Game lags out when in and sometimes near the seamoth

Number1ZeroNumber1Zero us Join Date: 2016-07-29 Member: 220777Members
I only noticed this happening a couple of days ago maybe 2-4 but but driving the sea-moth makes the game lag so much its barely playable and parking it in the cyclops makes the lags the game so much you cant really do anything. The funny thing is removing the sea-moth and driving it away from the cyclops completely fixes the cyclops lag, and getting out of the Sea-moth and swimming 10-15 feet away from it completely fixes the sea moth lag. I do have all four upgrade slots filled with the 900 depth and 3 storage modals and I have the other upgrade modals as well as food/water/health/beacon in one of the storage compartments.
I built a new Sea-moth and the lag seemed to be fixed but upon loading it was back. Please address this, as a lot of the game will be spent in the Sea-Moth.


  • WhiteFox77WhiteFox77 Minnesota Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217564Members
    I ran into a problem with a Seamoth where the frame rate dropped down to 1 FPS. It even affected loading the game if I saved while in my Seamoth. Loading if I saved while in a base would take a couple minutes. Loading if I saved in my Seamoth would take between 5 and 10 minutes. The problem was so bad that I had to pretty much stop using my Seamoth all together.

    I created a new Seamoth and it worked until the next time I loaded my game, then it had the same problem.

    After a bit of time with Google I found some posts that told me how to fix it. Destroy all of my Seamoths, and all of my Seamoth upgrades, then build a new Seamoth. So I loaded all my upgrades into my two Seamoths. Then using my propulsion cannon I fired random stuff from the sea floor at my Seamoths until they were destroyed. Then built a new Seamoth and all new upgrades. The new Seamoth worked fine and I was once again skimming the waves instead of stumbling over them.
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