Seamoth Stuck Inside Island

Love_WasaabiLove_Wasaabi USA Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218838Members

I have really been enjoying the game, just bought it a few days ago! I have been playing for about 7 hrs total and finally made it to the floating island to collect stuff, I spent either one or two nights on the island while I explored. During that time my Seamoth some how glitched into the middle of the island terrain and it is unreachable. I had parked it on the shallow beach (which I think is the only access point) on the sand as opposed to out floating in the water. I can swim under the island and look up toward the signal and with the clipping I can see it in there but I can't reach it! This is super frustrating. I figured screw it I will spawn a new one (I've been playing without cheats, but this was a bug) to go back to my base but that one didnt stick around after I went inside so now I have no Seamoth except the one that is stuck inside the island.

Any suggestions are most welcome! Did I completely screw this up? Should I just build a new one or what? So frustrated!


  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    Loose items clipping through surface area is a known problem. At this point, you could try digging (only if it's not too deep; worked for me once), the terraformer, or forcing yourself to clip through the island in order to reach the Seamoth. I once clipped through the island after saving and reloading there, so maybe that works for you too.

    Advice for the future: Don't save at the island until you've built a base. A base is stable, so you don't risk losing a Seamoth through clipping if you park it inside a moonpool.
  • scubamattscubamatt Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members
    Never beach the Seamoth, either. I always just park it right next to the edge of the beach, in the water. There's no predators in that area, so you're safe getting in/out of the sub there.
  • WarViperWarViper Texas Join Date: 2016-04-27 Member: 216062Members
    I had this happen to a beacon of mine I placed on the beach and it fell through the island when I got far enough away from it. Luckily I had made a save a few minutes before I placed so I was able to put it a few meters away from the beach out in the water and it has been fine there so far.
  • Love_WasaabiLove_Wasaabi USA Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218838Members
    Thanks for all the replies! I think I learned my lesson! At this point I built another one and I use the one in the island as a beacon of sorts.

    Completely off topic any ideas on where to find Moon Pool fragments?
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    Nifty solution to the situation.

    Moonpool fragments are in the Grand Reef, often between 200m and 300m. My personal preference is to leave the Seamoth at 200m and then dive for fragments, but there's two other options (not spoiling unless you want me to) if that's not your style.
  • AntoninAntonin Montréal Join Date: 2016-05-08 Member: 216529Members
    The same bug happen if you enter a docked seamoth that is inside your Cyclops; the seamoth go in the ground and its very difficult to unstuck it.
  • arcasorarcasor Italy Join Date: 2016-06-14 Member: 218577Members
    edited June 2016
    A similar glitch happens in version 33837 when trying to leave a moonpool

    Edit: I tried again; this time I left the Seamoth and saw it was stuck just below the pool water level, with no apparent obstacles around

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