Bugs On Xbox



  • coldsteelleggcoldsteellegg U.K. Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217374Members
    im still hearing the brain coral going off loads at the island needs to be fixed
  • oelikoelieoelikoelie netherlands Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217444Members
    edited May 2016
    Hi I am new to the game on Xbox. I wanted to report that the game also crashes while being in the main menu just sitting in idle. I wanted to pause the game in the main menu and come back later. I tried if it was accidently but the game crashes every time while idle in main menu. It does it within an hour and quite some turns now.
  • Dirk_PerfectDirk_Perfect Kentucky Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217411Members
    Yeah, that's true, I have had it lock up in the main menu to while idle twice so far come to think of it.
  • VCGabrielVCGabriel BRASIL Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217447Members
    Hello, I wish the game was in Portuguese-Brazil.
    And request to add an item to facilitate the search for food (fish). An example would be a fishing net or any products That serve as a trap for the fish.

    The game is beautiful despite several mistakes, and I look forward to updates with corrections and additions of content.

  • coldsteelleggcoldsteellegg U.K. Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217374Members
    still have floting doors right by the ship and its dropping frames badly
  • coldsteelleggcoldsteellegg U.K. Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217374Members
    now the doors are gone lol loves this game
  • Gaius666thGaius666th Denmark Join Date: 2016-05-25 Member: 217482Members
    tbh I cant be bothered reading every single post here, but i looked at the list, and i couldn't seem to find this ->

    Blueprints saying 100% but wont complete, making it unable to build the items.

    I've had this issue happen with seamoth a couple of times, having to start over, and over... but hopefully some of the next fixes will sort most of thos out, considering the pc version have had the same issues in the same version when they where there :)
  • EverReddyEverReddy UK Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217355Members
    Gaius666th wrote: »
    Blueprints saying 100% but wont complete, making it unable to build the items.

    There's a known bug with blueprints not being added to your PDA even though you've scanned all the required fragments.

    You can add the blueprint manually by opening the console (RB+LB+A) and entering the relevant command. There's a list of them here: http://subnautica.wikia.com/wiki/Debug_Console_Commands
  • DroopyGlintDroopyGlint Scotland Join Date: 2016-05-21 Member: 217249Members
    I have the nuclear reactor built but can't place it in any multipurpose room or on any foundation but for some reason it can be placed on the rocky area just outside of my base
  • DroopyGlintDroopyGlint Scotland Join Date: 2016-05-21 Member: 217249Members
    Not sure if it's a bug or it is actually part of the game but my escape pod has moved from its original spot
  • DeadPeaceDeadPeace Chicago Join Date: 2016-05-25 Member: 217489Members
    I started up my game last night and found out that my escape pod is almost 1000 meters away from the starting reef. It just kept floating and floating. I had a base close to the reef with no power or beacon because I didn't find all the solar ray fragments. So I had to swim to the pod load up on food and somehow I managed to find my base and the rest of the fragments. Guess I'll never be going back to my pod ever again.
  • DroopyGlintDroopyGlint Scotland Join Date: 2016-05-21 Member: 217249Members
    I haven't been to my pod since it moved a second time
  • A55A55INA55A55IN Tennessee Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217360Members
    When ever I play offline I can never get crash powder
  • OlympicwolfOlympicwolf Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217320Members
    Ran into something weird three days ago in the grassy plains trench behind the Aurora.


    It was a small, rust colored, textureless block, no bigger than a spotlight, just sitting in the middle of the trench. Like it was something that tried to spawn in and didn't quite make it. Didn't affect my game at all, just thought it was odd.

    And it seems my Lifepod has set off for parts unknown.


    While exploring in my Seamoth, I looked up to notice my Lifepod had suddenly drifted far away from it's original spawn point. I tried to reach it, but I could only get so far before the temperature dropped to zero and I'd start losing health, telling me it's far beyond the map's boundaries. Not a big deal since my base is self sufficent now, for all I know this is a built in feature when you no longer need your lifepod, but it is irksome since I never did repair it all the way, or clean out the storage compartment.

    Also, was there an update? Suddenly my creature eggs are actually hatching into things, and my Solar panels/Bioreactors are showing energy beams connecting to my base. If not, then that's another bug, because they weren't doing that before.
  • gamefreekbrgamefreekbr Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217551Members
    I found upgrades that had no name when scanning. They just preduced titanium.
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    I found that fragments in my game despawn mid-scanning period when i'm bitten by a Biter. Really annoying, 'cause I really need a mobile vehicle bay.
  • oelikoelieoelikoelie netherlands Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217444Members
    I found both blueprints for the bioreactor as wel as the two for the mobile vehicle platform. But in the invenory they do not show and the bars, that give you the amount of parts you need, keeps standing on 2/2 parts.
    Is this a bug and can i/how can i work around?
  • coldsteelleggcoldsteellegg U.K. Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217374Members
    oelikoelie wrote: »
    I found both blueprints for the bioreactor as wel as the two for the mobile vehicle platform. But in the invenory they do not show and the bars, that give you the amount of parts you need, keeps standing on 2/2 parts.
    Is this a bug and can i/how can i work around?
    i never had that

  • trainman16trainman16 Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217573Members
    it only happened once but I tried to get into my base via moonpool but when I went into it, I fell through the base and landed on the ground (underwater) like I was on land. Only for me to realize that my oxygen was not going down and I was walking underwater (like my base) and I had to climb up to my hatch to "leave my base"
  • Yargish89Yargish89 new mexico usa Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217575Members
    i saw a fun one i built a base real fast on a new game because i kept forgetting to save lol and well alot of doors apeared above the water from a wreckage i ignored it for a while but sometimes salt formed into i giant glacier i had to grab it turned into a single piece in my inventory that was funny stuff but 1 day more of a wreck appeared there with the doors and 2 steel gurders through my base that caused it damage had to delete my base for it to live lol that was fun stuff and the blood kelp just showed up where you'd find it as egg shaped blood drops it was nice but freaked me out thought some giant creature got killed above me every time i saw it drop down there really cool stuff o and some times when i planted a tree or creep vine it would be invisible sometimes it auto fix's after a few in game days but all in all fun can't help but think there a use for the crashed ship itself all that was there was some crabs and dark matter reactor fix hmmmm kinda funny we have a scaner that scans down to atomic scale but can't use it on dark matter reactor to make a small one of it sorry got off topic fun game guys love it good work so far ^^
  • anonymouscloneanonymousclone illinois Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217581Members
    the only problems I had were crash powder not spawning,huge salt,slow frame rate,my reaper leviathan not spawning, render distanse being to slow,fish grabing is way to hard,and land resetting into my base. Quick question, are you going to add the teraformer?
  • EverReddyEverReddy UK Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217355Members
    Quick question, are you going to add the teraformer?

    I belive not @anonymousclone. One of the Dev's posted this on another thread:
    Flayra wrote: »
    we removed it for performance and design reasons. Any terrain modifications you made had to be saved out when you swam away which is really difficult and slow on the XB1 especially. It's been really hard for Grip Games and us to get performance up on the XB1 and we thought this was a good trade-off.

    We also plan to remove it on PC as well, because the terraformer breaks the feel of the world (you can destroy it completely). It also works against the idea of gating, because you can just dig your way anywhere.

    We're still thinking about the exact changes we need to make, but this is one case where the XB1 is "ahead" of the PC version...
  • JesmasterzeroJesmasterzero UK Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217425Members
    Think I found one but haven't tested extensively.

    If you're in the fabricator menu and your controller batteries run out, no input is detected when you turn the controller back on. Game doesn't crash, but the only way I could get the controller working again was to quit from the main Xbox dashboard and restart.
  • Yargish89Yargish89 new mexico usa Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217575Members
    reaper laviathan? never seen one i gotta check it out o the terraformer i found all the pieces just not able to asseble guess it wasnt fully removed as advertised
  • Mini_GaaraMini_Gaara England Join Date: 2016-05-19 Member: 217049Members
    edited May 2016
    If you have an empty inventory it is impossible to use any type of container until you pick up an item, such as going outside and getting some quartz.
  • oelikoelieoelikoelie netherlands Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217444Members
    i never had that

    well i do. and because its impossible to get an earlier save because the game doesnt allow, is just frustrating.
  • Silverfang_1Silverfang_1 Grim Join Date: 2016-05-28 Member: 217646Members
    It keeps crashing and kicking me back to the xbox hub. Had some crash power in the pods and now none at all. Metal parts and land mass over the sea line (clearly shoudn't be there) When building a base which is on the sea line, the sea goes throught the building. Glitches nearly eveywhere you go. Auto save please. A GREAT game and would be greater when finished.
  • coldsteelleggcoldsteellegg U.K. Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217374Members
    oelikoelie wrote: »

    well i do. and because its impossible to get an earlier save because the game doesnt allow, is just frustrating.
    try redoing a new world but redownload the game iv never had that the stuff you cant find is everywhere
  • benitocbenitoc Join Date: 2016-03-31 Member: 215115Members
    A issue I just ran into. My lifepod teleported out of sight from crash zone randomly when I booted up my file.

  • icecoldicecold norway Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217306Members
    It is coming an opgrade soon?
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