Of Torpedoes and Reapers

RalijRalij US Join Date: 2016-05-20 Member: 217092Members
Hi there, this is another 'this might be a bug or maybe not' thread.

So, like many of you I have a fear of the reaper. In fact, I won't even go into the biomes were it lurks. Now, I'm normally the pacifist type when it comes to the critters of subnautica, but unlike the other predators of the deep the reaper is an existential threat so my great ape instincts kicked in and decided to show it who's the boss around here. Loaded up my cyclops with a seamoth re-designed for the purpose of hunting the monsters and let er rip.

Reaper spotted, I've got its attention and its headed right for me. It thinks I'm lunch, but... surprise! Torpedoes away! Hit right in its open maw too with those poison gas torps, that should slow it down!

Except the torpedoes went straight through its head and blew up harmlessly behind it... then I was the reapers personal chew toy for a little bit.

On the plus side it seems I've found one reason why the gasopods don't dare venture into deeper water.

I ended up using the rest of the torpedoes like flak clouds to pepper the reaper from a safe distance, but there is no sign that any of them did any damage. 8 torpedoes later and the only thing I could've done to it was give it a taste for titanium.


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