When I first got the game, I immediately loaded creative, just to see the possibilities of what to create..... and I created a BUG, lol
When the game world loaded, it loaded as it did with what you'd expect. Once I got a hold of the controls, put out the fire, built the welder and repaired everything before disembarking the pod [cuz, y'know, creative]. Once I left the pod via the top, I was struck with the beauty of the water, the shoals, the smoldering gargantuan wreck in the distance..... all geared up, I decided to get my feet wet....... and promptly fell all the way to the sea floor......
It was like I could see the water, the effects, even the bubbles, but physically it didn't affect me. No bouyancy, no swimming...... and I couldn't even get back to the pod cuz it was about 4 meters above my head. I've duplicated this bug in every creative game I've started..... thinking it was the sequence of events... left via the floor hatch without repairing anything, left via the top hatch without repairing anything, even attempted some console commands.
Heres a work around I've done for this...... I spawned a cyclops in such away that when it materialized, I could walk right up to the chin-hatch of the vehicle [no small feat, cuz I didn't know where the hatch was, lol, took about an hour of figuring THAT out by itself]. So, after piloting the sub around a bit, I left the vessel and PRESTO, water now holds my body as expected. So I swam around, did stuff and things, made a base [no exploration] and thought to myself, 'Yeah, this creative thing will be the test bed to see what works for me and what doesn't'. Then started a legit survival game. Everything worked more or less, [with the usual bugs, but hey, early access right?] and I saved it, and was done for the day.
The next time I loaded my creative save......... [which I left off inside the bridge of the cyclops on the far side of the Aurora]. I immediately clipped through the sub model, and promptly fell THROUGH the sea floor and kept falling. I fell all the way past 3000m for depth and haven't loaded that save since. [Survival save doesn't experience this bug]
I'm having a many of the issues I see here, game crashing randomly (I don't need to be building or have anything in my hand as others have stated), walking on the sea floor instead of swimming, etc.
I'm also having an inconvenient issue I do not see listed here, I don't have the ability to change regular batteries. Power cells have no problem, but regular batteries never give me an option to switch. I have read that it's controller button X but this does not work with my game. And where in the parenthesis it normally says " (controller button X)" mine just say "()" when I'm holding an object with a dead battery. I've tried resetting controls in menu and everything, but nothing seems to work. I just keep having to rebuild new seaglides, welders, laser cutters, etc every time the battery dies.
Since the last update I can't use left trigger to catch fish anymore either, I don't know if that's a bug or a change that was made, but it makes catching them a lot harder....
Also, I wanted to say I absolutely love this game I'm so excited for more updates!
Have lost a few saves now to spawning into a world with no fish. Makes for an even more difficult survival if there is nothing to eat. Also one in three kelps eaten cause sever heath loss. Have had to close and restart several times now. Let us know when this is fixed so can start really playing the game thanks guy. Beside the issues its a stunning game
Many of the things I learned to craft after scanning it and some things that required certain materials to craft were no longer available for me to craft. I had to re-collect materials to re-learn things, but the items that required to be scanned, not only fragments but things such as pots and searchlights, things that needed the habitat builder to construct, weren't in the building menu and I can't re-learn these because I can't re-scan anything with the exception of fragments.
Anyone have any idea on how to fix this if I even can?
@drowningcar You will need to delete and reinstall your game. This takes a dew minutes but you will not loose your game and it will fix the blueprint issue. IMPORTANT to avoid this happening again avoid the game pause menu to exit the game. Instead hit xbox button, menu, quit from there and it wont happen again.
Hey one of my issues is I start up a new freedom game and when I exit the pod to go and swim I fall as if there is no water while everything else will act as if there is water. Maybe an issue with the if statment for making your character swim or an arguement with that game mode. (I do have some of a knowlegde base when it comes to game dev so I hope I have helped narrow down the possible error in the code and not made your life more challanging)
The gasopods will leak stink into your base. And after i reloaded my save all my med packs in my base fell to the floor and i cant even deconstruct them
I was playing earlier and i found out (if it is not already exposed before) that's some texture do not appear, like some crate box or some minerals. I don't know if there is some others things since as the update came out i just reset my game... even so it's a shame i'd lost some stuff, but it's fun to do it again... Oh! And the give feedback button seem to be half-working, it take the picture, i can wrote a text but that's all, cannot send it at all
I've looked through most of the thread and I haven't seen this reported yet so here's another bug for ya...
I've been playing for a few days now and I finally got my Cyclops. Only problem is that I can't see out the front window enough to actually DO anything. I've tried turning off the interior lighting as I figured that it had something to do with that...can't turn them off. Also cannot turn off the exterior lighting.
I started a new survival game after the last update, now when i try to use mobile vehicle bay the interface doesn't come up and it locks all controls, forcing a dashboard quit game. It's kinda crappy. Cool game though
I started a new survival game after the last update, now when i try to use mobile vehicle bay the interface doesn't come up and it locks all controls, forcing a dashboard quit game. It's kinda crappy. Cool game though
This will happen until you have at least 1 complete vehicle blueprint. do not climb on the thing until you have a reason to build something or you will get stuck.
We started in August, the update for XBO was in early July and developers gave no feedback ... hmmm I'm actually with repentance acquiring Subnautica, never buy a game in which an update brought many problems to the point of the game make boring and dead ... instead of being publishing idiocies on Twitter about new projects or invest the time only in the steam version, I think is a big mistake that you are giving with an Xbox audience.
Sergio the xbox patch is complete and being tested right now. We will have it applied next week. Xbox and steam will now be combined so there is no " just steam version" it is all the same now. Just a little more patience, its almost here.
We started in August, the update for XBO was in early July and developers gave no feedback ... hmmm I'm actually with repentance acquiring Subnautica, never buy a game in which an update brought many problems to the point of the game make boring and dead ... instead of being publishing idiocies on Twitter about new projects or invest the time only in the steam version, I think is a big mistake that you are giving with an Xbox audience.
you are soooooo stupid.
1 learn to read and write english
2. try to use your two neurons to understand what a pre-release is and how it works
3 if you are so idiotic to understend this go play games for 5 to 10 YO
Some problems I'm having I have seen a few times already. Like the mobile vehicle bay and the disappearing storage containers. But one problem I haven't seen yet is the controller settings. I tweak my settings a little to make the gameplay a little easier for me and it is perfectly fine throughout my session. But when I turn off the game and reopen the save file, the settings have reset themselves back to the defaults. So I need to go in to the menus and change them every time I restart my game
Some problems I'm having I have seen a few times already. Like the mobile vehicle bay and the disappearing storage containers. But one problem I haven't seen yet is the controller settings. I tweak my settings a little to make the gameplay a little easier for me and it is perfectly fine throughout my session. But when I turn off the game and reopen the save file, the settings have reset themselves back to the defaults. So I need to go in to the menus and change them every time I restart my game
try to change the setings in the main menu befor starting playing
I spawned a exosuit into my game and when i had to get it more power, I decided to put in my moonpool and it got stuck, when I finally got rid of the moonpool which took away the exosuit too, and reloaded the game cause of some other reasons, I lost ALL of my blueprints that were not the default ones
Whenever I try to use the Mobile Vehicle bay, my game bugs and I can't make any vehicle and I can't get out or do anything else. But the time keeps going, like days and starvation and those things. This just happens in Survival.
Just got a bug today. If I skipped the intro and then exited the pod, I spawn into the world with no swim mechanic. I literally sank like a lead ball and couldn't move.
Some problems I'm having I have seen a few times already. Like the mobile vehicle bay and the disappearing storage containers. But one problem I haven't seen yet is the controller settings. I tweak my settings a little to make the gameplay a little easier for me and it is perfectly fine throughout my session. But when I turn off the game and reopen the save file, the settings have reset themselves back to the defaults. So I need to go in to the menus and change them every time I restart my game
Some problems I'm having I have seen a few times already. Like the mobile vehicle bay and the disappearing storage containers. But one problem I haven't seen yet is the controller settings. I tweak my settings a little to make the gameplay a little easier for me and it is perfectly fine throughout my session. But when I turn off the game and reopen the save file, the settings have reset themselves back to the defaults. So I need to go in to the menus and change them every time I restart my game
Think of a stupid person ... is is is RavenLC
ROFL you quote and disagree Approved instead of me? HA HA HA HA HA you are the most stupid idiot i know LOL
right so i start a NEW GAME built a full mega base went round scanned almost all blueprints SAVE MY GAME ! THEN LOAD UP ANDDDD! AGAIN I LOSE ALL BLUEPRINTS this needs to be FIXED badly DEVS this 100% brakes the way of the game also my time spent i could of played a defo game but of all things the game forgets to remember what blueprints you have 100% then i build with the ones i have then the game farts it out of its memory lol but someone tell me how i can fix this and tell me WHY this happens all that time i spent looking getting them then i get them then lose them when i load up my save ???? NEEDS TO BE FIXED ASAP
@RavenLC and @SergioEA Come on guys, these forums aren't created for you to insult each other back and forth. " you're stupid " " no you're stupid " " you're stupider " the whole thing is stupid.
@RavenLC and @SergioEA Come on guys, these forums aren't created for you to insult each other back and forth. " you're stupid " " no you're stupid " " you're stupider " the whole thing is stupid.
im just telling the truth , you should reed his coments he is only criticizing the devs and the game and not in a good way, just chek all of them plus im not the only one that disagree with him plus you should mind your own business
@RavenLC and @SergioEA Come on guys, these forums aren't created for you to insult each other back and forth. " you're stupid " " no you're stupid " " you're stupider " the whole thing is stupid.
im just telling the truth , you should reed his coments he is only criticizing the devs and the game and not in a good way, just chek all of them plus im not the only one that disagree with him plus you should mind your own business
I have and I agree he's very rude. Calling each other stupid back and forth does nothing though. And if you want people to mind their own business don't post it on public forums.
When the game world loaded, it loaded as it did with what you'd expect. Once I got a hold of the controls, put out the fire, built the welder and repaired everything before disembarking the pod [cuz, y'know, creative]. Once I left the pod via the top, I was struck with the beauty of the water, the shoals, the smoldering gargantuan wreck in the distance..... all geared up, I decided to get my feet wet....... and promptly fell all the way to the sea floor......
It was like I could see the water, the effects, even the bubbles, but physically it didn't affect me. No bouyancy, no swimming...... and I couldn't even get back to the pod cuz it was about 4 meters above my head. I've duplicated this bug in every creative game I've started..... thinking it was the sequence of events... left via the floor hatch without repairing anything, left via the top hatch without repairing anything, even attempted some console commands.
Heres a work around I've done for this...... I spawned a cyclops in such away that when it materialized, I could walk right up to the chin-hatch of the vehicle [no small feat, cuz I didn't know where the hatch was, lol, took about an hour of figuring THAT out by itself]. So, after piloting the sub around a bit, I left the vessel and PRESTO, water now holds my body as expected. So I swam around, did stuff and things, made a base [no exploration] and thought to myself, 'Yeah, this creative thing will be the test bed to see what works for me and what doesn't'. Then started a legit survival game. Everything worked more or less, [with the usual bugs, but hey, early access right?] and I saved it, and was done for the day.
The next time I loaded my creative save......... [which I left off inside the bridge of the cyclops on the far side of the Aurora]. I immediately clipped through the sub model, and promptly fell THROUGH the sea floor and kept falling. I fell all the way past 3000m for depth and haven't loaded that save since. [Survival save doesn't experience this bug]
I'm also having an inconvenient issue I do not see listed here, I don't have the ability to change regular batteries. Power cells have no problem, but regular batteries never give me an option to switch. I have read that it's controller button X but this does not work with my game. And where in the parenthesis it normally says " (controller button X)" mine just say "()" when I'm holding an object with a dead battery. I've tried resetting controls in menu and everything, but nothing seems to work. I just keep having to rebuild new seaglides, welders, laser cutters, etc every time the battery dies.
Since the last update I can't use left trigger to catch fish anymore either, I don't know if that's a bug or a change that was made, but it makes catching them a lot harder....
Also, I wanted to say I absolutely love this game
Anyone have any idea on how to fix this if I even can?
I've been playing for a few days now and I finally got my Cyclops. Only problem is that I can't see out the front window enough to actually DO anything. I've tried turning off the interior lighting as I figured that it had something to do with that...can't turn them off.
This will happen until you have at least 1 complete vehicle blueprint. do not climb on the thing until you have a reason to build something or you will get stuck.
you are soooooo stupid.
1 learn to read and write english
2. try to use your two neurons to understand what a pre-release is and how it works
3 if you are so idiotic to understend this go play games for 5 to 10 YO
try to change the setings in the main menu befor starting playing
Think of a stupid person ... is is is RavenLC
ROFL you quote and disagree Approved instead of me? HA HA HA HA HA you are the most stupid idiot i know LOL
im just telling the truth , you should reed his coments he is only criticizing the devs and the game and not in a good way, just chek all of them plus im not the only one that disagree with him plus you should mind your own business
I have and I agree he's very rude. Calling each other stupid back and forth does nothing though. And if you want people to mind their own business don't post it on public forums.