Subnautica Challenges!
Canada Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218339Members

DISCLAIMER: Most of these challenges require console commands and/or a new game. If you are new to the game or do not know how to use the console go look it up! Thank you
-Mobile home: Spawn a cyclops and put these items inside: power cell charger, bed, desk and chair. Now discard your builder and start playing! For the rest of the game you cannot build a base.
-Fish are friends!: do not eat any fish for an in game week. (must be in survival)
-Save the enviornment: Fix the aurora's generators before your first day is over
-Hydrophobic: get to one of the islands before your first day is over
-I prefer It natural: only use titanium found in limestone.
If you have any suggestions please tell me!

-Mobile home: Spawn a cyclops and put these items inside: power cell charger, bed, desk and chair. Now discard your builder and start playing! For the rest of the game you cannot build a base.
-Fish are friends!: do not eat any fish for an in game week. (must be in survival)
-Save the enviornment: Fix the aurora's generators before your first day is over
-Hydrophobic: get to one of the islands before your first day is over
-I prefer It natural: only use titanium found in limestone.
If you have any suggestions please tell me!
Impossible. The Aurora needs to explode before you can fix it, and that takes more than a day.
Your other challenges are pretty good ideas. Might use them. I especially like the "I prefer it natural" one. That will be a pain to complete. 50 titanium for a cyclops: You have a chance to get either lead, copper or titanium in limestone. You would have to find and break open more than 200 limestone before getting enough titanium for basic equipment, a cyclops and like a small base. Limestone chuncks can only be found in the kelp forest, safe shallows, sparse reef, grassy plateaus and the inactive lava zone(Thats is likely to change). It is going to be a true challenge, very fun! Good idea!
[ Artificial Oxygen ]
You are never allowed to get air naturally.
( You cannot go to the surface for air )
I see what you mean but, how will you be able to do this challenge in the beginning of the game? i mean technically the lifepod is above water and the seamoth is way later in the game.
the lifepod is unavoidable. You need its Fabricator to build the stuff to make another fabricator for another base. Of course theres always the purple brain corals that provides ''artificial'' O2, but theyre usually pretty spaced out .... could work if youre lucky tho maybe
To be viable, this challenge would need to start once you have a fabricator in another base i think.
"it's not easy Being Green": You can only eat Creepvine.
Build a observation base next to a Reaper Leviathan spawn without being killed.
[ Just Keep Swimming ]
You are never allowed to craft a Seamoth or a Cyclops!
EDIT: title for this challenge is "Pawn 5 to to King and Queen" (sea crowns>king & queen of the sea; no tools>defenceless>lifepod 5>pawn 5; get it?)
Other thread:
Oh for... so many of these "challenges" are so lame.
I mean this one.
Build a large fish tank. Stick some peepers in. "Challenge" over forever. The end.
You forgot this:
That was edited in after I commented.
I might propose a roleplay radiation challenge of mine that I elaborated for my own fun/immersion and shared on the forum. It can be found in this thread mentioned by Ergoss.
Quite fun if you like to feel the pressure of limited resources, lack of breathable air and claustrophobic unability to go to the surface. By the way I am looking for possibilities of expanding the challenge beyond the early/midgame so if you have any ideas, please suggest.
Lifepod Rendered Useless By Explosion ("At the sound of the BOOM, it will be time to evacuate")
You have a limited amount of time to use the Lifepod before you must abandon it. If you can remove the Radiation Zone and wait 30 game days after the zone is gone, you may reenter the Lifepod.
Survive until you are able to return to the Lifepod (that's 30 days after you remove the Radiation Zone).
When the Aurora explodes, you must be inside the Lifepod, or you die from the pulse of radiation, thermal energy and concussion effects. Unfortunately, the EMP damages the electronics and life support systems of the Lifepod causing a massive malfunction. The filter system, instead of preventing radioactive fallout from entering the Lifepod, begins to concentrate it inside, making the interior uninhabitable as long as the Radiation Zone exists and for thirty (30) game days afterwards. This represents the time it will take for the filter system to flush the interior once the outside source of fallout is removed. Immediately after the explosion of the Aurora, you must abandon the Lifepod, and you may not reenter it until the radiation zone has been removed and the thirty day decontamination period has passed.
Key Issues
First, you need to be inside the pod when the Aurora blows up, or its Game Over, no exceptions. That means not being too far away from the Lifepod when the warning comes.
Second, you're going to have to move very fast to gather supplies and convert them into critical gear before the Aurora blows up - you'll need a clear plan for what to build, and in what order. Some things you need now, some things you'll need later. If you plan to make bases or vehicles, your build choices are dramatically different from someone who doesn't plan to have a base or vehicle.
Third, as soon as the Aurora explodes, and the explosion passes, you have to abandon the Lifepod - no making 'just one more thing', no grabbing another First Aid Kit 'for the road', nothing. Times up, get out, good luck.
The fact that the exact time the Aurora explodes is random from games to games means that you have very minimal idea of the time you have at your disposal when the game starts. As pointed out the new Fabricator recipe is a bit more complex now and gathering everything you need to survive, including all those electronic part very early on in the game makes for a decent challenge right at the start which i love!
Since you have no idea if the aurora will explode in 5, 10 or 15 minutes you need to decide what items to prioritize over others and also build a small base quickly. Ive got one question tho, what about those that decide to make a radiation suit, can they still access the above ocean for air
That's up to you, really. Not being able to surface for air will only be an issue until you have a base built, except for one important thing (you won't be able to build a Seamoth or Cyclops). I envision the Lifepod concentrating the fallout because its so close to the RadZone, I don't see the fallout being concentrated enough outside of the RadZone to be a hazard for someone with a scuba tank. Pipes for air didn't make sense for me, since they don't really filter air. Purple Brain Coral produces air, which makes it kind of like real world sponges, so I imagine it would filter contaminants out of the water, producing clean air. So if you really didn't want to surface for air until after you've built a Radiation Suit (or cleaned up the Aurora), then you'd have to find a Purple Brain Coral to refill your air while you build your first base. Remember that until you *power* the base, you won't have air inside of it, which makes finding Solar Panel fragments a serious issue, because they have to be within a certain radius of your Brain Coral or you won't be able to reach them with the air you have.
So far all of the challenges I've tried in Subnautica fall into two categories - ones that only really challenge you in the early game (because they limit time or gear), and ones that only really inconvenience you in the late game (because they're 'collect all' type grinds). Everything else is cosmetic for the most part - build a base in every biome, build a base that is completely hidden underground, build an underwater zoo with one of every life form in it (including Reapers), and so forth.
For me, the only tool I can't survive (easily) without is the Habitat Builder, since it pretty much makes everything that isn't stock in your PDA. You can survive without one, by going to the Floater Island, or by using the Lifepod as your base. In any scenario I've tried, the tipping point (where I no longer worry about 'surviving' anymore) is when I build a Seamoth. Once I have the Seamoth, I'm completely at ease and not at all worried about the rest of the game scenario.
it is quite hard to gather (among others) 4 x Silver for a new fabricator and builder tool, before the explosion. I had difficulties with that, therefore I relaxed this restriction and allowed myself to reenter the pod, I just cannot fabricate any consumables. Do you manage to do this? Or maybe this is not your goal as you play nomadic anyway?
Usually, I head straight for the thermal vent SW of the Aurora (roughly -75/-450 coordinates), unless my starting spawn is closer to one of the others. That thermal vent is my favorite spot in the game to build a base, for a bunch of reasons, but there is usually 4 or 5 sandstone scattered in the small caves that line the walls of the vent. The alternative is to go for the Kelp Forest area, where sandstone can usually be found on/around cave entrances there - the obvious danger is the Stalkers however.
The critical materials to find fast are 4x Silver, 2x Copper, 4x Quartz, and a few Titanium plus the table corals and acid mushrooms. A subtle but critical component is a piece of glass, without it, you won't be able to build even a minimal base later.
1) I don't reuse blueprints for power generators. Once I build a device, I forget the recipe (either by command line when possible, or just in the roleplay layer) and if I want a second one, I have to find and rescan its parts again. I treat the scanned parts as the real material components, not just the "recipe unlockers". The effect is that I have to carefully manage the powering sources I have to my disposal (e.g. 2 x SolarPanel + 1 x Bioreactor) and relocate them among my outposts depending on the situation and needs.
2) Alternatively, I have once resigned from using any generators based on renewable resources. It introduces a constant need of collecting the power resources (biomass, uranium) and maintaining the powering layer. Regarding the Bioreactor, it is possible to additionally restrict yourself as to the input material used (e.g. no fish, just plants).
Using a bioreactor and solar panels, I have zero energy drain in a typical game day. The moonpool recharging the Seamoth is really the only thing that ever produces an energy drain, and even that only occurs if I have been running around at night where the Seamoth doesn't recharge to 100% before I dock. I have a base with 500 power reserve, and I rarely use more than 100 of it in a game day, if that. Between the plants and fish I grow in my base, I have no issues feeding the reactor (or myself) and I don't need more than one of each vehicle.
I like your idea of having to scan the fragments themselves to build the item in question, but how do you keep track of how many you have accumulated?
ya about this the generators for us xbox users cant be fixed as the water in the aurora does not work like it should it just acts as ground so we can float or swim and we cant build ladders in the aurora so that aint happening but i like the challenge
I swam over to where I usually build a base, created an MP room and a Hatch and then went inside and created the Fabricator and a simple locker to dump everything inside. I had no power for another five or six minutes, as I scoured the Shallows for fragments of the Solar Panels (I found two, plus four of the Seaglide fragments). Once I installed the solar panels next to the base, I built it into a multistory tower, then moved the solar panels to the roof, close to the surface for more sunlight. At this point, I'm certain I can survive indefinitely, as I have all of the core problems solved - air, power, food, water.
I did notice one odd thing - I busted open a node on a rock pillar, and besides the piece of Copper I got, the game gave me a Signal (equipping it on my paper doll) and extra Nutrition bar (making a total of 3 of those in my inventory). The signal was for a Heat Signature.