weapons are great but as soon as the Dev's start putting 'deadly' weapons into the game i'm out as far as i'm concerned. I'm sure I have a LARGE group of people behind me that feel the same way. I've had the idea of possibly a squence of buttons to press when say a Reaper grabs you to escape and maybe stun the creature giving you enough time to escape. Creatures like this should (in my opinion) act like 'bosses' that you CANNOT harm but maybe later on you can shoot a tag like a tracking device so you know certain creatures whereabouts! Credit - ralij.
I have changed my idea of trying to anchor a Reaper to capture/tranquilize it for reasearch after Sennera wrote:
You seen the size of that beast? You're not anchoring it to anything. The idea would be moot once the much much larger sea dragon and sea emperor are put in. Don't treat leviathans as monsters to combat, incapacitate, or kill; treat them as natural disasters and environmental hazards." Yeahhh.. point taken.
anuahhahee wrote:
"Maybe in Future some system in suit that alerts you about animals going to combat mode (seeing you). System with adrenaline that will inject in your body if our life is threatened and it would Slow the Time to React xD"
Yeah I like this idea! Being able to monitor brain activity or something of creatures nearby?
Leviathan_Nadia mentioned mountable fish, being able to maybe build a saddle to ride a tammed sand shark would be cool but I honestly have no idea what the majority of Subnautica players would say to that??
How about we use the dna syringe thingy that's in dev to sample a predators blood, with this we craft a predator repelent specific to the species, item should be worn in one if the temp, compass slots, while worn that species will avoid the player." So kind of like a Stasis rifle but used as a way to scare off a creature.
My first reaction to this was "Brilliant idea, I fail to see why people don't like it." but then another user Sennera wrote: We're assuming that the behaviors of great white sharks can apply to an alien species."
After a bit of thought and digging around on the net there is another argument: "Yeah we're up against completely alien creatures... but then again we're looking at alien creatures on an earth-like planet, creatures do seem to swim away when hearing the Cyclops horn and if you think about it that's earth-like creature behaviour it's what we as humans know and that reflects from the developers to the game." Weighing it up though... with both these arguments presented and analyzed, so far I really dont see this being passed just yet.
There is very limited combat in this game and personally I prefer it this way! Being able to defend yourself is great but moving into a shooter game is a no no with this one! Harpoons, knives, stun guns and all other DEFENSIVE style weapons are great but as soon as the Dev's start putting 'deadly' weapons into the game i'm out as far as i'm concerned. I'm sure I have a LARGE group of people behind me that feel the same way. I've had the idea of possibly a squence of buttons to press when say a Reaper grabs you to escape and maybe stun the creature giving you enough time to escape. Creatures like this should (in my opinion) act like 'bosses' that you CANNOT harm but maybe later on you can shoot a tag like a tracking device so you know certain creatures whereabouts! Credit - ralij.
I have changed my idea of trying to anchor a Reaper to capture/tranquilize it for reasearch after Sennera wrote:
You seen the size of that beast? You're not anchoring it to anything. The idea would be moot once the much much larger sea dragon and sea emperor are put in. Don't treat leviathans as monsters to combat, incapacitate, or kill; treat them as natural disasters and environmental hazards." Yeahhh.. point taken.
anuahhahee wrote:
"Maybe in Future some system in suit that alerts you about animals going to combat mode (seeing you). System with adrenaline that will inject in your body if our life is threatened and it would Slow the Time to React xD"
Yeah I like this idea! Being able to monitor brain activity or something of creatures nearby?
Leviathan_Nadia mentioned mountable fish, being able to maybe build a saddle to ride a tammed sand shark would be cool but I honestly have no idea what the majority of Subnautica players would say to that??
I did come up with a possible idea of developing gills as we've been on this planet for so long but my idea quickly got shut down by Sennera who rightly pointed this out:
This would revolutionize the game's concept, as in it changes the game's basic design dramatically when the game's design is almost complete. It's like asking an author to rewrite his entire manuscript in a slightly different theme when he's on the last steps to publish his book.
As for gills, Wikipedia has a nice article explaining how many liters/gallons of water would have to go through said gills per minute to keep an adult human alive. It's 192 liters or 51 US gallons per minute." Well thats A LOT of water... for sure haha!
So... with Evolution out the window I was thinking along the lines of a leveling system, being able to interact with your character and have some sense of connection with at least some sort of objective in mind rather than this, using my brothers words "fancy editing camera wizzing about the map". A very BASIC leveling system with health, oxygen and stamina at the core which could influence all sorts or things ranging from swim speed to equipment worn.
This would revolutionize the game's concept, as in it changes the game's basic design dramatically when the game's design is almost complete. It's like asking an author to rewrite his entire manuscript in a slightly different theme when he's on the last steps to publish his book.
As for gills, Wikipedia has a nice article explaining how many liters/gallons of water would have to go through said gills per minute to keep an adult human alive. It's 192 liters or 51 US gallons per minute." Well thats A LOT of water... for sure haha!
So... with Evolution out the window I was thinking along the lines of a leveling system, being able to interact with your character and have some sense of connection with at least some sort of objective in mind rather than this, using my brothers words "fancy editing camera wizzing about the map". A very BASIC leveling system with health, oxygen and stamina at the core which could influence all sorts or things ranging from swim speed to equipment worn.
Silly little thing probably not worth mentioning but being able to gather certain items for example; mushrooms, coral and plants to turn into dyes to 'pimp out' the base such as the overall colour scheme of the base and/or flooring?
Larger aggresive creatures can attack your base EVEN in the shallows alongside a large amount of defence upgrades like sonar, eletrical fences (maybe drains LARGE amounts of energy so when it's offline you're vunreble to attacks, remote operated sentry turrets which drain EXCESSIVE amounts of power or VERY low charge rate but able to deal HEAVY damage on direct hit to creatures who then may retreat?
Possibly it's a good idea making power an EXTREMELY difficult thing to come by but when I say difficult I mean not tedious and boring just HARD so adding to the cost of making power producing stations by a LARGE amount would, in my opinion, help focus the players time and reasources and one would feel very satisfied making a fully operational, self sustained defensive FORTRESS because well... I know I would!
Finn_Heck wrote:
"I think a cool idea is to be able to make robots that can get recources from another base (if you have one) and bring it to another one of your bases. What do you think?"
Robots sound a bit or an odd choice for this game personally but the idea of quickly transferring items isn't a bad one. This got me thinking of a way of teleporting? I'll talk about that in the character section as well but maybe a way of moving items over distance quickly using some sort of teleportation device? I don't really know what I think of the idea to be honest but who knows, the majority of players might love it!
Thanks for your input Finn_Heck! It is a great idea, i'm unsure it if suits the game the whole robot thing though.
Larger aggresive creatures can attack your base EVEN in the shallows alongside a large amount of defence upgrades like sonar, eletrical fences (maybe drains LARGE amounts of energy so when it's offline you're vunreble to attacks, remote operated sentry turrets which drain EXCESSIVE amounts of power or VERY low charge rate but able to deal HEAVY damage on direct hit to creatures who then may retreat?
Possibly it's a good idea making power an EXTREMELY difficult thing to come by but when I say difficult I mean not tedious and boring just HARD so adding to the cost of making power producing stations by a LARGE amount would, in my opinion, help focus the players time and reasources and one would feel very satisfied making a fully operational, self sustained defensive FORTRESS because well... I know I would!
Finn_Heck wrote:
"I think a cool idea is to be able to make robots that can get recources from another base (if you have one) and bring it to another one of your bases. What do you think?"
Robots sound a bit or an odd choice for this game personally but the idea of quickly transferring items isn't a bad one. This got me thinking of a way of teleporting? I'll talk about that in the character section as well but maybe a way of moving items over distance quickly using some sort of teleportation device? I don't really know what I think of the idea to be honest but who knows, the majority of players might love it!
Thanks for your input Finn_Heck! It is a great idea, i'm unsure it if suits the game the whole robot thing though.
Seamoth & Moonpool
Sometimes when I dive down the mini sub does a couple of barrel rolls and I end up no knowing what angle im at! Just having some kind of level hud a bit like battlefield aircraft have would be great! I noticed this after reading post from another user so credit - frazmi
Sennera wrote:
I like the idea of a HUD on the seamoth. In general, all the vehicles should have basic navigation displays for operating on alien planets. However, that would probably mean adding magnetite to the requirements. Perhaps the version of the seamoth provided for surviving has had the navigation equipment stripped in case magnetite isn't available on the planet?
I like the thought of it being stripped, maybe having to go back into the Aurora to the 'control deck' to retrieve the hud upgrade that permanently unlocks for all vehicles.
anuahhahee wrote:
"Seamoth. It would be cool to check inventory in you Seamoth xD and to place items from your inventory to Seamoth xD.
Having the ability to store items while INSIDE the Seamoth is a fantastic idea, if you have the storage upgrade equipped obviously!
Sennera wrote:
"I REALLY REALLY want to be able to manage my inventory inside the seamoth. I just want to eat my snacks without having to climb out
I feel ya! It's frustrating.
Hopefully we soon see the moonpool repairing the mini sub upon docking. MOONPOOL would look pretty cool if it was filled with water with closing doors once the Seamoth is fully docked and a water draining system activates- credit darrenkocay.
Say you open the bay doors before sealing the bulkheads then your base floods... I personally like the idea, quite realistic.
Sennera wrote:
I like the idea of a HUD on the seamoth. In general, all the vehicles should have basic navigation displays for operating on alien planets. However, that would probably mean adding magnetite to the requirements. Perhaps the version of the seamoth provided for surviving has had the navigation equipment stripped in case magnetite isn't available on the planet?

I like the thought of it being stripped, maybe having to go back into the Aurora to the 'control deck' to retrieve the hud upgrade that permanently unlocks for all vehicles.
anuahhahee wrote:
"Seamoth. It would be cool to check inventory in you Seamoth xD and to place items from your inventory to Seamoth xD.
Having the ability to store items while INSIDE the Seamoth is a fantastic idea, if you have the storage upgrade equipped obviously!
Sennera wrote:
"I REALLY REALLY want to be able to manage my inventory inside the seamoth. I just want to eat my snacks without having to climb out

I feel ya! It's frustrating.
Hopefully we soon see the moonpool repairing the mini sub upon docking. MOONPOOL would look pretty cool if it was filled with water with closing doors once the Seamoth is fully docked and a water draining system activates- credit darrenkocay.
Say you open the bay doors before sealing the bulkheads then your base floods... I personally like the idea, quite realistic.
New Vehicles
One argument is why... the thought of 'loads' more vehicles being added is pointless... I CAN say that I like seeing the concept art people are doing for this topic! What's the point in having ALL the vehicles on a planet that you're trying to 'survive' on... On the other hand you can (if you have the reasources) so why not?
Concept art for this game! Some of you may have seen a couple but please if anyone can draw then send it in! Don't be shy, you never know, the Devs might like to ask your permission to design off your design!
One users thoughts, Sennera wrote:
It takes a very long time to put vehicles in a game like this, and in a survival situation being redundant with vehicle functions would be a waste of resources. Keeping the game's code simple with 3 vehicles is best, and having those 3 vehicles cover the essentials is enough in my opinion. Cyclops for mobile base and carrier, Seamoth for your 'farm truck', Exosuit for your 'tractor'.
Thanks for your input Sennera, much appreciated!
Concept art for this game! Some of you may have seen a couple but please if anyone can draw then send it in! Don't be shy, you never know, the Devs might like to ask your permission to design off your design!
One users thoughts, Sennera wrote:
It takes a very long time to put vehicles in a game like this, and in a survival situation being redundant with vehicle functions would be a waste of resources. Keeping the game's code simple with 3 vehicles is best, and having those 3 vehicles cover the essentials is enough in my opinion. Cyclops for mobile base and carrier, Seamoth for your 'farm truck', Exosuit for your 'tractor'.
Thanks for your input Sennera, much appreciated!
Besides the scanner room mini map, we need a possible means of drawing a DETAILED map of places we've been to, maybe even a room dedicated to producing a holographic image of the entire map (once area has been searched/scanned) with a way of seeing your beacons there too? For now a simple biome map in-game and possibly within vehicles would be awesome! Unsure if the current scanner room can complete these actions?
DNA Sampling & Creature Taming
I personally would LOVE to see animal taming in this game! Here's some information from a couple of other users:
Taiphoz wrote:
"Real world science discovered the reason behind Great White Sharks vanishing from one if their primary feeding grounds was due to Orca eating one of them, Sharks smell their own blood, freak out and don't come back for weeks or months.
How about we use the DNA syringe thats in development to sample a predators blood, with this we craft a predator repelent specific to the species, item should be worn in one of the temperature or compass slots, while worn that species will avoid the player."
Sennera wrote:
The devs already have DNA research planned out and to introduce new elements to that system would likely interrupt development. Creature taming is already becoming a thing, at least in some form, with the Cutefish. As for repellent I think the devs have something lined up in DNA research and besides, why would alien creatures share the behaviors of the great white shark?
Who knows? Nevertheless I like the ideas guys!
Taiphoz wrote:
"Real world science discovered the reason behind Great White Sharks vanishing from one if their primary feeding grounds was due to Orca eating one of them, Sharks smell their own blood, freak out and don't come back for weeks or months.
How about we use the DNA syringe thats in development to sample a predators blood, with this we craft a predator repelent specific to the species, item should be worn in one of the temperature or compass slots, while worn that species will avoid the player."
Sennera wrote:
The devs already have DNA research planned out and to introduce new elements to that system would likely interrupt development. Creature taming is already becoming a thing, at least in some form, with the Cutefish. As for repellent I think the devs have something lined up in DNA research and besides, why would alien creatures share the behaviors of the great white shark?
Who knows? Nevertheless I like the ideas guys!
We Want More Space
We have this huge, sorry... I mean HUUUUGGGEEE, ocean to explore and build yet we're only capable of building tiny little tubes and small round buildings!
Some other users came up with some great ideas here:
WizardKagdan wrote:
"In the current multipurpose rooms, placing an aquarium or any furniture in the middle will make the room a bit of a mess to navigate, and the rooms are a bit small for my taste. My idea is to make it possible to place a second multipurpose room in the now blocked "tile" right next to the first, where they overlap, and then they merge by forming two straight walls between them, making it one big oval room. Or maybe this could be a blueprint to unlock... but yeah, you get the idea. Bigger rooms to decorate with lovely furniture, in the end leading to getting large multi-story halls? That stuff would be awesome.".
egv78 wrote:
"Why not a base, erm, base? That is, a single room that is the beginning of the base and contains the (interactive) base computer, a galley, a shower / refresher room (I can't be the only one bothered by games that ignore basic hygiene, can I?), etc. Only one per base allowed.
I'd even be tempted to suggest that more of the base blueprints must be found. Maybe you only start with the beginning structure and have to find multipurpose room, connectors, etc."
Sennera wrote:
"Modularity and utilitarianism is a strong theme in this game (both futuristic concepts I guess), so was born the corridor and the multi-purpose room. They're modular in how you can attach things like reinforcements/windows/water filtration machines and they're utilitarian in how they're shaped to withstand the pressure of the surrounding ocean while providing as much comfortable space as possible. Still, I'm sure we can expect more habitat modules incoming as they continue to flesh out seabases. There are already beds incoming, so I wouldn't be surprised if showers and galleys, or even rectangular moonpool-sized rooms, are in the future
Loving these ideas guys! Personally i'm wanting to see square rooms for a change, maybe something we can scan from wrecks or, like egv78 mentioned, going to the Aurora (crashed ship) and finding rooms to scan as blueprints?
Some other users came up with some great ideas here:
WizardKagdan wrote:
"In the current multipurpose rooms, placing an aquarium or any furniture in the middle will make the room a bit of a mess to navigate, and the rooms are a bit small for my taste. My idea is to make it possible to place a second multipurpose room in the now blocked "tile" right next to the first, where they overlap, and then they merge by forming two straight walls between them, making it one big oval room. Or maybe this could be a blueprint to unlock... but yeah, you get the idea. Bigger rooms to decorate with lovely furniture, in the end leading to getting large multi-story halls? That stuff would be awesome.".
egv78 wrote:
"Why not a base, erm, base? That is, a single room that is the beginning of the base and contains the (interactive) base computer, a galley, a shower / refresher room (I can't be the only one bothered by games that ignore basic hygiene, can I?), etc. Only one per base allowed.
I'd even be tempted to suggest that more of the base blueprints must be found. Maybe you only start with the beginning structure and have to find multipurpose room, connectors, etc."
Sennera wrote:
"Modularity and utilitarianism is a strong theme in this game (both futuristic concepts I guess), so was born the corridor and the multi-purpose room. They're modular in how you can attach things like reinforcements/windows/water filtration machines and they're utilitarian in how they're shaped to withstand the pressure of the surrounding ocean while providing as much comfortable space as possible. Still, I'm sure we can expect more habitat modules incoming as they continue to flesh out seabases. There are already beds incoming, so I wouldn't be surprised if showers and galleys, or even rectangular moonpool-sized rooms, are in the future

Loving these ideas guys! Personally i'm wanting to see square rooms for a change, maybe something we can scan from wrecks or, like egv78 mentioned, going to the Aurora (crashed ship) and finding rooms to scan as blueprints?
Coral Reef Preservation
This is one users idea on how we could save the Coral Reef from ourselves seeing as (in one of my saves at least) there is NO more coral around my base.
If anyone has anymore ideas on this subject please feel free to throw YOUR two cents in too!
With the theme of conservation in mind (and no small amount of guilt at destroying a number of coral communities to make way for my base) there should be a way to create reefs. There are the external beds, but you can't put in the ambient grass species, the table coral, the shelf coral (or whatever the common coral samples come from), the algae that seems to form the base of the coral communities, that heavily ridged coral that seems to grow under a number of coral communities and possibly a few others. We know how much damage coral destruction can cause in our own world so a way to mitigate that damage would be nice, especially since you need so many coral samples for crafting.
So my idea to solve this is to make craftable reef balls.
Over time and with a couple of stages they could produce an assortment of new corals for the environment (or for crafting so you dont have to massacre the reef any more). Perhaps the first stage the coralline algae grows over it, the second stage has polyps, and the third stage is fully grown corals.
Perhaps as a bonus there could be other small creatures inside it that might be usable like shrimp, anenomies and clownfish (if the world has a parallel anyway) and maybe find a Garyfish hiding in it or a Boomarang having lunch on the corals.
Another two cents. Cheers.
If anyone has anymore ideas on this subject please feel free to throw YOUR two cents in too!
Item Stacking & Resource Reserves
Wow. Just wow. I may or may not have been able to come up with this myself but this is simply a brilliant idea, being able to stack items may not be the best way to go if the Devs are wanting to keep the game somewhat realistic but here's a few comments from some other users for you guys to consider!
Shiruxriu wrote:
"The problem with that is that the game focuses on realism a bit more than most survival games to date, I believe the devs made it the way they do because the Items above, save for the computer chips, are heavy in real life, air tanks are surprisingly heavy for being full of air and titanium on its own is ridiculously heavy. Your character is kind of already not semi-realistic, and it makes it to where what your character is carrying, realistically speaking are all really heavy items. Stacking would be cool but I do believe the game would lose a lot of the feel it already has.
Personally, I much prefer the inability to have items stack, it requires more of a conservative approach to gathering resources from the depths and far away biomes. This is because managing the inventory you have requires you to plan your trips out in order to survive properly."
Like I mentioned before, stacking could possibly remove a large amount of difficulty from the game and making it a bit more fast pace which, in all honesty, is not what this game needs right now but... moving on to another user:
Phoenix223 wrote:
"Perhaps "stacking" is too much to ask for, but what about silos? I've suggested this before in Lyeaux's thread, but if there was a silo module for holding titanium and other raw or crafting materials (anything not final tier), it would free up more space in storage lockers for other materials, tools and spoils. Each module would have four silos, each holding 100 (+ upgrades) of a single type of material."
Damn, thinking about it... why do we not have this!?
"Also, the devs could make it so the fabricator draws from these silos, like a crafting pool."<- Original author: Lyeaux
Sennera wrote:
"-Inventory stuff
A large (larger than lockers) storage space would be cool for storing tons of titanium, but it would need a new storage system. On top of that how many resources would you need a huge amount of storage space for?"
Well all in all I would love to stock up on building supplies for starters! Yeah I could just go into creative but that takes away the sense of accomplishment!
Shiruxriu wrote:
"The problem with that is that the game focuses on realism a bit more than most survival games to date, I believe the devs made it the way they do because the Items above, save for the computer chips, are heavy in real life, air tanks are surprisingly heavy for being full of air and titanium on its own is ridiculously heavy. Your character is kind of already not semi-realistic, and it makes it to where what your character is carrying, realistically speaking are all really heavy items. Stacking would be cool but I do believe the game would lose a lot of the feel it already has.
Personally, I much prefer the inability to have items stack, it requires more of a conservative approach to gathering resources from the depths and far away biomes. This is because managing the inventory you have requires you to plan your trips out in order to survive properly."
Like I mentioned before, stacking could possibly remove a large amount of difficulty from the game and making it a bit more fast pace which, in all honesty, is not what this game needs right now but... moving on to another user:
Phoenix223 wrote:
"Perhaps "stacking" is too much to ask for, but what about silos? I've suggested this before in Lyeaux's thread, but if there was a silo module for holding titanium and other raw or crafting materials (anything not final tier), it would free up more space in storage lockers for other materials, tools and spoils. Each module would have four silos, each holding 100 (+ upgrades) of a single type of material."
Damn, thinking about it... why do we not have this!?
"Also, the devs could make it so the fabricator draws from these silos, like a crafting pool."<- Original author: Lyeaux
Sennera wrote:
"-Inventory stuff
A large (larger than lockers) storage space would be cool for storing tons of titanium, but it would need a new storage system. On top of that how many resources would you need a huge amount of storage space for?"
Well all in all I would love to stock up on building supplies for starters! Yeah I could just go into creative but that takes away the sense of accomplishment!
Continued here: http://goo.gl/J43YGg
I've never liked the Vertical Connectors; they're like these thin 'sticks' 'holding up' the room(s) you make on top of them. Big thick 'weighty' connectors are what we need, that 'match' the rooms they're connecting to.
More connection points for bases
I want to be able to build around rocks and features in biomes without wrecking them and place rooms at 45 degree angles, please.
More wonderful 'props' and clutter for bases to make them feel lived in, ornaments, models, souvenirs we can put on shelves.
A small personal aquarium you can put in a 'bedroom' to house a unique pet like the cutefish, or a stalker you raised.
'Room' Aquarium for studying the largest of creatures...
Hatches-to-Airlocks / Depressurization / Re-pressurization???
1. Character customization
2. Probably corpses, lootable ones
3. Mountable fishes etc..
4. More land creatures
5. Multiplayer/Co-op option
6. Somewhat "Back to main menu" from game
8. Breeding similar types of creatures, so you'd get new ones..?
9. They're adding twisty bridges soon, and somehow I started thinking that it would be cool if it was from somewhat giant tentacle-creature, and it be moving a little bit
10. Insect!
11. Probz new type of fish, that'd have something like Alpha, Beta... etc behaviour and color maybe size and health would be different between those ranks.
12. Genders!
13. Plant, that would "hide" in its leaves at night
'd try to get more soon, that's what I got now
Take it easy! Be sure to keep checking up on this post as im updating it daily.
Thank you, much appreciated!
Actually i've been meaning to read your post and all the comments for a while but i've had my mind on writing a multiplayer section and there is just so much to go over! I have been thinking of your idea of an end game ship and have written down some ideas I think you all will enjoy! I'll get round to it soon though, don't worry!
Thanks again! Any other ideas feel free to post them here. Im slowly making my way through all posts to get more ideas
*UPDATE* Done! Hope I covered your topic alright, just my opinions really!
Right now I feel like cyclops/seamoth fragments are set up pretty nice. Part of the difficulty in finding fragments will be picking out their shape on the seafloor once they're no longer an obvious placeholder. Still, I can get my fragments without ever building a laser cutter so removing almost all of some (i.e., propulsion cannon, things that would logically be inside a sealed room) from the exterior of wrecks and placing a bunch (3+) inside of them would necessitate wreck exploration.
A cyclops berth is in the development roadmap for this year afaik. Power cell and battery rechargers should be in the next major update as you can currently remove empty batteries from tools, so you'll be able to pull your cells out of your cyclops to recharge in a base. The lights are being tweaked constantly; current stable you can't see anything with the floodlights on but supposedly that's fixed in experimental.
You seen the size of that beast? You're not anchoring it to anything. The idea would be moot once the much much larger sea dragon and sea emperor are put in. Don't treat leviathans as monsters to combat, incapacitate, or kill; treat them as natural disasters and environmental hazards.
This would revolutionize the game's concept, as in it changes the game's basic design dramatically when the game's design is almost complete. It's like asking an author to rewrite his entire manuscript in a slightly different theme when he's on the last steps to publish his book.
As for gills, Wikipedia has a nice article explaining how many liters/gallons of water would have to go through said gills per minute to keep an adult human alive. It's 192 liters or 51 US gallons per minute.
I like the idea of a HUD on the seamoth. In general, all the vehicles should have basic navigation displays for operating on alien planets. However, that would probably mean adding magnetite to the requirements. Perhaps the version of the seamoth provided for surviving has had the navigation equipment stripped in case magnetite isn't available on the planet?
-New Vehicles
It takes a very long time to put vehicles in a game like this, and in a survival situation being redundant with vehicle functions would be a waste of resources. Keeping the game's code simple with 3 vehicles is best, and having those 3 vehicles cover the essentials is enough in my opinion. Cyclops for mobile base and carrier, Seamoth for your 'farm truck', Exosuit for your 'tractor'.
-DNA sampling & creature taming
The devs already have DNA research planned out and to introduce new elements to that system would likely interrupt development. Creature taming is already becoming a thing, at least in some form, with the Cutefish. As for repellent I think the devs have something lined up in DNA research and besides, why would alien creatures share the behaviors of the great white shark?
-More space!
Modularity and utilitarianism is a strong theme in this game (both futuristic concepts I guess), so was born the corridor and the multi-purpose room. They're modular in how you can attach things like reinforcements/windows/water filtration machines and they're utilitarian in how they're shaped to withstand the pressure of the surrounding ocean while providing as much comfortable space as possible. Still, I'm sure we can expect more habitat modules incoming as they continue to flesh out seabases. There are already beds incoming, so I wouldn't be surprised if showers and galleys, or even rectangular moonpool-sized rooms, are in the future
-Inventory stuff
A large (larger than lockers) storage space would be cool for storing tons of titanium, but it would need a new storage system. On top of that how many resources would you need a huge amount of storage space for?
Aside from that, I REALLY REALLY want to be able to manage my inventory inside the seamoth. I just want to eat my snacks without having to climb out
Anyway, the rest is stuff covered above I guess but I do want to note that there are already birds in the game. I think they might disappear from the game because of some bug I've been trying to observe (creature movements turn ludicrous speed all of a sudden and shoot away to oblivion, it's weird and you see it only for a split second) but it'll be a few more hours of play until I'm certain about the bug. Would explain the reason the safe shallows depopulate so fast even if you're eating out of an aquarium!
Edit: I was browsing the dev trello this morning and found this. Basically most fragments are intended to be in wrecks only and their current placed-everywhere-but-in-wrecks nature is leftover pre-wreck placement.
On second thoughts... there are too many opinions for each and every subject and I haven't even read through probably 10% of the posts in this forum topic! When I get the chance I'm going to take a topic idea and chuck a spoiler under it so people can find the topic they want to read about instead, that way it's a lot neater.
Take it easy. Thank you VERY much your input Sennera, you've helped me re-build it and make it a lot more organized.