Lost about 380 hive score on server with bots
In-game alias: Psychlone Join Date: 2008-02-13 Member: 63645Members, Reinforced - Shadow

Joined a game this morning that had one person in it, so it also included bots because of the new update (I think it was 6 v 6). Jumped on Marines and saw that there was no commander so I went in, all the bots were out of position so I got out of the chair to build the robo factory, got rushed and lost. I went from 1395 hive score to 1011 hive score in a match that I only played about 1 minute in.
The problem probably is that the system considers that you lost against 0 players.
I love your updates but you should have fixed this known bug before releasing bots everywhere (and I say this being one of the few supporters of bots for seeding servers)
You'd rate Griezmann lower because France lost the final of Euro 2016? It makes zero sense.
I think he is talking about going from one of the other numbers hive records, like k/d. I lowered my elo by 1000 since reading this post. Thanks guys.
The ELO number will constantly be changing but should be fluctuating around a certain point that is likely to be a good estimate of your skill level.
Yes, its exhausting but somehow... I can't help myself!
Where we're you the last 10 threads about it?
Just a bit of brainstorming for potential outcomes of a system like this:
- people getting more agro about kill stealing ( then again, as long as you participate in the kill, you still get points)
- more people than necessary might volunteer to build to get the pts
- ???? feel free to comment to add more
- less quitters/raging on a team
- promotes more cooperation (because they're rewarded for it outside of the match itself)
- less team switching mid-game (although I haven't seen too much of this)
- ???? feel free to comment to add more
- I don't know if this will have much of an effect on team stacking though because good players might just stack to play on the same team as a friend or just stay on on team only out of preference/being more skilled on that team.
- not sure if I remember correctly or not, but I think the commanders don't get points so this would need to be changed or reviewed.
We should also take a look at the spawn camping problem.
I've said this many times before, but don't waste your breath.
No matter how much sense it makes, Nordic will be in here soon with a bunch of graphs, numbers, calculations, and other college level mathematics to "prove" that everything is all inclusive in the almighty win/loss statistic... Winning is the only thing that matters...
You could have an average kdr of 15+.. get 200+ kills in a single game and only die 3-5 times at most... You could kill 20+ extractors/harvesters, and single handedly keep the other team from doing anything all game... Then your commander fails to beacon a rush (or hell he just recycles) and costs you the game... Guess what? Hive score goes down! Makes sense right?
My hive score has been as low as 700 and as high as 2000... I've seen people worse than I am with over 3k, I've seen people who should have 3-4k with less than 1k...
With any luck Hive 2.0 will be better, though it will still be purely win/loss based so....
Yep I was never good at math, and don't have them fancy college book learnins...
Because you totally need to understand math to realize something is broken when you see a player with 3+ kdr dominating the **** out of everyone in every game and they have a lower hive score than I do...
Just out of curiosity.. was NS2stats based purely off win/loss and nothing else?
Refer to the second sentence of my previous post.
But, I could not seem to not respond to this one. It is not that you need to understand math to realize something is broken. You actually do not. There is a problem and you and I both see it is there. You are just laying the blame in the wrong places. This is what I spend more time that I really should be explaining. Mofo, you understand that there is a problem. Math is not needed. What you do not understand is the problem. Math is still not needed. I use statistics, math, graphs, etc to show what the problem is, and what it is not. Yet you still do not understand.
Just because something makes sense, it does not make it true. From our perspective on earth it looks as if the sun revolves around us. It does go in an arc in the sky. It only makes sense that the sun revolves around the earth.
If it's still used after Level 5, it has potential for abuse! In particular, it can be farmed.
This is the entire premise behind recording only wins and losses.. (in fact the thread that moultano made for it was called "Proposal for abuse-proof skill system.")
This is because you'd have to weight the system appropriately - it already is in some respects, like getting an assist vs a kill - and in doing so it clearly highlights which actions provide the most points, or which provide the easiest points. They will then always be prioritized / farmed.
If dropping a medpack on marines gives me +3 score points, I will bankrupt my team to increase my own level.
If building structures gives me safe and easy points, I will be hanging out near base all round.
Killing boosts my level more than anything? Cool, I'll always be baiting my teammates and egglocking / waiting for spawning aliens without wanting to finish the round.
I suggested brainstorming to iron out details like that so you can create a system that works and can hardly be exploited. I can understand how it wouldn't make sense to have a system that just kept adding points because it would be hard to tell the skill level of the player. Maybe have some sort of point average based system that increases or decreases based on your performance compared to prior performance? Again, I want to be clear when I say I am purely throwing ideas around without any testing or evidence I just want to get a discussion going on how to improve the game that is already great in my mind.
That is true, but how is it any different to the already existing KDR farming?