Suggesting the SeaWasp

WhiteFox77WhiteFox77 Minnesota Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217564Members
edited July 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
I believe a new type of vehicle is needed in Subnautica. As the creatures in the game become more and more dangerous and powerful (ampeel, Reaper Leviathan, Sea Dragon Leviathan, and Sea Emperor), an imbalance between the creatures and player is formed. Whole area’s of the game become virtually unusable as the player lacks an exploration vehicle that’s strong enough to survive the creatures in these areas. Many of these creatures can destroy the Seamoth in 1 to 3 attacks. The Cyclops can obviously withstand these creatures, but the the cyclops is a mobile base, not an exploration vehicle. Although the Cyclops is invaluable in terms of being a mobile staging point, it’s size, limited field of view, and ungainly movement make it unusable in terms of exploration, especially in caves and shallows. With this in mind I am proposing the SeaWasp.

The main purpose of the SeaWasp is not to fight or kill these larger creatures, but to survive them. It’s defensive systems are limited to variants of things that already exist in the game. Like their existing variants they are designed more to drive creatures away then they are to kill them. It is meant to be a highly survivable short range exploration vehicle. With a range 1/2 that of the Seamoth and no power upgrades available, having a near by base or the Cyclopes to stage out of is a must. The SeaWasp isn't meant to replace the Seamoth and with a longer range, higher speed, and cargo capability I imagine the player will still use the Seamoth a great deal. But the SeaWasp will be able to go into area's that would be nearly suicidal with the Seamoth.

  • 2x Plasteal Ingot
  • 2x Enameled Glass
  • 2x Power Cell (1 for movement, 1 for defensive systems, that way even if you run out of power for defense you can still run away)
  • 1x Lubricant
  • Sea Wasp blueprint (found in Blood Kelp zone or Grand Reef zone)

  • 400% of the “health” of the Seamoth
  • 75% the speed of the Seamoth (heavier = slower)
  • Distance per power cell: 5Km, can not be upgraded
  • Crush depth: 500m, can not be upgraded

Upgrades: New menu at the Seamoth upgrade station.

Torpedo System: Exactly the same as for Seamoth

Torpedo Auto Reload: Holds an additional 4 torpedos and automatically reloads the torpedo system. Must be in the rear compartment on the same side of the SeaWasp as the torpedo system.
  • 1x Wiring Kit
  • 3x Titanium

Perimeter Defense System: Exactly the same as for Seamoth

Gas Perimeter Defense: Uses Gas Pods to create an area around the SeaWasp of toxic gas. Damage would be identical to gas torpedos. On creation it has 2 Gas Ejection Packs.
Can hold up to 4 Gas Ejection Packs
  • Computer Chip
  • 2x Titanium
  • 2x Glass
  • 4x Gas Pods
Recipe: Gas ejection Pack
  • 1x Glass
  • 2x Gas Pods

Stasis cannon: Same as stasis rifle but for SeaWasp. Must be put into one of the front upgrade bays (like the Torpedo System).
  • Stasis Rifle Blueprint
  • Advanced wiring kit
  • Titanium

Tactical Sonar: Provides a mini-map that shows all creates of Stalker size or greater within 50m, give audible warning if creature is within 10m.
  • Advanced Wiring Kit
  • Nanowires

Composite Armor: Reduces all damage by 75%
  • 4x Plasteal
  • 4x Aluminum Oxide Crystal
  • 4x Quartz


  • ZionExpressZionExpress Join Date: 2012-04-09 Member: 150154Members
    Interesting idea. I'm certain many of us would have enjoyed having a vehicle like this in situations where the seamoth just doesn't cut it and the cyclops is too large/slow/cumbersome. That being said, I feel a large part of this game is feeling underpowered as the player. Sure, we can sit in our cyclops all day and point and laugh at leviathans as they glance off the ship, but when we want to venture out and grab those fragments and other resources we put ourselves in danger. There is a real risk associated with getting out of your ship and having a tougher vehicle kind of diminishes that feeling of vulnerability and nervousness every time you hop out and go exploring (whether in a seamoth or just swimming around).

    Overall: Good idea (I especially like your attention to recipes and expansions) however, it kind of goes against the feel of the game and the constant danger that (I feel) is a cornerstone of Subnautica.
  • WhiteFox77WhiteFox77 Minnesota Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217564Members
    You'll still have the risk when you jump out to scan a fragment, or to pick up some urinite under a crabsquid's nose. But if your like me, there are area's that you avoid right now.

    I went into the area around the wreck 3 times. First just exploring, I died with barely a glimpse of the leviathan that killed me. The second time in the Seamoth to repair the core. I managed to fix the core, but got attached on the way out and my Seamoth was leaking and giving off sparks by the time I got away. The 3rd time I went in the Cyclopse, I was immune to the leviathan, but I couldn't explore because it was too shallow for the Cyclopse, I tried getting out and exploring by swimming, but I didn't get very far before being eaten. Now I just avoid the whole area.

    I believe this becomes double true in hard-core mode. Why on Earth would anyone venture into the wreck area in hard-core? Why would you risk everything you'be built on exploring an area where you can encounter a creature you can't possibly survive an encounter with?

    Why did the developers create it if we aren't supposed to use it? If it's too dangerous to fully explore it's just a useless spot on the map. A tougher vehicle would open up the map again.
  • ZionExpressZionExpress Join Date: 2012-04-09 Member: 150154Members
    I agree that the site might be a bit too dangerous, especially on hardcore. That can be attributed solely to reapers, of course. However, the developers gave us the tools necessary to get in and out of the wreck without getting picked off by hungry hungry reapers. The stasis gun is instrumental in this, as is the general speed of the seamoth, which can outrun reapers pretty easily. Even the seaglide can help you shave off precious seconds of exposure as you blitz back to the safety of the Cyclops.

    I believe the devs creates areas like this as a challenge. Very clear and obvious danger but well worth the risk for those of us who feel the need to explore every inch of this game. Those edge-of-your-seat, "oh shit!" moments are part of the game. Reapers are especially terrifying and not something to be faced lightly. Having this severe of an obstacle forces the player to be creative and take large risks. The reward might not always be some kind of treasure on the other side, instead you could simply have the satisfaction of having survived. "I scanned a reaper leviathan and lived to tell the tale!" vs. "I rolled in with a tank and blew it to hell".

    There is already a hull reinforcement module available for the seamoth. Perhaps having mk2/mk3 versions of that upgrade could provide the extra HP/damage resistance necessary to make those encounters a little bit easier without taking away too much of the risk.
  • ThePassionateGamerThePassionateGamer Germany Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218219Members
    I like the idea of a second rather small submarine which is build alot more durable then the seamoth. But I would strip away the Gas and Torpedo defense and stick with the tactical sonar and maybe a slightly improved perimeter defense system. Improved as in slightly greater range or maybe an auto trigger feature that you can set so that you can leave your Seawasp and when a Reaper takes a bite, it discharges to let the Reaper know that biting one of those is a "No no!". :wink:

    But I won't make it's crush depth a not changeable 500m that would not be enough for some of the biomes you wanted the sub to be there for. So I would still give it the ability to get to 900m (with upgrades) or even more because a sub that is build more durable and stable then the Seamoth should also be able to handle more pressure or not?

    Some of your points could maybe be implemented by modifying or adding some more upgrades for the Seamoth like @ZionExpress said. I'd love to see a amor like upgrade for the Seamoth. But I'd also like the idea that we kinda evolve the Seamoth into a new sub that is more suited to certain situations like those high risk biomes. Hmm lets see what we may get once the game is released. Before that we surely will not see any new vehicles beside the Exosuit.
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