Just realized I can use Acid Mushrooms to kill things
Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members

I had a stalker outside my base for quite a while. The moment I popped out he'd be there to take a bite out of me. This was becoming annoying, so I took my propulsion cannon and shot a fish at it. Then I remembered the other savegame where I slashed a mushroom and nearly destroyed my base as a result. So I use the propulsion cannon to grab a couple (and used up quite a few batteries along the way). This was the result...

I hate having to kill things, but when they're making your virtual life a bit TOO difficult you have to do something about it... Of course a few missed shots hit my base and I damaged the environment around it pulling things other than the mushrooms, so I had to go fix what I could (AFTER surfacing for air). I wonder if the corpse will despawn, or if it's just gonna stay there...

I hate having to kill things, but when they're making your virtual life a bit TOO difficult you have to do something about it... Of course a few missed shots hit my base and I damaged the environment around it pulling things other than the mushrooms, so I had to go fix what I could (AFTER surfacing for air). I wonder if the corpse will despawn, or if it's just gonna stay there...
You didn't hate killing those mushrooms to kill that stalker so oh swells! Good shot! So how exactly did you kill the stalker? Acid? Or the impact damage?
As for killing mushrooms, I don't mind. I use real life ones for cooking and we need them for batteries. Still, I'm kinda sad I uproot a few writhing weeds in the process of killing this stalker.
Just using the propulsion on its own can kill a stalker as well, but i understand the feeling of killing innocent fish and plant that happen to get in the way. Most of the time when killing Biter and Blighter with the Seamoth electrocution add on lots of poor other fish die as well. Shot at a Crash and it wiped out a lot off plants on the reef it exploded against.
Hmm, waitaminute... Stalkers are always tossing scrap metal around. I wonder if I could place 'shroom IEDs down there and lure the little basters into them?
yeah it's a bit strange, if I breed the harvesters in my containment, I can use them as biofuel. But I can't pick up dead ones and toss them in. #Morals
Clearly you are a psycotic murderer who loves guns! You are whats wrong with society!
We should all just let stalkers tear our innards out and wear them like garlands! Because remember, WE are the intruder on this planet!
Humanity differs from all other animals in just one very important way: We do not adapt ourselves to our environment. Instead, we force our environments to adapt to our needs. That's why you don't see bears walking down Madison Avenue. We are tool users and tool makers. A shovel is a tool for removing dirt that's in the way. A saw is a tool for removing trees that get in the way. A rifle is a tool for removing animals that get in the way.
Above: Human smash puny Nature.
And comparing today with the times of Julius Ceasar or Genghis Khan. Isn't even "apples to oranges" anymore...that is just pure ignorance for any progress humankind has made till then imo.
I was perfectly willing to let it stick around as long as it didn't try to bite me. One bite too many broke the camel's back...
If only I was like my favorite Cybertronian... y'know. One eye'd. Transforms into a battle helicopter. And was totally nuts while flying...
That is what we call "fractal wrongness." Historically, the amount of bloodshed as a percentage of population has always gone down as the quality of weaponry and access to it has increased.
Consider the death toll of World War 2, which was done with tanks, machineguns, airplanes and, in the end, nuclear weapons: 60 million dead out of a global population of 2.3 billion. That's 2% of the population of the world. Seems like a lot, right?
Except that Genghis Khan killed about 40 million people using nothing more than horse archers. At the time that represented 11% of the population of the world. Relatively speaking, Khan was five times as bloodthirsty as Hitler, and he did it without guns.
Today we have the most advanced weapons in human history, and yet the death toll of warfare has never been lower. You might also notice that the Gap regional conflicts of today are best known for rarely fielding anything more advanced than old AK47s, whereas in the Core nations - nations that have standing armies equipped with tanks & jet fighters - society tends to be a lot more civil. There has never been an open warfare between any two global powers since the invention of nuclear weapons, either. The apex of weaponry - the atomic bomb - heralded the apex of peace between every nation that has since acquired it.
Simply put, the farther back in time you go - and the more primitive the weaponry becomes - the far more likely a person is to be violently killed. The moral of the story is if you really want to be safe, live someplace with the best weapons.
It's nothing more than derailment and trolling.
You mean grabbing a Crash Fish with the gravity gun and the chucking the little horror at your target? It's worth a try!
Yeah sure I was just trolling him...right.
But you are right in at least one point. This is offtopic so I stop any further discussion about it here.
@DagothUr Care to discuss this in a seperate thread?
Unfortunately, there were no Crash near the base. Just lots of fish and LOTS of acid mushrooms which seem to be the next best thing. Y'know? I'm surprised I didn't hit any mushroom patches...
so you would rather make civilians defend themselves with knives instead of firearms?
And I took down another stalker with more mushrooms. Why would they show up so far inside the Safe Shallows?
Only creature I can think of with a suicidal defense is the honeybee, but it's only the sexless drones that die. Their source of reproduction - the queens and the males - do not engage in kamikaze behavior. Therefore the drone behavior doesn't diminish the species' ability to reproduce in anyway.
Crash fish, though... well, first there isn't that many of them to start with. Clearly not colony animals. Do they lay their eggs in crash plants? I've never even seen them socialize or leave their plants for any reason other than to kamikaze, so perhaps they're hermaphroditic and reproduce asexually?
I'm thinking of the relationship of the "Aliens" franchise "Facehugger" to the species itself. Each facehugger has a 100% fatality rate - it is birthed from the Alien Queen. Facehuggers don't breed more facehuggers - they breed xenomorphs instead. And the xenomorphs don't breen more xenomorphs - they breed facehuggers. They're basically two separate species that depend on each other the reproduce, as each can only create the other.
So maybe the crash fish and crash plants have a similar arrangements. Maybe the crash fish don't even reproduce at all - maybe they're nothing more than the "fruit" of the crash plant, grown by the plant to serve the plant. A hijacked organism, once independent, that is now the genetic slave to a host organism. Like mitochondria.
Tried that on the stalker I had to kill. Instead of staying in the kelp forest it returned to where my base was, ready to take more bites out of me.
Guys I also like to discuss this further but aslong as no one starts a new thread about the "guns" topic we should not discuss it here further. Feel free do open up a thread and I will post there. Thanks.