Let's get thinking! #2
Away from Reapers Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217316Members

If anyone has stumbled upon this post before reading Lets get thinking! #1 you can read it here to find more topics: http://goo.gl/jqx9a2
Please feel free to comment any ideas you guys have and I will post them and voice my own opinions!
Building & Base
End Game Ship:
Tools & Equipment
More to come. Take it easy guys, hope you're thinking about some new topics!
Please feel free to comment any ideas you guys have and I will post them and voice my own opinions!
Building & Base
Coranth wrote:
"-Different types of Vertical Connectors.
I've never liked the Vertical Connectors; they're like these thin 'sticks' 'holding up' the room(s) you make on top of them. Big thick 'weighty' connectors are what we need, that 'match' the rooms they're connecting to.
-More connection points for bases
I want to be able to build around rocks and features in biomes without wrecking them and place rooms at 45 degree angles, please.
-More wonderful 'props' and clutter for bases to make them feel lived in, ornaments, models, souvenirs we can put on shelves.
-A small personal aquarium you can put in a 'bedroom' to house a unique pet like the cutefish, or a stalker you raised.
-'Room' Aquarium for studying the largest of creatures...
-Hatches-to-Airlocks / Depressurization / Re-pressurization???"
I totally agree with the current Vertical Connectors being very basic to say the least, I think the Devs couldn't really think of anything at the time as it's not THAT important but I agree they do NEED to be more aesthetically pleasing, possibly make them wider and be made out of glass or have big windows.
Having more connections points on the base is actually something I meant to bring up, thanks for reminding me! I personally thought of a hatch on top of the multipurpose room would be a nice touch!
A personal aquarium for those types of creatures would be difficult due to space but I have mentioned the possibility of the Devs making bigger rooms and with bigger rooms would hopefully lead to more props.
I think sticking to DNA is better for now but possibly LARGE creature reasearch might be a thing in the future!
Air locks and pressure is something I think is great! I sort of glazed over it in the Seamoth section involving the Moonpool, yes ultimately that's a thing I too would LOVE to see in the game!
Definately got me thinking about angled connectors though! So instead of having 90degree connections maybe we can have angled connectors with sloped ladders to connect two levels? It would remove the need to walk around ladders seeing as they're the path forward anyway!
Cheers for your input Coranth, much appreciated!
Rovaski wrote something about two multipurpose rooms stacked ontop of each other, both with aquariums inside so this forms one large aquarium but with the top rooms ceiling removed... bascially a cool way of entering and leaving your base or having growbeds for creepvines at the base to form a outside tank? I like it!
ResolutionBlaze mentioned about a fridge and/or freezer to keep fish in. I do think this should be added, maybe as a whole room of it's own?
"-Different types of Vertical Connectors.
I've never liked the Vertical Connectors; they're like these thin 'sticks' 'holding up' the room(s) you make on top of them. Big thick 'weighty' connectors are what we need, that 'match' the rooms they're connecting to.
-More connection points for bases
I want to be able to build around rocks and features in biomes without wrecking them and place rooms at 45 degree angles, please.
-More wonderful 'props' and clutter for bases to make them feel lived in, ornaments, models, souvenirs we can put on shelves.
-A small personal aquarium you can put in a 'bedroom' to house a unique pet like the cutefish, or a stalker you raised.
-'Room' Aquarium for studying the largest of creatures...
-Hatches-to-Airlocks / Depressurization / Re-pressurization???"
I totally agree with the current Vertical Connectors being very basic to say the least, I think the Devs couldn't really think of anything at the time as it's not THAT important but I agree they do NEED to be more aesthetically pleasing, possibly make them wider and be made out of glass or have big windows.
Having more connections points on the base is actually something I meant to bring up, thanks for reminding me! I personally thought of a hatch on top of the multipurpose room would be a nice touch!
A personal aquarium for those types of creatures would be difficult due to space but I have mentioned the possibility of the Devs making bigger rooms and with bigger rooms would hopefully lead to more props.
I think sticking to DNA is better for now but possibly LARGE creature reasearch might be a thing in the future!
Air locks and pressure is something I think is great! I sort of glazed over it in the Seamoth section involving the Moonpool, yes ultimately that's a thing I too would LOVE to see in the game!
Definately got me thinking about angled connectors though! So instead of having 90degree connections maybe we can have angled connectors with sloped ladders to connect two levels? It would remove the need to walk around ladders seeing as they're the path forward anyway!
Cheers for your input Coranth, much appreciated!
Rovaski wrote something about two multipurpose rooms stacked ontop of each other, both with aquariums inside so this forms one large aquarium but with the top rooms ceiling removed... bascially a cool way of entering and leaving your base or having growbeds for creepvines at the base to form a outside tank? I like it!
ResolutionBlaze mentioned about a fridge and/or freezer to keep fish in. I do think this should be added, maybe as a whole room of it's own?
End Game Ship:
Another user named MariusHaland wrote up a post about a 'END GAME SHIP' which, in essence, is a pretty cool idea! There are many pro's and con's with this idea.
End game ship - What comes to mind first (before reading MariusHaland's post) is the Aurora, building that would be a mommoth task. We could re-build it? Fix it up and make it good as new? That would leave it open to questions like;
Why can't it fly into space then? Where did all those 'extra parts' come from? Let alone the MASS storage capacity of that thing... no I personally think that's a bad route for the Dev's to go down... I mean SPACE!? You guys like that? Play No Man's Sky then! Moving on...
A Carrier ship just like real life? Possibly, that is to say if the Dev's do a good job at making it fit into Subnautica! Something that floats on the surface and has a number of docking bays for multiple Cyclopses and Seamoths, now we're getting somwhere! Firstly I would like to point out that building something like this in the shallows SHOULD be impossible but as you all have probably figured out by now that you CAN build a Cyclops in the shallows and it's stuck, FOREVER. This type of ship would need to be built in DEEP Water and possibly not manually operated by the player but instead you punch in some coordinates to move it. Movement would be slow and deliberate and if you try to get the ship to move into dangerous territory (rocks, wrecks, and islands) you get a warning and/or will not move. There are too many con's to this idea for Dev's to put precious time into designing I think?
I personally think this idea would be perfect for a multiplayer expierience, getting your friends in to build it together and see the progress together! Nevertheless it's VERY VERY difficult to implement something like this in THIS game but i'm not dismissing it.
Somebody mentioned space travel and other planet exploration and as i've already stated if you like that type of game, go play No Man's Sky.
So Aurora and space travel in a nutshell (for me anyway),
MariusHaland wrote:
The problem is, if this should be possible they have to make an entire new game and totaly rename the game. Overall It is an water survival game with focus on water survival, but if they really would use that much effort into the game, it would been an lovely idea!
(Sub_Naughty) Yeah fantastic idea it really is but THIS game is a WATER SURVIVAL game with focus on WATER SURVIVAL, people like it this way so If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
MariusHaland wrote:
But then they again need to make an new game in space if not it would just been an end game travel, than it's kinda an end to the game... but if they manage to make an space thing i guess it would been amaizing!
(Sub_Naughty) I do totally agree, it would be pretty awesome but then again that's time gone into building these other worlds and other planets! You have given me the idea to possibly do this as a way of releasing DLC to the game later on, making a ship to fly off the planet once you've 'completed' Subnautica you fly off into space (you don't control the ship), you watch a cutscene and flying in space you encounter another planet! Obviously, as it does, your engines fail and boom, you're on another planet!
Damn you MariusHaland you've sent me off topic haha!
End game ship - What comes to mind first (before reading MariusHaland's post) is the Aurora, building that would be a mommoth task. We could re-build it? Fix it up and make it good as new? That would leave it open to questions like;
Why can't it fly into space then? Where did all those 'extra parts' come from? Let alone the MASS storage capacity of that thing... no I personally think that's a bad route for the Dev's to go down... I mean SPACE!? You guys like that? Play No Man's Sky then! Moving on...
A Carrier ship just like real life? Possibly, that is to say if the Dev's do a good job at making it fit into Subnautica! Something that floats on the surface and has a number of docking bays for multiple Cyclopses and Seamoths, now we're getting somwhere! Firstly I would like to point out that building something like this in the shallows SHOULD be impossible but as you all have probably figured out by now that you CAN build a Cyclops in the shallows and it's stuck, FOREVER. This type of ship would need to be built in DEEP Water and possibly not manually operated by the player but instead you punch in some coordinates to move it. Movement would be slow and deliberate and if you try to get the ship to move into dangerous territory (rocks, wrecks, and islands) you get a warning and/or will not move. There are too many con's to this idea for Dev's to put precious time into designing I think?
I personally think this idea would be perfect for a multiplayer expierience, getting your friends in to build it together and see the progress together! Nevertheless it's VERY VERY difficult to implement something like this in THIS game but i'm not dismissing it.
Somebody mentioned space travel and other planet exploration and as i've already stated if you like that type of game, go play No Man's Sky.
So Aurora and space travel in a nutshell (for me anyway),
MariusHaland wrote:
The problem is, if this should be possible they have to make an entire new game and totaly rename the game. Overall It is an water survival game with focus on water survival, but if they really would use that much effort into the game, it would been an lovely idea!
(Sub_Naughty) Yeah fantastic idea it really is but THIS game is a WATER SURVIVAL game with focus on WATER SURVIVAL, people like it this way so If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

MariusHaland wrote:
But then they again need to make an new game in space if not it would just been an end game travel, than it's kinda an end to the game... but if they manage to make an space thing i guess it would been amaizing!
(Sub_Naughty) I do totally agree, it would be pretty awesome but then again that's time gone into building these other worlds and other planets! You have given me the idea to possibly do this as a way of releasing DLC to the game later on, making a ship to fly off the planet once you've 'completed' Subnautica you fly off into space (you don't control the ship), you watch a cutscene and flying in space you encounter another planet! Obviously, as it does, your engines fail and boom, you're on another planet!
Damn you MariusHaland you've sent me off topic haha!
There's a couple of subjects a few users have brought up.
Leviathan_Nadia mentioned customization! I have wrote about a leveling system but I assume you're talking more about the face, hair, skin colour and/or different styles of suits? I like the idea but considering theres no way of seeing yourself once in the game it is rather pointless but talking about suits and stuff, sounds like a brilliant idea a bit like the colour scheme on the vehicles? Yeah i'll definately give that a vote!
I'm unsure if distance to bases is a thing yet but being able to have a distance come up on your base and beacons would be great!
Anuahhahee wrote:
“After death we lose items. Maybe collected item just swim in the place we lost them xD”
On death, items we have should float/sink depending on item weight and size respectively so yeah a good idea!
Sennera wrote:
"Our PDA is capable of monitoring everything from the minerals we pick up to the diets of creatures in our vicinity. Couldn't it monitor the day/night cycle and create a clock for us so we don't have to go all caveman "sun high in sky, day half over." or "sun come down, soon night." style with our time telling?
Keeping track of time through the PDA would mean being able to check if it's day or night from deep underwater."
Fantastic idea! Especially if they add some predators that are MORE active at night!
Finn_Heck wrote:
"I think a cool idea is to be able to make robots that can get recources from another base (if you have one) and bring it to another one of your bases. What do you think?"
This got me thinking about Teleportation! I have talked about moving items from different locations in the base section in Let's get thinking! #1 here: http://goo.gl/jqx9a2
Being able to teleport maybe in end game could be a thing? Considering those Warpers have that ability it's not completely out of the question. What do you guys think?
Leviathan_Nadia mentioned customization! I have wrote about a leveling system but I assume you're talking more about the face, hair, skin colour and/or different styles of suits? I like the idea but considering theres no way of seeing yourself once in the game it is rather pointless but talking about suits and stuff, sounds like a brilliant idea a bit like the colour scheme on the vehicles? Yeah i'll definately give that a vote!
I'm unsure if distance to bases is a thing yet but being able to have a distance come up on your base and beacons would be great!
Anuahhahee wrote:
“After death we lose items. Maybe collected item just swim in the place we lost them xD”
On death, items we have should float/sink depending on item weight and size respectively so yeah a good idea!
Sennera wrote:
"Our PDA is capable of monitoring everything from the minerals we pick up to the diets of creatures in our vicinity. Couldn't it monitor the day/night cycle and create a clock for us so we don't have to go all caveman "sun high in sky, day half over." or "sun come down, soon night." style with our time telling?
Keeping track of time through the PDA would mean being able to check if it's day or night from deep underwater."
Fantastic idea! Especially if they add some predators that are MORE active at night!
Finn_Heck wrote:
"I think a cool idea is to be able to make robots that can get recources from another base (if you have one) and bring it to another one of your bases. What do you think?"
This got me thinking about Teleportation! I have talked about moving items from different locations in the base section in Let's get thinking! #1 here: http://goo.gl/jqx9a2
Being able to teleport maybe in end game could be a thing? Considering those Warpers have that ability it's not completely out of the question. What do you guys think?
Leviathan_Nadia mentioned lootable corpses... looting corpses! Brilliant idea too but the Devs will more than likely not implement this considering when you first start to explore the Aurora you get a message on screen saying "remains located in nearby organics' digestive systems" hinting that the crabs and/or other creatures have eaten all that remains
but maybe on the islands and searching wrecks you find decomposed bodies/skeletons you can search!
Another thing Leviathan_Nadia mentioned was land creatures! First thing I noticed when searching the floating islands was the sound of birds but not one in sight?
Sennera Wrote:
"I do want to note that there are already birds in the game. I think they might disappear from the game because of some bug I've been trying to observe (creature movements turn ludicrous speed all of a sudden and shoot away to oblivion, it's weird and you see it only for a split second) but it'll be a few more hours of play until I'm certain about the bug. Would explain the reason the safe shallows depopulate so fast even if you're eating out of an aquarium!"
Hopefully the Devs do add some land creatures but from my own observation there's only room for a few non-hostile creatures as any predator would most likely eat the other animals due to the size of the land. On the other hand, adding more islands would be pretty cool but then that would remove the whole point of the game in my opinion.
MrRoarke mentioned that the caves could sometimes hold toxic gasses that damage the player - I see a new gas mask equipment coming haha:)
DeadPeace wrote:
"Just purchased the game on Xb1. I don't know if anyone suggested this (I'm sure someone has had to.) But I think storms would be a cool implement. The currents would push and pull you if you were just free swimming close to the surface. With giant waves and beautiful lighting storms seen above and underwater."
YES YES & MORE YES! As Sennera stated that this planet's weather would/could/should be absolutely INSANE! I do hope the Dev's think about this.

Another thing Leviathan_Nadia mentioned was land creatures! First thing I noticed when searching the floating islands was the sound of birds but not one in sight?
Sennera Wrote:
"I do want to note that there are already birds in the game. I think they might disappear from the game because of some bug I've been trying to observe (creature movements turn ludicrous speed all of a sudden and shoot away to oblivion, it's weird and you see it only for a split second) but it'll be a few more hours of play until I'm certain about the bug. Would explain the reason the safe shallows depopulate so fast even if you're eating out of an aquarium!"
Hopefully the Devs do add some land creatures but from my own observation there's only room for a few non-hostile creatures as any predator would most likely eat the other animals due to the size of the land. On the other hand, adding more islands would be pretty cool but then that would remove the whole point of the game in my opinion.
MrRoarke mentioned that the caves could sometimes hold toxic gasses that damage the player - I see a new gas mask equipment coming haha:)
DeadPeace wrote:
"Just purchased the game on Xb1. I don't know if anyone suggested this (I'm sure someone has had to.) But I think storms would be a cool implement. The currents would push and pull you if you were just free swimming close to the surface. With giant waves and beautiful lighting storms seen above and underwater."
YES YES & MORE YES! As Sennera stated that this planet's weather would/could/should be absolutely INSANE! I do hope the Dev's think about this.
We already have:
Blood Kelp Zone
Crash Zone
Floater Islans
Grand Reef
Grassy Plateaus
Kelp Forest
Koosh Zone
Mountain Island
Mushroom Forest
Safe Shallows
Sea Treader's Path
Sparse Reef
Underwater Islands
Any of you thought about more Biomes they could add? One user chesh mentioned about an Arctic biome,
chesh wrote:
"I've noticed that we have a thermometer in the Xbox version but no real need for it as you can see the eruptions of underwater volcanoes so wouldn't get too close, but I may be missing something. I suggest maybe an Arctic biome where penguin like creatures reside and with the DNA sequencer that isn't fully integrated yet you could use their DNA to keep you warm the further down you go and maybe use their waxy blubber as some kind of sealant for building subs or dive suits."
Now i'm 100% sure I have seen a Arctic Biome on a Subnautica map somewhere on google, I've not yet been able to confirm whether this exists and/or if it's under development?
As for creatures... come on guys lets have some ideas on what could populate this icy area!
Blubber could have a large number of uses, i'm interested in what other people could come up with here?
Thanks for your input chesh
Murpfull made a poll on a couple of things to possibly add to the game, one being a Coral maze.
I really like this idea and MY take on it is possibly a whole new area made up of GIANT coral tubes slightly underground and a place not easilly navigated! The problem the players will face here is not knowing how to get back out if you go 'too far'.
Blood Kelp Zone
Crash Zone
Floater Islans
Grand Reef
Grassy Plateaus
Kelp Forest
Koosh Zone
Mountain Island
Mushroom Forest
Safe Shallows
Sea Treader's Path
Sparse Reef
Underwater Islands
Any of you thought about more Biomes they could add? One user chesh mentioned about an Arctic biome,
chesh wrote:
"I've noticed that we have a thermometer in the Xbox version but no real need for it as you can see the eruptions of underwater volcanoes so wouldn't get too close, but I may be missing something. I suggest maybe an Arctic biome where penguin like creatures reside and with the DNA sequencer that isn't fully integrated yet you could use their DNA to keep you warm the further down you go and maybe use their waxy blubber as some kind of sealant for building subs or dive suits."
Now i'm 100% sure I have seen a Arctic Biome on a Subnautica map somewhere on google, I've not yet been able to confirm whether this exists and/or if it's under development?
As for creatures... come on guys lets have some ideas on what could populate this icy area!
Blubber could have a large number of uses, i'm interested in what other people could come up with here?
Thanks for your input chesh
Murpfull made a poll on a couple of things to possibly add to the game, one being a Coral maze.
I really like this idea and MY take on it is possibly a whole new area made up of GIANT coral tubes slightly underground and a place not easilly navigated! The problem the players will face here is not knowing how to get back out if you go 'too far'.
Tools & Equipment
scubamatt wrote:
When you mouse over the Knife in the PDA Inventory, it shows you the % Durability remaining on your knife (a very good thing to know). Unfortunately, the battery powered items do not show you how much battery power remains until you actually equip them and then put them in your hands to use. I think the PDA Inventory should show % Charged when you mouse over the Welder, Laser Cutter, and Flashlight (as well as any other item that is battery powered, if added in the future)
I agree this needs to be a thing and as Sennera said there will be a charging ability for cells and batteries coming soon hopefully!
EverReddy mentioned about being able to 'lock' items and equipment into an inventory slot which is a fantastic idea.
When you mouse over the Knife in the PDA Inventory, it shows you the % Durability remaining on your knife (a very good thing to know). Unfortunately, the battery powered items do not show you how much battery power remains until you actually equip them and then put them in your hands to use. I think the PDA Inventory should show % Charged when you mouse over the Welder, Laser Cutter, and Flashlight (as well as any other item that is battery powered, if added in the future)
I agree this needs to be a thing and as Sennera said there will be a charging ability for cells and batteries coming soon hopefully!
EverReddy mentioned about being able to 'lock' items and equipment into an inventory slot which is a fantastic idea.
Rainstorm wrote:
Id love it if there was a way to combine water bottles to make more efficient ones.
1-Combine 2x Filtered Water to make 1x Disinfected water
2-Combine 2x Disinfected water to make 1x +80 water bottle
3-Combine 2x BigFilteredWater to make 1x +100 water bottle
4-Combine 3x Filtered Water to make 1x BigFilteredWater (+50)
For food theres so many possible combinations that sky is the limit really. What i thought would be easy enough to code is simply transform and types of fish to make Nutrient Blocks. Various types of dishes made out of fish and fruits/vegetables would be cool as well but would require to make alot of different recipes of course .....
I like the idea of combining items, almost like a cooking/recipe mechanic to add to the game!
Id love it if there was a way to combine water bottles to make more efficient ones.
1-Combine 2x Filtered Water to make 1x Disinfected water
2-Combine 2x Disinfected water to make 1x +80 water bottle
3-Combine 2x BigFilteredWater to make 1x +100 water bottle
4-Combine 3x Filtered Water to make 1x BigFilteredWater (+50)
For food theres so many possible combinations that sky is the limit really. What i thought would be easy enough to code is simply transform and types of fish to make Nutrient Blocks. Various types of dishes made out of fish and fruits/vegetables would be cool as well but would require to make alot of different recipes of course .....
I like the idea of combining items, almost like a cooking/recipe mechanic to add to the game!
More to come. Take it easy guys, hope you're thinking about some new topics!
P.S I read only half of the first paragraph
Sorry, I read some other stuff already so my eyes were hurting a bit
*UPDATE* Added your idea under the Cyclops section in Let's get thinking! #1.
*UPDATE* this will be under Base in Let's get thinking #1 once I write it up and here under Character!