Bug: Falling and Cannot Swim nor Jump

Imperious112Imperious112 USA Join Date: 2016-07-15 Member: 220266Members
edited July 2016 in Subnautica on Consoles
Bugs – Subnautica Xbox One

Bug Description – Falling to the bottom of the sea floor, cannot swim or cannot jump.

Trigger – Randomly when loading old game or when starting a new game.

Game Mode at time of bug: Freedom, Survival, Creative (Hardcore not tested).

Attempts made to temporarily fix it :
Exit current game mode and reload game: Did not fix the issue.
Exit current game, go to xbox one Dashboard while having Subnautica highlighted (hitting xbox button), press menu button (right side of xbox button) scroll to Quit Subnautica, reload Subnautica . Worked 3 of the four times.

Anyone know of an easier way of fixing this? Game is fun and thank you Devs for your work.


  • bigbear2bigbear2 england Join Date: 2016-06-26 Member: 219140Members
    edited July 2016
    Same ere decided to start a new game on freedom mode and now after the sixth new start I'm still falling to the ground and can't swim anymore no matter how many times I try a new game and that's on all modes now it's unplayable now
  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    edited July 2016
    This is a bug and you will start with or not it seems. You can restart but some see it several times before getting a good start. If you see gloves on your hands in the opening animation it is sure to happen in that save. Easiest way to correct it is to use the nocost cheat and build a single room on the sea floor and a hatch. When you go through the hatch it should stay corrected in that save.
  • FrogmanFreemanFrogmanFreeman US Join Date: 2016-05-28 Member: 217626Members
    I had this bug as well. To get rid of the walking under water bug I had to delete my local game save and uninstall the game. When the Xbox tries to sync to cloud you got to cancel. That way you have a fresh new game without an old save corrupting the game. When you relaunch the game after that you have two choices for cloud sync. Select local game save on your hard drive.
  • eprom101eprom101 Vegas Join Date: 2016-07-14 Member: 220211Members
    Same here. Had gloves on at the very beginning too and they were glitching out. Sank to the bottom had to delete restart.
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