Some small utility ideas. Farming, Looks, Moonpool and beacons

mbos14mbos14 Join Date: 2016-06-13 Member: 218539Members
edited June 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
So while playing i had a feeling that for me there where things missing(ik in development but still the might have not tought about this jet).

For farming a machine that makes the seeds for you for plants like the acid mushroom. Why? because if you want their seeds they will release acid, damaging your plants near them or just plain destoy the plants.
placement inside your base taking up a wall slot like the water filtration does. also making it so it needs a knive to be used would be a nice thing. plus getting extra seeds out of it because its done with precision.

For looks i had 2 things.
1. A large glass dome you could build ontop of the multipurpose room. so instead of having this flat roof you have a nice view when looking up(would use enameld glass). (Edit)<-- was looking at some of their concept art and they had this already in there i just dont know if the will add it.(Edit)
2. When you connect a something to a multipurpose room you get this small door with a small wall on each side. maybe make it so we can place living walls on that for looks.

For moonpool. Aautowelder that is placed on a wall section in the moonpool. dont think i have to explain what it does.

beacons nothing wrong with them but it would be nice if you could have a more structure way of doing it for you base. like an antena that snap on top in the middle of the multipurpose room.

anything to add on to my ideas or just think some are stupid. tell me.


  • ThePassionateGamerThePassionateGamer Germany Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218219Members
    PlantSeedMachine sounds nice but you rarely plant enough to really need it don't you? I never had the need for more plant seeds then you get out of the current system. Still a solid idea though even if only to avoid the acid damage. (Small hint there to protect your other plants. Just take tha mushrooms you want to get the seeds from out of the grow bed, drop them from your inventory on the sea bed where they can't damage other things then yourself and then use your knife on them. It still hurts you but does not damage other things.)

    The Autowelder idea is great. Just add another robot-arm with a welder on it and repair your Seamoth up to 100% each time you dock. Cool quality of life upgrade that could be installed like the seamoth modification station or so. :)
  • mbos14mbos14 Join Date: 2016-06-13 Member: 218539Members
    (Small hint there to protect your other plants. Just take tha mushrooms you want to get the seeds from out of the grow bed, drop them from your inventory on the sea bed where they can't damage other things then yourself and then use your knife on them. It still hurts you but does not damage other things.)

    thanks for some reason i didnt think of dropping them away from my crops
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