XBOX One Mobile Vehicle Bay Bug

M0NTY26M0NTY26 Wouldn't You Like to Know Join Date: 2016-05-19 Member: 217067Members
As the title suggest, I've discovered a bug regarding the MVB on the XBOX One version.

Once crafted, I can equip, deploy, and climb the MVB, however, when I interact with the "use" prompt, my controller more or less plays "dead". My game isn't freezing, but the only button on the controller that works is the Guide button, meaning I have to force quit my game. I've just encountered this for the second time, on my second attempted world/save.

Hopefully, you guys are aware already and will have this fixed soon. BTW, is this the type of fix that would require a new game, or could it be implemented into a current save?


  • SpankfishSpankfish UK Join Date: 2016-05-28 Member: 217679Members
    I have the exact same issue. Tried it multiple times and it's a game killer. Frustrating as I'm all ready to move on in the game and start exploring a little further.
  • makillin247makillin247 ohio Join Date: 2016-05-30 Member: 217745Members
    Me too! Finally made the MBV and then my controller freezes and can only force quit. Tried several times!! Please fix this ASAP...also if you put jelly fish in base it causes it to flood EVERY TIME
  • makillin247makillin247 ohio Join Date: 2016-05-30 Member: 217745Members
    Wonder if they'll fix it. .kinda causing me to slow down on playing it..great game though
  • EverReddyEverReddy UK Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217355Members
    Thankfully I've not encountered this particular bug, although my MVB wasn't usable at all the first time I deployed it. After I restarted my save however it worked fine, but I've only used it twice (once to build a Seamoth, the other a Cyclops) and it's spent the rest of the time in a locker.

    As for your saves after the update, they should still be usable hopefully, although the Devs have stated that the further into the game you are on any given save, the more likely it will be you'll have issues and may need to start again.
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