I start with the changes. Then I talk about some observations related to the 2 rounds.
Remarks have been noted and solution provided.
Here is the change log
<2014 10(Oct) 19>
Botanic vent : Added a second vent entry.
Holographic : made a semi circle to create a hole that can be seen on minimap.
Locker : curved a corner close to north exit in order suggest there's an exit.
Nano workshop : Unhide some part of vents to the commander vue and minimap.
Mapping : Added some crates to allow high life forms and maybe Exo to get back from the lower floor.
Converter : Modified in order to provide bigger LOS to Marines.
Recycling : Vent B entry has been moved up in order to avoid Marine access without JP.
Terraforming : Many modification to make this area more Marine friendly. Enlarged alleys, snake route removed etc.
Added Texture : "Sealed" Hologram-sign. A sign is on each closed door so a player learning the map has more clue about where he can't go.
Possible Gorge Tunnel location removed : Locker (in showers) + Captain's room vue (north).
The game
6vs6 competitive play. TAW ppl aren't new born in this game.
One thing surprised me on both rounds. Each team were trying to get a foothold on the next TP vertically while the best hive for aliens would have been 'Recycling' (more vents) and for the Marines the best choice was 'Mapping' (more light).
Round 1:
Aggressive behavior of both team is undeniable.
02:00 Tunnel in Mapping (& Botanic) - Marine taking the rest available RTs.
03:18 marine 5(1) Rt / Alien 3
05:00 the 2 lerks did change the deal for the game. Marines did not manage to put down the flying couple fast.
07:00 1 fade , Lerks still alive.
11:30 PG at cargo is a good move but unfortunately spotted (bad luck). The rush on botanic failed later.
12:30 Onos gestating.
13:30 PG@nano but intercepted with onos help (bad luck again)
15:00 A gorge is in Nano
15:20 PG@ Launch.
16:00 they enter Mapping but failed to kill it. In the mean time they lost 3 Rts.
17:00 Hive in Nano
17:40 Good behavior of marine trying to block the Onos. Colored sectors are made like that for that reason.
18:00 Marine called it.
Noticeable facts:
-Not many used vents.
-I believe the marines did try to play instinctively (front line style) while they probably could use a little more infiltration. I mean the PGs where good moves but the mix with bad luck/new map probably did not helped. They did kill some high life forms (@17:35) but this was not enough.
The only pivot point is see is the rise of the high lifeforms. Other than that the res income are close enough to say it works. Marine having 4 Rts most of the game is quite good.
Round 2:
Marine decide to test Fast JP tactic.
The alien try to clear bridges in the mean time the gorge is making the tunnel botanic-locker (the bold move that surprised the marine team)
01:41 Good reaction 2 Marines tried to go in Lockers using the south entrance. They failed. They did not try again to use it.
02:00 The same display about conquered territory. 1 vertical pile on the left for alien, the other pile on the right belongs to Marines.
05:00 Marine 3 Rts / Alien 1. The spot on locker is strong but the rest of the map is left for the marines (more or less)
06:00 2 Lerks are out. They will change the deal obviously.
06:15 Marine 5 Rts / Alien 1(2).
07:30 Alien realized they should grind more Rts. That the moment marines started to decline i think.
09:00 Marine 3 Rts / Alien 3. Marine have advanced weapon and try to rush in locker from Bridge. It probably would help to try the other way around.
10:00 Another failed rush on locker for the Marines
11:00 Marine 3 Rts / Alien 4.
13:00 2 fades deny Marine presence in Recycling
14:00 Marine 4 Rts / Alien 4. But Aliens grind hard on it. Marines start to loose inch by inch map control.
19:00 PG in Maintenance, they rush Botanic. But alien attack Analysis at the same time.
19:50 Marine build a base in Botanic trying to stay alive. Alien did lost in the process: Carapace 3, crag hive, leap and metabolize.
20:30 Surprisingly Analysis is still alive. but marines have only one RT.
21:30 Aliens attack Botanic. It will fall. Aliens build Recycling hive. They still have a foothold on Locker.
23:00 Marines can't really get out.
24:30 Despite the Marines effort each Ninja is intercepted.
24:40 GG called.
Noticeable facts:
Alien commander did help in the field (Tunnel protection).
There is the same pivot point (high lifeforms) but here we have the destabilizing tunnel (which is no longer possible). That was something strong in this area but it left the other areas not really crowded. It helped to see that even with this strong position Alien did loose 3 times Maintenance RT and left marine RTs alone for a while. Can't be everywhere, anytime.
One noticeable thing is that Marine did not fell instantly like on other maps. They were able to breath they even made a point in killing Botanic hive. That is a good point.
-Considering it was not meant to be played competitively it's a surprise. This did not go wrong at all.
It is for now : "Alien sided". ok.
BUT i do know the marine could do better if they had a better knowledge of the map. It is obvious. It does that for every map, marine have difficulties when they have trouble of this kind.
I made changes but still have to give a little something to the marine in order to be ready when Lerks are out (the pivot point).
->Maybe a Double RT in bridge. Problem is the RT count is pushed to 10.
->Access to NanoWorkshop is easier now, Maybe make it more marine friendly is another way of doing things. Problem would be a endless fight on this areas as Alien wouldn't want that. It may be too strong in the end and to much repetitive like Veil.
->>>Any suggestion welcomed.
-There's always the knowledge of the map that comes in the way. For what i can tell; people did not try "the other way available" enough. It will surely do the trick when people do know the map little secrets.
-Many fell in stairs because they did not check enough the ceiling.
Future undecided
Note : I keep the "game rules" untouched. It's always opposite spawn until the players know this map better.
In the end it would probably be :
Marine start@North, Alien start@South
-75% chance for opposite starting point. South West vs North East etc...
-25% chance for same side starting point. All East / West
I know it's definitely not what you have imagined and it's just my personal preference but I think the layout would work better like that.
It would take the central position closer to the rest of the map and marines actually would have valid natural RTs
It did try that already (with bots and stopwatch):
-It makes Nano workshop even harder to get for the marines. A Marine have to go through converter/Launch then converge to Nano. It would take more than 25 seconds in each case (from natural starting TP).
-If they get it but loose it; It will take even more time to get it back. While aliens will sit on their RTs (or kill Marines RTs).
-PG would be the thing to have first in this case. So tactics becomes predictable. Aliens will adapt accordingly.
But in the mean time enlarging Nano Workshop to the North can do something good : Simplifying the whole area.
I changed Terraforming (see the post above). But i don't want to go further until I get more datas (proper testing). Sometimes it's just map knowledge that prevent efficient moves. I'm sure it will evolve. Then when I'm sure where/what the issue is I will do what's necessary to address it.
<2014 10(Oct) 21>
Cargo : Set of pipes moved a little up to allow a gorge and his belly to go under...
Cargo : Changed some spot shadow fade rate to a lower value so we see shadow from far away.
Analysis : Added 2 textures for Analysis directions. The room is a little confusing. The signs show a picture of the next room.
Mapping : Added 1 texture for mapping. I wanted a galaxy in there. As no props can be done; a simple geometry does the trick.
Recycling : Added one light bulb to remove ugly black stuff. Modified some light shadow fade rate to a lower value so we see shadow from far away.
Captain's room PN moved to a location accessible for a MAC.
Some yellow sector texture in red sector changed to red.
2 doors props (holographic + black sector) were removed from commander view. Why they ended up here? I don't know.
Plan to add some signposts in order to give directions to players (though there's a map).
Need to make a texture with all the names
find a way to mix a prop and a geometry in a useful and visually ok thing.
<2014 11(Nov) 02>
Ora_sol_001 texture is now in version E... this one it the most difficult to get right apparently.
Added some metal "surface variable" in several material.
Added reflection probes in Colored sectors areas, Analysis, Pipe exchange.
Decoration : Added door between Analysis and Generator
Pipe exchange : reworked lightning and hopefully improve FPS. Added some pipes to block marine camping.
Pathing geometry : Improvement here and there.
played the map today, mapping i believe its called has a platform above it marines cant get to but skulks can giving aliens a perfect way to bile marine start without issue. Its basically game breaking and difficult to counter even with grenades. you can easily get 10 gorges up there
otherwise the map played well without exploiting that issue
Extended NanoWorkshop to the North so it feel more accessible (no more snake path).
Terraforming : Removed snake path
Vents linking NanoWorkshop & Terraforming : Adapted to the new configuration.
Generator : Added glass cylinders on energy pit area and on top structures.
Mapping : Added props + Fixed platform access atop Mapping TP that provided bile bomb position and game killer
Ready room : Added props
Secret room : moved to a better location
*Redesign lightning : More Ambient, less spots & lights with special effects. Hopefully it will improve FPS.
-Terraforming hangar (Can't go there).
-Quarter circle connector N/E/W
-Quarter circle Hole (connection to Holographic)
Commander view
Replaced props by geometry in Analysis in order to improve the commander view.
Replaced props by other props in NanoWorkshop in order to improve the commander view.
New logo (preview.jpg)
Edit: Skin (almost forgot)
Some skins are replaced when playing ORA. It only replace the "default" skin models. It's not selectable (yet?) in personalization menu.
Marine : Default Male+Female skin are replaced by ORA version (including player view).
Pistol : Default pistol skin is replaced by ORA version.
Alien : All lifeforms skin are replaced by ORA version. Currently red fashioned. Can be changed in future.
Decoration on the glass (inside/outside decal etc...
Improved Commander view (Commander invisible)
Commander invisible for parts of the vent that are overlapping on the normal layout.
For the scaffolding atop the hive ; NOCLING object to prevent infestation; no build to prevent evolving and tunnel.
Captain's room
Ambient on crystal ignores Power node
Door is now visible for the commander
Replaced regular lights by ambient lights where it is possible in order to improve FPS.
Moved the PN to the same level of the room with minor changes in the room
prevent buildings to be dropped on the vent exits
Vent South West:
Added props in vent connecting botanic & Drone launch to fix a hole.
Lights inside the core (glass) are now independent from the power node.
Lights : Replaced regular light by ambient light wherever it was possible in order to improve FPS.
Cargo, Vents connecting Cargo, Bridge, Converter, Pipeline exchange, Recycling, Drone maintenance, Drone launch, Mapping, Lockers, some others here and there also.
Blue skin version replace now the red one for ALL aliens. It's less blue than the initial set. I had a heavy hand, so now it's more subtle.
Minimap rendering seem to ignore "CommanderInvisibleVent". So it's quite visible and less like it was (mixed with map)
I'm always looking for more feedback.
If anyone can test rooms in mini-session like
-one room
-2 skulk vs 2 marine
-2 skulk vs 2 SG marine
-2 Lerks vs 2 SG marine
The kind of things that are usual in a game...
Available when STEAM cloud recovers form the arse that did push the button nobody has the right to push during the Week Ends...
Generator : Added props + modification of geometry
Cargo : Added some geometry to render the room more alien friendly.
NanoWorkshop : Made sure no alien can evolve on top of NanoWorkshop.
Converter : Added some decorations props
Catwalk : Added some decorations props so it gives the impression a big thing passed trough the wall.
Ready room : added ambient light for less contrast. + added some reflection probes.
Skybox : Updated with better textures through a real render (1024 sample AA) quality.
"Screens": are updated (maybe one day it'll be fixed).
Facts vs feelings:
Many people said this map was huge. I was not really for or against. But still this comment was getting back often. So I did a little test.
I launched the editor and loaded NS2_Tram (supposedly the smallest) and draw a box to contain all "walk-able" parts of the map. Copy it, load my map and paste it. Same with NS2_Descent. Here is the test result.
Tram :
Descent :
ORA is actually one of the smallest map, I'm afraid. What gives this "impression" is probably the many routes you can take. And probably that you can't lock forever a position (base). So in this map you shouldn't waste any second. Conclusion, It's more a learning matter than anything.
Planning to change "Locker room" into a "Library". It just makes more sense. The locker style was convenient to shape the room as the layout was still wet paint. Now it can be changed in favor of a media library.
Summit is considered as the smallest map. Anyway that doesn't change your point.
What about travel times ? These are what can give the impression a map is huge, as well as many many lanes
Summit is considered as the smallest map. Anyway that doesn't change your point.
What about travel times ? These are what can give the impression a map is huge, as well as many many lanes
Nothing really changed (10 to 15s) except the two North diagonals (Mapping <-> Nano & Ananlysis <-> Nano) as i simplified "Terraforming" (north of Nano). So it should be less than previous values (see page one).
It's quite "orthogonal" actually. Even if the sight is blocked and you feel you turn 10 times in 10 meters... it's just a feeling. Actually the trajectories are quite 'straight'.
But i understand it can be difficult with many obstacles or even low light level in some areas.
Up to the people to provide feed back. No need to write huge wall of text. Twitch/YT and talk is more convenient.
"Lockers" becomes "Library"
The room was modified in order to be closer to the scenario (space vessel). It's is now a media library.
+Added textures made upon original textures (holographic screens inside the cylinder).
So far it looks OK, while I had many 'builder/overview.exe' + upload error codes issues lately. So if you see something wrong, tell me.
< 2015 08(Aug) 01 > Mapping:
Pipe exchange : added deco + Geo + props (it looks more logical to have pipes in there) + water anims
Botanic : Fixed geometry bug in doorway to Holographic
Cat walk : Added pipes in walls & ground + lot more details + collision geometry
Blue sector : Fixed light from library (Sometimes ambient lights sux)
Nano Workshop : Reshaped the 2 south entrances.
Generator (geo+props) Added decoration on both side of the glass cylinder + creating a room underneath (like Botanic)
Some "Commander invisible" fix + Path fix
All 4 Quarter circle textures (simple + sign)
new normal map, updated albedo, added emissive texture (neon effect)
Replaced Black by Green (sector).
Need to investigate:
First cyst from hive Recycling can't go out through north entrance. If a first cyst is created in the hive, it finally works. Weird.
<2015 12(Dec) 05>
General mapping : more props ; reworking some lights
Mapping : Fixed, Holo galaxy was solid... all Noncollision geometry got back to solid.
Generator : Some props underneath. It's only logical to have a elevetor under the hatch. More pipes in there.
Converter : Some decoration + small modification of geometry.
Cat walk : added a decontamination section to break straight lines
Launch : Some more decoration
New Exterior decoration : is now HUGE and cover the sides and front of the map!
Texture :
ora_vaisseau_exterieur_001 is now version F and 2 distinct materials.
ora_hologramme_galaxie is now version B
Skybox : from 100% procedural to Textured
To view equirectangular images and throw yourself in a new world you can use FSPviewer
Collision : Apparently the Noncollision group was forgot. Had to reassign all noncollision geometry in the group.
More is planned but I'm waiting for the Blender exporter that ensures precision unit conversion. So far i used it only for objects that don't require alignment and "have to fit" objects.
I'd like to see it tested. feel free to do so. TIA.
Kouji_SanSr. Hινε UÏкεεÏεг - EUPT DeputyThe NetherlandsJoin Date: 2003-05-13Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
edited December 2015
Awesome looking skybox, I'm however conflicted on the star. It seems like it could use some more... UMPH so to speak, the cloud surrounding it seems a bit off as well though
Pls use this document to help you test this map.
The more you show interest the more i can enhance this map.
Thank you very much.
Change log (summarized) Jul 14
Room : Holographic (Connector SW): Remake. Welcome Transfer"
Room : Q SW Hole : Remake. Now there is plenty of pipes in there"
Room : Catwalk (Connector SW-E): Remake. Now there is plenty of pipes in there"
Room : Maintenance (RT West): Modified the North LOS to avoid long range RT shooting
Room : Pipelines (Connector E-SE): Remake. Welcome CO2-O2"
General : Pipes are replaced by an ORA model as much as possible.
General : Textures are replaced by an ORA one as much as possible.
Room : Converter (RT East – Geometry): Replaced some geometry with 1/2 circle shaped volume
Added ready room B: Something to visit
Added ready room C: Something to visit
All material "All have been reviewed and eventually Debugged, Enhanced, Re-made, Removed. ~90 materials"
Modeling: A set of 248 models have been included
144 pipes (different shape and colors)
46 beams (different shape and colors)
1 set for vents
1 set of colums
1 set of rocks
2 sets of doorway (& door)
1 container (will make more)
1 lab set (13 model, wall, corners etc)
1 set of bio storage (sphere like)
1 set of light column"
Texture ora_metal_peint_001: Added grooves
Texture ora_vaisseau_paroi_ext_001 & 002: New texture for geometry and the new prop
Modeling + texutre ora_arche_001: New prop to replace some geometry in Northern rooms
Modeling + texutre Skybox: "Remake. 3D scene (in Blender). Added a rotating plannet"
Modeling ora_vaisseau_paroi_ext: New prop to replace the early « Exporter Proof » in place but really ugly
Aug 1
Mapping Mapping: "Remake New configuration and some modification on the adjacent rooms."
Mapping Botanic: "Removed shadow from Spots. The rendring engine has become weak about shadows and even shows flikering effect when too much lights with showdows are in the same area. Sad. Replaced wall by Lab style wall"
Mapping Transfer: More decorations
Mapping Exchange: Some prop have been adjusted and modified
Mapping Converter + Launch + Mapping + Bridge + Captain’s room / Exterior: Remake of the exterior so it looks better
Mapping Ready room A: "Remake. Better shape, texture and lightning in there"
Aug 9
Mapping Game entities Fixed location boxes that were not correctly a fit for a room or was completely out of position (I moved some rooms, you know.)
Update since Testing on TAW server
I start with the changes. Then I talk about some observations related to the 2 rounds.
Remarks have been noted and solution provided.
Here is the change log
Botanic vent : Added a second vent entry.
Holographic : made a semi circle to create a hole that can be seen on minimap.
Locker : curved a corner close to north exit in order suggest there's an exit.
Nano workshop : Unhide some part of vents to the commander vue and minimap.
Mapping : Added some crates to allow high life forms and maybe Exo to get back from the lower floor.
Converter : Modified in order to provide bigger LOS to Marines.
Recycling : Vent B entry has been moved up in order to avoid Marine access without JP.
Terraforming : Many modification to make this area more Marine friendly. Enlarged alleys, snake route removed etc.
Added Texture : "Sealed" Hologram-sign. A sign is on each closed door so a player learning the map has more clue about where he can't go.
Possible Gorge Tunnel location removed : Locker (in showers) + Captain's room vue (north).
The game
6vs6 competitive play. TAW ppl aren't new born in this game.
One thing surprised me on both rounds. Each team were trying to get a foothold on the next TP vertically while the best hive for aliens would have been 'Recycling' (more vents) and for the Marines the best choice was 'Mapping' (more light).
Round 1:
02:00 Tunnel in Mapping (& Botanic) - Marine taking the rest available RTs.
03:18 marine 5(1) Rt / Alien 3
05:00 the 2 lerks did change the deal for the game. Marines did not manage to put down the flying couple fast.
07:00 1 fade , Lerks still alive.
11:30 PG at cargo is a good move but unfortunately spotted (bad luck). The rush on botanic failed later.
12:30 Onos gestating.
13:30 PG@nano but intercepted with onos help (bad luck again)
15:00 A gorge is in Nano
15:20 PG@ Launch.
16:00 they enter Mapping but failed to kill it. In the mean time they lost 3 Rts.
17:00 Hive in Nano
17:40 Good behavior of marine trying to block the Onos. Colored sectors are made like that for that reason.
18:00 Marine called it.
Noticeable facts:
-Not many used vents.
-I believe the marines did try to play instinctively (front line style) while they probably could use a little more infiltration. I mean the PGs where good moves but the mix with bad luck/new map probably did not helped. They did kill some high life forms (@17:35) but this was not enough.
The only pivot point is see is the rise of the high lifeforms. Other than that the res income are close enough to say it works. Marine having 4 Rts most of the game is quite good.
Round 2:
The alien try to clear bridges in the mean time the gorge is making the tunnel botanic-locker (the bold move that surprised the marine team)
01:41 Good reaction 2 Marines tried to go in Lockers using the south entrance. They failed. They did not try again to use it.
02:00 The same display about conquered territory. 1 vertical pile on the left for alien, the other pile on the right belongs to Marines.
05:00 Marine 3 Rts / Alien 1. The spot on locker is strong but the rest of the map is left for the marines (more or less)
06:00 2 Lerks are out. They will change the deal obviously.
06:15 Marine 5 Rts / Alien 1(2).
07:30 Alien realized they should grind more Rts. That the moment marines started to decline i think.
09:00 Marine 3 Rts / Alien 3. Marine have advanced weapon and try to rush in locker from Bridge. It probably would help to try the other way around.
10:00 Another failed rush on locker for the Marines
11:00 Marine 3 Rts / Alien 4.
13:00 2 fades deny Marine presence in Recycling
14:00 Marine 4 Rts / Alien 4. But Aliens grind hard on it. Marines start to loose inch by inch map control.
19:00 PG in Maintenance, they rush Botanic. But alien attack Analysis at the same time.
19:50 Marine build a base in Botanic trying to stay alive. Alien did lost in the process: Carapace 3, crag hive, leap and metabolize.
20:30 Surprisingly Analysis is still alive. but marines have only one RT.
21:30 Aliens attack Botanic. It will fall. Aliens build Recycling hive. They still have a foothold on Locker.
23:00 Marines can't really get out.
24:30 Despite the Marines effort each Ninja is intercepted.
24:40 GG called.
Noticeable facts:
Alien commander did help in the field (Tunnel protection).
There is the same pivot point (high lifeforms) but here we have the destabilizing tunnel (which is no longer possible). That was something strong in this area but it left the other areas not really crowded. It helped to see that even with this strong position Alien did loose 3 times Maintenance RT and left marine RTs alone for a while. Can't be everywhere, anytime.
One noticeable thing is that Marine did not fell instantly like on other maps. They were able to breath they even made a point in killing Botanic hive. That is a good point.
It is for now : "Alien sided". ok.
BUT i do know the marine could do better if they had a better knowledge of the map. It is obvious. It does that for every map, marine have difficulties when they have trouble of this kind.
I made changes but still have to give a little something to the marine in order to be ready when Lerks are out (the pivot point).
->Maybe a Double RT in bridge. Problem is the RT count is pushed to 10.
->Access to NanoWorkshop is easier now, Maybe make it more marine friendly is another way of doing things. Problem would be a endless fight on this areas as Alien wouldn't want that. It may be too strong in the end and to much repetitive like Veil.
->>>Any suggestion welcomed.
-There's always the knowledge of the map that comes in the way. For what i can tell; people did not try "the other way available" enough. It will surely do the trick when people do know the map little secrets.
-Many fell in stairs because they did not check enough the ceiling.
Future undecided
Note : I keep the "game rules" untouched. It's always opposite spawn until the players know this map better.
In the end it would probably be :
Marine start@North, Alien start@South
-75% chance for opposite starting point. South West vs North East etc...
-25% chance for same side starting point. All East / West
It did try that already (with bots and stopwatch):
-It makes Nano workshop even harder to get for the marines. A Marine have to go through converter/Launch then converge to Nano. It would take more than 25 seconds in each case (from natural starting TP).
-If they get it but loose it; It will take even more time to get it back. While aliens will sit on their RTs (or kill Marines RTs).
-PG would be the thing to have first in this case. So tactics becomes predictable. Aliens will adapt accordingly.
But in the mean time enlarging Nano Workshop to the North can do something good : Simplifying the whole area.
I changed Terraforming (see the post above). But i don't want to go further until I get more datas (proper testing). Sometimes it's just map knowledge that prevent efficient moves. I'm sure it will evolve. Then when I'm sure where/what the issue is I will do what's necessary to address it.
Maintenance update
Cargo : Set of pipes moved a little up to allow a gorge and his belly to go under...
Cargo : Changed some spot shadow fade rate to a lower value so we see shadow from far away.
Analysis : Added 2 textures for Analysis directions. The room is a little confusing. The signs show a picture of the next room.
Mapping : Added 1 texture for mapping. I wanted a galaxy in there. As no props can be done; a simple geometry does the trick.
Recycling : Added one light bulb to remove ugly black stuff. Modified some light shadow fade rate to a lower value so we see shadow from far away.
Captain's room PN moved to a location accessible for a MAC.
Some yellow sector texture in red sector changed to red.
2 doors props (holographic + black sector) were removed from commander view. Why they ended up here? I don't know.
Plan to add some signposts in order to give directions to players (though there's a map).
Need to make a texture with all the names
find a way to mix a prop and a geometry in a useful and visually ok thing.
Ora_sol_001 texture is now in version E... this one it the most difficult to get right apparently.
Added some metal "surface variable" in several material.
Added reflection probes in Colored sectors areas, Analysis, Pipe exchange.
Decoration : Added door between Analysis and Generator
Pipe exchange : reworked lightning and hopefully improve FPS. Added some pipes to block marine camping.
Pathing geometry : Improvement here and there.
Want a badge / shoulder patch ?
otherwise the map played well without exploiting that issue
Extended NanoWorkshop to the North so it feel more accessible (no more snake path).
Terraforming : Removed snake path
Vents linking NanoWorkshop & Terraforming : Adapted to the new configuration.
Generator : Added glass cylinders on energy pit area and on top structures.
Mapping : Added props + Fixed platform access atop Mapping TP that provided bile bomb position and game killer
Ready room : Added props
Secret room : moved to a better location
*Redesign lightning : More Ambient, less spots & lights with special effects. Hopefully it will improve FPS.
-Terraforming hangar (Can't go there).
-Quarter circle connector N/E/W
-Quarter circle Hole (connection to Holographic)
Commander view
Replaced props by geometry in Analysis in order to improve the commander view.
Replaced props by other props in NanoWorkshop in order to improve the commander view.
New logo (preview.jpg)
Skin (almost forgot)
Some skins are replaced when playing ORA. It only replace the "default" skin models. It's not selectable (yet?) in personalization menu.
Marine : Default Male+Female skin are replaced by ORA version (including player view).
Pistol : Default pistol skin is replaced by ORA version.
Alien : All lifeforms skin are replaced by ORA version. Currently red fashioned. Can be changed in future.
Monthly update:
Decoration on the glass (inside/outside decal etc...
Improved Commander view (Commander invisible)
Commander invisible for parts of the vent that are overlapping on the normal layout.
For the scaffolding atop the hive ; NOCLING object to prevent infestation; no build to prevent evolving and tunnel.
Captain's room
Ambient on crystal ignores Power node
Door is now visible for the commander
Replaced regular lights by ambient lights where it is possible in order to improve FPS.
Moved the PN to the same level of the room with minor changes in the room
prevent buildings to be dropped on the vent exits
Improved Commander view (Commander invisible)
Added decoration.
Ora_sol_001 - is now "metal" instead of "thin metal".
...available when the Steam-Workshop-NS2 mod bug is fixed (we got issues apparently).
Monthly update :
Vent South West:
Added props in vent connecting botanic & Drone launch to fix a hole.
Lights inside the core (glass) are now independent from the power node.
Lights : Replaced regular light by ambient light wherever it was possible in order to improve FPS.
Cargo, Vents connecting Cargo, Bridge, Converter, Pipeline exchange, Recycling, Drone maintenance, Drone launch, Mapping, Lockers, some others here and there also.
Blue skin version replace now the red one for ALL aliens. It's less blue than the initial set. I had a heavy hand, so now it's more subtle.
Minimap rendering seem to ignore "CommanderInvisibleVent". So it's quite visible and less like it was (mixed with map)
I'm always looking for more feedback.
If anyone can test rooms in mini-session like
-one room
-2 skulk vs 2 marine
-2 skulk vs 2 SG marine
-2 Lerks vs 2 SG marine
The kind of things that are usual in a game...
Available when STEAM cloud recovers form the arse that did push the button nobody has the right to push during the Week Ends...
feedback from my side will follow... might take some hours or days until I do this though
Thank you very much.
(Not a) monthly update:
Cargo : Added some geometry to render the room more alien friendly.
NanoWorkshop : Made sure no alien can evolve on top of NanoWorkshop.
Converter : Added some decorations props
Catwalk : Added some decorations props so it gives the impression a big thing passed trough the wall.
Ready room : added ambient light for less contrast. + added some reflection probes.
Skybox : Updated with better textures through a real render (1024 sample AA) quality.
"Screens": are updated (maybe one day it'll be fixed).
Facts vs feelings:
Many people said this map was huge. I was not really for or against. But still this comment was getting back often. So I did a little test.
I launched the editor and loaded NS2_Tram (supposedly the smallest) and draw a box to contain all "walk-able" parts of the map. Copy it, load my map and paste it. Same with NS2_Descent. Here is the test result.
Descent :
ORA is actually one of the smallest map, I'm afraid. What gives this "impression" is probably the many routes you can take. And probably that you can't lock forever a position (base). So in this map you shouldn't waste any second. Conclusion, It's more a learning matter than anything.
Planning to change "Locker room" into a "Library". It just makes more sense. The locker style was convenient to shape the room as the layout was still wet paint. Now it can be changed in favor of a media library.
What about travel times ? These are what can give the impression a map is huge, as well as many many lanes
Nothing really changed (10 to 15s) except the two North diagonals (Mapping <-> Nano & Ananlysis <-> Nano) as i simplified "Terraforming" (north of Nano). So it should be less than previous values (see page one).
It's quite "orthogonal" actually. Even if the sight is blocked and you feel you turn 10 times in 10 meters... it's just a feeling. Actually the trajectories are quite 'straight'.
But i understand it can be difficult with many obstacles or even low light level in some areas.
Up to the people to provide feed back. No need to write huge wall of text. Twitch/YT and talk is more convenient.
(Not a) monthly update:
The room was modified in order to be closer to the scenario (space vessel). It's is now a media library.
+Added textures made upon original textures (holographic screens inside the cylinder).
So far it looks OK, while I had many 'builder/overview.exe' + upload error codes issues lately. So if you see something wrong, tell me.
(Still not a) monthly update:
Bridge : Replaced the crappy computer imitation (half a circle shape).
1 better look.
2 giving back this corner of the room to the marines.
This object was created under blender 2.74 and exported to the Spark editor using the @BeigeAlert tool. Now it's official.
Work is finished on the bridge.
The bridge is more like an Arcadia inspired bridge. With a view...
I had some time to kill.
Pipe exchange : added deco + Geo + props (it looks more logical to have pipes in there) + water anims
Botanic : Fixed geometry bug in doorway to Holographic
Cat walk : Added pipes in walls & ground + lot more details + collision geometry
Blue sector : Fixed light from library (Sometimes ambient lights sux)
Nano Workshop : Reshaped the 2 south entrances.
Generator (geo+props) Added decoration on both side of the glass cylinder + creating a room underneath (like Botanic)
Some "Commander invisible" fix + Path fix
All 4 Quarter circle textures (simple + sign)
new normal map, updated albedo, added emissive texture (neon effect)
Replaced Black by Green (sector).
Need to investigate:
First cyst from hive Recycling can't go out through north entrance. If a first cyst is created in the hive, it finally works. Weird.
- Ready room : Reworked the circle platform, extended the room, added a crane, big hangar underneath.
- Green sector : Decal decoration
- Cat walk : Second time - Added pipes in walls + more details + collision geometry
- Recycling : Many things added in terms of light, geometry and decoration. "Tubes in box" everywhere.
- Recycling - Pipe Excahnge : modification (16 units) to move the West entrance of Recycling.
TextureSome time to kill
General mapping : more props ; reworking some lights
Texture :
I'd like to see it tested. feel free to do so. TIA.
It's some time I killed; so i didn't decided yet how I'm gonna do that.
This is a new version of this map including heavy changes.
This map needs playtesting :
Pls use this document to help you test this map.
The more you show interest the more i can enhance this map.
Thank you very much.
Change log (summarized) Jul 14
Room : Q SW Hole : Remake. Now there is plenty of pipes in there"
Room : Catwalk (Connector SW-E): Remake. Now there is plenty of pipes in there"
Room : Maintenance (RT West): Modified the North LOS to avoid long range RT shooting
Room : Pipelines (Connector E-SE): Remake. Welcome CO2-O2"
General : Pipes are replaced by an ORA model as much as possible.
General : Textures are replaced by an ORA one as much as possible.
Room : Converter (RT East – Geometry): Replaced some geometry with 1/2 circle shaped volume
Added ready room B: Something to visit
Added ready room C: Something to visit
All material "All have been reviewed and eventually Debugged, Enhanced, Re-made, Removed. ~90 materials"
Modeling: A set of 248 models have been included
144 pipes (different shape and colors)
46 beams (different shape and colors)
1 set for vents
1 set of colums
1 set of rocks
2 sets of doorway (& door)
1 container (will make more)
1 lab set (13 model, wall, corners etc)
1 set of bio storage (sphere like)
1 set of light column"
Texture ora_metal_peint_001: Added grooves
Texture ora_vaisseau_paroi_ext_001 & 002: New texture for geometry and the new prop
Modeling + texutre ora_arche_001: New prop to replace some geometry in Northern rooms
Modeling + texutre Skybox: "Remake. 3D scene (in Blender). Added a rotating plannet"
Modeling ora_vaisseau_paroi_ext: New prop to replace the early « Exporter Proof » in place but really ugly
Aug 1
Mapping Botanic: "Removed shadow from Spots. The rendring engine has become weak about shadows and even shows flikering effect when too much lights with showdows are in the same area. Sad. Replaced wall by Lab style wall"
Mapping Transfer: More decorations
Mapping Exchange: Some prop have been adjusted and modified
Mapping Converter + Launch + Mapping + Bridge + Captain’s room / Exterior: Remake of the exterior so it looks better
Mapping Ready room A: "Remake. Better shape, texture and lightning in there"
Aug 9