Ending the game. Storymode

gladosleonidgladosleonid Russian federation Join Date: 2016-06-01 Member: 217930Members
edited June 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I don't know , if it was discussed yet , but what about ending a game , by building some kind of spaceship ? I mean , creating this storyline : aurora was destroyed by an anomaly , right ? So we have to find the source of it and ... destroy it . After that , we should go to aurora , find some blueprints of different parts of ship , and start building it on the ruins of aurora . It will take some time , 1-7 days to build one part (it is not that big though ) . *Insert sea emperor here* , and after that you got a nice view of the planet from above ... this is just an idea . I don't really know , if it was in plans already . What do you think of it :neutral:


  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    Hmm... Doesn't seem... exciting enough. We need more thrill. I've seen on Trello that the devs are fans of Firewatch, and I would agree with them. But the last thing I want them to do is to make a similar ending to Firewatch 'cause that one was disappointing. I want a thrilling ending, like that of Portal 2, like that of The Last of Us, like that of Ori and the Blind Forest. See what I mean?
  • gladosleonidgladosleonid Russian federation Join Date: 2016-06-01 Member: 217930Members
    Hmmm ... I don't know about firewatch ending . I haven't completed it yet ( . But I will agree for the ending similar to portal 2 . I love this game . Anyway , it should end with "leaving this planet " .
  • VincentNZVincentNZ Germany Join Date: 2016-05-31 Member: 217829Members
    Wouldn't a definite end hurt the sandbox concept though? I did like what I saw from the story so far, it is all a bit mysterious, there seems to be an unknown enemy, someone controlling the world like a puppet from deep down below...

    However I do like the way that all of this can be ignored thoroughly until you feel like delving into the story. The story is a Robinson Crusoe adaption, and it seems that rescue will eventually come, but can not be achieved by Crusoe himself. I do not think leaving should be a gameplay option but a prospect in this game. Like making it safe for a rescue team to come, rather than building a ship yourself.
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    @gladosleonid Don't get your expectations too high for the ending of Firewatch. I mean, it is a great game with great graphics, dialogue and suspense, but the ending is actually quite disappointing. I'm not gonna say anyting else, just watch it for yourself and you'll see what I mean.
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    I don't have a problem with an ending IF there is a mode where even after a story mode ending you can keep "living" in the world you built. I know young gamers want to "beat" or "finish" a game, but I find myself quite content to just exist and complete tasks around my base, explore, and advance whatever tech comes in the next update.

    Rather than ending I am hoping for a continuing evolution of the environment, biomes, and challenges.
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
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