Content update idea: heavy ordenance
Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members

bases of idea, its time to bring out the big guns.
IDEAS that make up content idea.
concept: researching mines would give 3 explosives instead of just the standard proximity mine, the explosives are as follows.
vent mine
info: a small charge similar to old world claymore mines. the vent mine is designed for operation in enclosed spaces like vents. as such it has a small directional blast radius with a smart lock proximity detector.
function: slower to activate, but deals a lot more damage to single targets, good for holding vents or small spaces where the smaller lifeforms tend to hide.
proximity mine
info: standard proximity mine, designed to go of if anything steps on it with out proper friend foe tags.
smart mine
info: a smaller prximity mine, smart mines or bouncing mines, are designed to launch them selves at targets before exploding, these mines do not have the damage of the other two mines, but they can quickly destroy armor and are the only mine that can trigger on lerks flying above it, and fades shifting around it.
false cyst
info: gorge ability, creates a false cyst. this false cyst can be linked to create infestation adding to the illusion.
function: land mine, if a marine attempts to melee this to kill it or steps on it with out noticing it will explode, and can easily kill a unaware player.
Infestation slag
info: commander built, infestation slag is a loose section of infestation that if stepped on by a none kharaa lifeform will enclose on their legs, preventing movement. While it can not out right kill getting caught in this will rapidly drain armor, and parasite the person hit.
function: bear trap.
note: easy to escape, crouch and melee at feet, though it does take about 3 seconds to get out.
bio signal interference
info: a mutation, that allows skulks and lerks to trick marine mines into thinking they are marines aka with this 2 of the kharaa aliens can avoid mines all together.
Do to increased intellegence in teh Kharaa life forms, it has been found that the exosuits are no longer suffecent in their own to take on an ono's or even larger groups of life forms for this reason, the research teams have dropped into the past and brought up old world anti tank rocket launchers, and missile pods.
rocket launcher
research: grenades II
info: a single load rocket launcher designed to fire a plefera of muntions, while it is a primary slot item, its ammo must be purchased separately.
ammo max: 3 rounds (1 in tube, 2 spare)
ammo types
shaped charge: ignores 20% armor(20% of damage goes through), deals high impact damage but low blast range.
FLASH rounds: FLame Assault SHaped rounds, deal low impact damage, but lights the impact area on fire, dealing damage over time to any alien lifeforms in the blast radious, does bonus damage to hive structures.
cluster shot: upon impact splits into 8 small charges, similar to the cluster grenade but has the bonus of not requiring a re arm to fire off a second one.
info: an upgrade of the dual minigun EXOSUIT(not compatible with railguns), the missile pod EXO, has 2 four tube missile launchers mounted to its shoulders.
minigun change: fires both at same time always, this hurts sustained fire but is nesicary for missile systems.
missile launchers
the missile launchers on the exo suit function by using secondary fire, the missiles them selves do moderate damage, a little more then what you would take from 2 direct impacts of a grenade launcher. the big advantage of the missile launcher is the fact that they lock on, meaning that missiles fired at fast targets like lerks and fades will hit so long as they do not seek cover.
warning: missile launcher exosuits only have 8 missiles, they can not be reloaded, and once out the tubes will be ejected from the model and it will act as a normal minigun exo.
always evolving, always changing, the alien lifeforms bring their own explosives to the table, by of all things bringing back a weapon that many a fade player may miss.
FADE EVOLVE: bio launcher
info: allows a fade to forsake their movement advantage and evolve a shoulder mounted projectile launcher. when first unlocked at biomass level 3, it acts more like a concusive weapon, dealing moderate damage, but at biomass level 7 it can be upgraded with an explosive kick, showering thoughs hit and in a moderate blast range with acid.
note: this is a choice for the fade palyers, do they go indirect assassin or forward assault.
ACID IMPACT: commander upgrade for bio launcher
function: biolauncher fades now launch acid projectiles, the acid prevents armor welding on the hit target for 5 seconds. this is great for countering exosuit masses, as it prevents the welders from healing the suits. hits stack duration up to 30 seconds.
LERK evolve: bio bombs
info: replaces spikes, gives the lerk a new bombing run attack where they can drop small explosive balls of biomass (small clogs,). these balls of biomass detonate on impact with the ground or hostiles. while they do not do much damage, and deal minimal damage to buildings, they are dropped in groups of 2 (from claws), and can carpet bomb an area with upto 20 projectiles before needing to rest.
note: is affected by ACID IMPACT, though the armor heal block is only 1 second per projectile.
IDEAS that make up content idea.
concept: researching mines would give 3 explosives instead of just the standard proximity mine, the explosives are as follows.
vent mine
info: a small charge similar to old world claymore mines. the vent mine is designed for operation in enclosed spaces like vents. as such it has a small directional blast radius with a smart lock proximity detector.
function: slower to activate, but deals a lot more damage to single targets, good for holding vents or small spaces where the smaller lifeforms tend to hide.
proximity mine
info: standard proximity mine, designed to go of if anything steps on it with out proper friend foe tags.
smart mine
info: a smaller prximity mine, smart mines or bouncing mines, are designed to launch them selves at targets before exploding, these mines do not have the damage of the other two mines, but they can quickly destroy armor and are the only mine that can trigger on lerks flying above it, and fades shifting around it.
false cyst
info: gorge ability, creates a false cyst. this false cyst can be linked to create infestation adding to the illusion.
function: land mine, if a marine attempts to melee this to kill it or steps on it with out noticing it will explode, and can easily kill a unaware player.
Infestation slag
info: commander built, infestation slag is a loose section of infestation that if stepped on by a none kharaa lifeform will enclose on their legs, preventing movement. While it can not out right kill getting caught in this will rapidly drain armor, and parasite the person hit.
function: bear trap.
note: easy to escape, crouch and melee at feet, though it does take about 3 seconds to get out.
bio signal interference
info: a mutation, that allows skulks and lerks to trick marine mines into thinking they are marines aka with this 2 of the kharaa aliens can avoid mines all together.
Do to increased intellegence in teh Kharaa life forms, it has been found that the exosuits are no longer suffecent in their own to take on an ono's or even larger groups of life forms for this reason, the research teams have dropped into the past and brought up old world anti tank rocket launchers, and missile pods.
rocket launcher
research: grenades II
info: a single load rocket launcher designed to fire a plefera of muntions, while it is a primary slot item, its ammo must be purchased separately.
ammo max: 3 rounds (1 in tube, 2 spare)
ammo types
shaped charge: ignores 20% armor(20% of damage goes through), deals high impact damage but low blast range.
FLASH rounds: FLame Assault SHaped rounds, deal low impact damage, but lights the impact area on fire, dealing damage over time to any alien lifeforms in the blast radious, does bonus damage to hive structures.
cluster shot: upon impact splits into 8 small charges, similar to the cluster grenade but has the bonus of not requiring a re arm to fire off a second one.
info: an upgrade of the dual minigun EXOSUIT(not compatible with railguns), the missile pod EXO, has 2 four tube missile launchers mounted to its shoulders.
minigun change: fires both at same time always, this hurts sustained fire but is nesicary for missile systems.
missile launchers
the missile launchers on the exo suit function by using secondary fire, the missiles them selves do moderate damage, a little more then what you would take from 2 direct impacts of a grenade launcher. the big advantage of the missile launcher is the fact that they lock on, meaning that missiles fired at fast targets like lerks and fades will hit so long as they do not seek cover.
warning: missile launcher exosuits only have 8 missiles, they can not be reloaded, and once out the tubes will be ejected from the model and it will act as a normal minigun exo.
always evolving, always changing, the alien lifeforms bring their own explosives to the table, by of all things bringing back a weapon that many a fade player may miss.
FADE EVOLVE: bio launcher
info: allows a fade to forsake their movement advantage and evolve a shoulder mounted projectile launcher. when first unlocked at biomass level 3, it acts more like a concusive weapon, dealing moderate damage, but at biomass level 7 it can be upgraded with an explosive kick, showering thoughs hit and in a moderate blast range with acid.
note: this is a choice for the fade palyers, do they go indirect assassin or forward assault.
ACID IMPACT: commander upgrade for bio launcher
function: biolauncher fades now launch acid projectiles, the acid prevents armor welding on the hit target for 5 seconds. this is great for countering exosuit masses, as it prevents the welders from healing the suits. hits stack duration up to 30 seconds.
LERK evolve: bio bombs
info: replaces spikes, gives the lerk a new bombing run attack where they can drop small explosive balls of biomass (small clogs,). these balls of biomass detonate on impact with the ground or hostiles. while they do not do much damage, and deal minimal damage to buildings, they are dropped in groups of 2 (from claws), and can carpet bomb an area with upto 20 projectiles before needing to rest.
note: is affected by ACID IMPACT, though the armor heal block is only 1 second per projectile.
Not too sure about the rocket launcher Fades thingy however, sounds a bit too powerful, so much so that it would remove the need for teamwork.
For example bile is a trade-off, it has limited range and cannot damage health, plus gorges are not a threat on their own..
Spores is a damage over time, not a burst and it cost a lot of energy. etc..
Also let's preserve the asymmetry (unless marines get some sort of energy sword ^^)
But it was just a vessel for the idea, a hard counter to exo rushes, besides hoping you have enough Onos ready in time.
aka something that prevents the exosuits from being repaired as they take damage. gah I might be better off suggesting some sort of upgrade to the bile bomb for that.
Now if a team doesn't notice a group of exos coming toward their Hive in time, because nobody used parasite or general lack of communication, that's kind of their fault and they deserve the loss imo.
Alien - Mollusc
i like the idea of the Mollusc for the alien team, its an organism that can be built by the khaam onto a powernode, it feeds off the powernode and prevents a destroyed powernode from being rebuilt until it is killed. It possibily has a ranged attack but its main focus is to slow the marines down. Must be researched at a hive or possibly part of the crag hive. Vulnerable to flamer damage.
Marine - Power converter
A very large structure that attaches to a suitable power node and drains all the power from the room preventing any other structures from gaining power from it. The power converter converts power into res for the commander at a slow steady rate. Not as efficient as an rt but Still useful depending on the room its constructed in.
This pretty much is acid rocket
These ideas are AWESOME
submachine gun
info: a secondary weapon designed to spray lead at a rapid rate, while it lacks damage, it more then makes up for it in fire rate and ammo storage.
ammo: 30
spare mags: 8
shots to kill skulk(no ugprades): 7
shots per second: 10
yeah burns through ammo like mad, and makes a great spray and prey weapon, the smg is specificly designed for use by marines using heavier ordnance as their primary weapon. (grenade launcher, flame thrower, abover RPG)
link too two ideas:
creeper (gorge alternative)
role: low level tank, defender.
info: a small craplike creature, has teh ability to hunker down in infestation and lob bile spikes at enemies. This alien lifeform moves quickly on infestation, but is really slow on standard terrain.
naming: the creeper is named for its habit of creeping around areas and picking off weakend marines. Though it does confuse marines how something so slow and clumsy has been known to sneak into bases and blow up taking spawn portals with it. (late game only)
infestation cultivation: like gorge can build things.(can create and destroy)
bile spikes: a hybrid of lerk spikes, and gorge bile attacks, bile spikes are long range damage for the kharaa, they are also unique in teh fact tehy can head shot un armored marines dealing 75 damage to health. if armor is up though does only 10 damage to it, and is slow to fire.
note: think of this like a DMR of sorts.
deadshell (upgrade)
info: like skulks can become living suicide bombs, unlike skulks they do huge damage to exosuits and buildings. while they are slow off the infestation, getting hit with this ability is a death sentence, as it not only does major damage but throws shrapnel. (if you see a creeper of infestation, and moving for close range, it is a mine stay back)
hard shell: takes 40% less damage from bullets while carapace armor is still up, has a high carapace armor
infestation climber: if there is infestation it can move on it, this means the creeper can climb walls in infested areas.
fruit vine [temp name]
limit: 2
info: grows a vining plant that sprouts stocks similar ot mushrooms, the stocks grow a large orange fruit ontop that can be "Eaten" by kharaa life forms to heal health quickly and decisively, while it is much more effective then gorge heal,
umbra stock
limit: 2
info: the creepers main defensive building, umbra stocks spew small balls of the poisonus gas at enemies. While it isn't as effective a teh lerk umbra nor dense (doesn't last long), the ability to lower the marines weapon effectiveness means the creeper can easily pick off teh soldiers while they deal wit hthe stocks.
upgrade note: an umbra stock can be healed by a gorge into a level 2 and three state.
level 2 state: grows a second head faster fire rate
level 3 state: grows a large vent around it causes it to generate a constant spore cloud around it, acting as area denial.
damaging note: a level three one will lose its spore cloud if damaged by 1/3 health, and its faster fire rate if damaged by 2/3.
lerk nest
limit: 2
info: creates an outcropping which can be placed on walls, as name suggests this seems to be something specifically designed to help its flying brethren. As lerks that have landed in the nests have been shown to be harder to kill do to its natural armor and the fact that it can allow them greater vantage points to fire their spikes which seem to gain more range and damage when roosted in these armored nests.
note: I rarely play alien but when I do I play lerk, they are fun but some times a room doesn't have a great vantage point to range tap from a hallway that is where this building idea comes in, it would be just large enough to fit a single lerk. a well placed on of these could be the best defense the kharaa have against anything except a flamethrower sweep.