How did you join and a big thank you to the devs/YouTubers
Minnesota Join Date: 2015-08-05 Member: 206783Members

What introduced you to Subnautica and what prompted you to buy it? Let's all share our stories here.
I was introduced to the game through PeanutButterGamer and was hooked on its visuals alone. I did a little research on the game and I was thoroughly impressed. I believe I then found a YouTuber by the name of SplatterCatGaming and watched him play the game as well. Eventually in July I caved and bought the game. It was insanely fun and I loved playing. After a while I searched the wiki and kept hearing about some guy I'd never heard of named (stop me if this name rings bells) JackSepticEye. So essentially I have this game to thank for introducing me to one of my favorite YouTubers, and through him, to Markiplier and PewDiePie. So thank you devs for making a great game, thanks to Jack and Mark for spreading the game and giving me laugh after laugh at their fishy misfortunes, thank you to PBG for introducing me to this game, and finally, thank you to everybody in this community for spurring ideas, having lots of fun commentary, and for spreading advice and tips. Now, I have a Reaper to slay, happy swimming.
I was introduced to the game through PeanutButterGamer and was hooked on its visuals alone. I did a little research on the game and I was thoroughly impressed. I believe I then found a YouTuber by the name of SplatterCatGaming and watched him play the game as well. Eventually in July I caved and bought the game. It was insanely fun and I loved playing. After a while I searched the wiki and kept hearing about some guy I'd never heard of named (stop me if this name rings bells) JackSepticEye. So essentially I have this game to thank for introducing me to one of my favorite YouTubers, and through him, to Markiplier and PewDiePie. So thank you devs for making a great game, thanks to Jack and Mark for spreading the game and giving me laugh after laugh at their fishy misfortunes, thank you to PBG for introducing me to this game, and finally, thank you to everybody in this community for spurring ideas, having lots of fun commentary, and for spreading advice and tips. Now, I have a Reaper to slay, happy swimming.
Oh... and his latest so far...
Subnautica 6: Dancing with the Devil of the Sea
Then I decided that one playthrough isn't enough. SO I subbed to more youtubers who play the game, notably the following:
Then, after I found the official Wikia community, I found Subnautica's youtube channel, where I saw a link to the forums, where I made myselfan account and read everybody's comments and commented myself.
The one that blew my mind was the one which confirmed Subnautica's release to Xbox one. At this point, I felt like this:
Which finally leads to the present time, where I'm actively playing the game almost every day.
A little embarrassed to say, but PaulSoaresJr introduced me to Subnautica. Back when I was much younger, I used to enjoy watching his Minecraft videos and at the start of 2015, I decided to check out what content he had moved on to create (it was a while since I last looked at his channel). I saw his first Subnautica video and after the first video, I was hooked. I got the game on Steam and played the hell out of it, started checking the Trello and all sources on information for updates. I then found out that there was an early-access special addition with the limited addition bulkhead and the other little extras. Despite already having the game, I decided to buy the Special Edition to further support the game and also for the sake of the bulkhead and the ability to brag in the future that I had the Early-Access Special Addition. I have followed and supported Subnautica ever since
That's my little story
(I believe PaulSoaresJr was one of the first Youtubers to make a video on it, which is pretty neat)
I googled it, kicked my Steam account awake, and bought it. Its my 'relaxing' game.
Haha that's pretty cool! Subnautica is (like you said) very relaxing and unique
MagzTV it was for me as well.
I'm not sure what that has to do with this topic! (Although your info card saying "The Netherlands" was kinda a big giveaway anyways... although to be fair, just because you're there doesn't necessarily mean you're Dutch...)
Subnautica quickly became one of my favourite games of all time; I can't recall having waited for a release with such anticipation.
The hint lies within the water
I don't get it... is that a reference or something?
Well... large portions of the Netherlands are below sea level... but that's not "within the water", so... ya, I'm confused too.
The relationship between the Dutch and water, a water planet, we must conquer it, contain it, it's what we do?
You just drowned the joke <-- It's a good thing I just came up with that one
Sorry, but I'm genuinly both ignorant and curious.
Watching this on youtube made me discover IGP's channel too so all in all that was a good day for me since its when i found 2 great discoveries
Alright, fair enuf
Got issues with water and you can afford it or as relief aid, we will come and fix it. Want an airfield in the sea, no problem. Want to conquer a water planet he he he
If you fail to understand something another poster wrote, write them a frigging PM (private message, in case you fail to get that too) and don't derail an otherwise awesome topic with your ignorance.
Back on topic, I got hooked on Subnautica through a friend who is pretty much a Subnautica addict at this point. I watched him ride his seamoth and die to a reaper and I just knew I had to try that. No regrets, loving the heck out of the game.
@Victor32 Neither Sidchicken nor I wanted to start another argument in the forums, we just didn't understand Kouji's joke. To avoid this sort of thing happening right now, let's just please forget about this misunderstanding and get back to the point of this thread.
Apolagies anyway.