How would I go about making a Crash Burger?

LonnehartLonnehart Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members
I can cook, but definitely no culinary genius. I'd use salmon, but don't know what salmon would be nice and red after cooking and if chopping works better than grinding it. I do know one thing... it's gotta have a ton (not literally) of spice. Maybe Ghost Peppers? :)


  • FathomFathom Earth Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219405Members
    Maybe use fresh chilli peppers and wipe them over the salmon with simple salt and pepper seasoning, then make a horseradish and mustard sauce and add raw onion rings on top.

    I think that would fit together and provide several levels of spicy hot to go across.
  • AncoliusAncolius Nederland Join Date: 2015-02-01 Member: 201148Members
    you could boil it in beet juice, should turn it red and a bit sweet then add some wasabi paste and a pinch of ginger.
    Personally I would go for the salmon with skin then just undercook it so it keeps its texture, you can eat salmon raw btw, then slice it a bit not all the way trough and fill the cuts with wasabi paste and serve it on some green spaghetti.
  • LonnehartLonnehart Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members
    Those sound like pretty good ideas. Especially since I want the flavor to be... explosive. You take a bit and all that spice hits you at once. :)
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    Lonnehart wrote: »
    I can cook, but definitely no culinary genius. I'd use salmon, but don't know what salmon would be nice and red after cooking and if chopping works better than grinding it. I do know one thing... it's gotta have a ton (not literally) of spice. Maybe Ghost Peppers? :)

    Why not use a carolina reaper?
  • RhaniiRhanii USA Join Date: 2016-07-20 Member: 220487Members
    Start with some fish, grind some quite fine, and chop the rest. The finely ground will make the patty stick together, the chopped will give it texture so it's not goo. Color it with paprika or kashmiri chiles. Both are mild but deeply red and will give you the color you want and some flavor, then use other spices for the heat.
    I'd suggest either chipotles and garlic and a touch of cumin, for a smoky heat, or grind fresh ginger in with the ground fish and add some cayanne or some of those little thai chiles, a bit of soy sauce or thai fish sauce and a pinch of brown sugar for a spicy Asian version.
    Top the chipotle version with fresh salsa, onions, and pepperjack cheese. Mix some siriacha or wasabi in mayo for the one with ginger. And maybe some shredded daikon radish for crunch and a different heat. Green onions would be good on it too.
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    How do you make a Crash Burger?

  • TIEbomber1967TIEbomber1967 California Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208109Members
  • LonnehartLonnehart Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members
    Rhanii wrote: »
    Start with some fish, grind some quite fine, and chop the rest. The finely ground will make the patty stick together, the chopped will give it texture so it's not goo. Color it with paprika or kashmiri chiles. Both are mild but deeply red and will give you the color you want and some flavor, then use other spices for the heat.
    I'd suggest either chipotles and garlic and a touch of cumin, for a smoky heat, or grind fresh ginger in with the ground fish and add some cayanne or some of those little thai chiles, a bit of soy sauce or thai fish sauce and a pinch of brown sugar for a spicy Asian version.
    Top the chipotle version with fresh salsa, onions, and pepperjack cheese. Mix some siriacha or wasabi in mayo for the one with ginger. And maybe some shredded daikon radish for crunch and a different heat. Green onions would be good on it too.

    Thanks! I think I'll try that. Don't want the thing to be TOO spicy. My doctor will scream at me for it...
  • RhaniiRhanii USA Join Date: 2016-07-20 Member: 220487Members
    Lonnehart wrote: »
    Don't want the thing to be TOO spicy. My doctor will scream at me for it...

    Then go with sweet paprika for the red color, as it has pretty much no heat. And don't get carried away with the chipotles, or with the thai chiles. If it isn't quite as hot as you want you can always spice it up with the toppings, but it's a bit difficult to take the spice back out of a cooked burger. :)

  • LonnehartLonnehart Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members
    Rhanii wrote: »
    Lonnehart wrote: »
    Don't want the thing to be TOO spicy. My doctor will scream at me for it...

    Then go with sweet paprika for the red color, as it has pretty much no heat. And don't get carried away with the chipotles, or with the thai chiles. If it isn't quite as hot as you want you can always spice it up with the toppings, but it's a bit difficult to take the spice back out of a cooked burger. :)

    And after eating that really spicy burger, I'll have a Nepolitan Banana Spit as dessert. :)
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