I don't think it would work very well with how hatches currently look. I mean, there's no airlock, so water would just flow in uncontrollably, y'know?
That's also the reason why there isn't an animation for entering the Seamoth outside of the Moonpool, I'd guess.
That said, it'd be neat to have an airlock system, but it would probably drag out entering and exiting a base a bit too much for my taste.
Who cares about the water flowing in. It would add to the immersion! The devs could also just say that the hatch stops the waterflow with some high tech shield. With the seamoth, same deal! It would be cool if you could see you could see the water being drained from the pod. But it would also mean that you would have to wait for the O2 systems to kick in.
Who cares about the water flowing in. It would add to the immersion! The devs could also just say that the hatch stops the waterflow with some high tech shield. With the seamoth, same deal! It would be cool if you could see you could see the water being drained from the pod. But it would also mean that you would have to wait for the O2 systems to kick in.
True, but then you could say, why not have a habitat module that's basically an observatory made of nothing but the water blocking shield?
True, but then you could say, why not have a habitat module that's basically an observatory made of nothing but the water blocking shield?
What if you see it more Star Trek wise...like there is the normal hatch made out of Titanium and glass but the moment you open it, it forms a shield that holds back the water but lets you pass somehow? Like the emergency shields they have in Star Trek ships that keeps the air in when the hull is breached somewhere or the shuttle bay shields, that let the Shuttles pass but not the air of the room. Something like that.
Those shields would only work temporary of course that is why you would not build an observatory out of it. To keep you base integrity if you run out of energy. But then again when the hatches are out of energy too...hmm. A kind of buffer maybe? I don't know to be honest.
Maybe an old fashioned airlock is the best solution...but as already mentioned by @Crawmak that combined with an animation each time you enter and exit a base could get tedious unless they make the animation really quick. Or people would start to leave and enter their bases through the Moonpool.
EDIT: Sorry for the double mentioning...I forgot halfway into the post that I already quoted you.
Or you could just buils a hatch on the floor instead of the walls. That way, water will never flow in, that's how physics work. It's basically a smaller version of the moon pool.
Hey, that's an idea. Maybe they should do hatches that are specially built on the floor of a seabase because they automatically come with ladders?
Or you could just buils a hatch on the floor instead of the walls. That way, water will never flow in, that's how physics work. It's basically a smaller version of the moon pool.
Hey, that's an idea. Maybe they should do hatches that are specially built on the floor of a seabase because they automatically come with ladders?
Just imagine that the top layer is the inside of the base, and the bottom layer is the outside.
I really like that concept actually. Real-life submersibles use the same physics for divers. I hadn't thought of that!
Doesn't fix the Seamoth dilemma, but I'd love to see a dedicated version of that ingame.
Technically you can already put hatches on floors in corridors, but it's just not the same.
That's also the reason why there isn't an animation for entering the Seamoth outside of the Moonpool, I'd guess.
That said, it'd be neat to have an airlock system, but it would probably drag out entering and exiting a base a bit too much for my taste.
What if you see it more Star Trek wise...like there is the normal hatch made out of Titanium and glass but the moment you open it, it forms a shield that holds back the water but lets you pass somehow? Like the emergency shields they have in Star Trek ships that keeps the air in when the hull is breached somewhere or the shuttle bay shields, that let the Shuttles pass but not the air of the room. Something like that.
Those shields would only work temporary of course that is why you would not build an observatory out of it. To keep you base integrity if you run out of energy. But then again when the hatches are out of energy too...hmm. A kind of buffer maybe? I don't know to be honest.
Maybe an old fashioned airlock is the best solution...but as already mentioned by @Crawmak that combined with an animation each time you enter and exit a base could get tedious unless they make the animation really quick. Or people would start to leave and enter their bases through the Moonpool.
Hey, that's an idea. Maybe they should do hatches that are specially built on the floor of a seabase because they automatically come with ladders?
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Just imagine that the top layer is the inside of the base, and the bottom layer is the outside.
I really like that concept actually. Real-life submersibles use the same physics for divers. I hadn't thought of that!
Doesn't fix the Seamoth dilemma, but I'd love to see a dedicated version of that ingame.
Technically you can already put hatches on floors in corridors, but it's just not the same.