I still have blueprint glitch

LonzomaticLonzomatic USA Join Date: 2016-08-01 Member: 220895Members
My game is still broke with blueprint glitch. I have 5 of 5 fragments for mobile vehicle bay and game wont give
me the complete blueprint. I have tried every suggested imput for the Dev panel and nothing works (I dont want
to use unlock all command). Progression is impossible without being able to frabricate the MVB. I was hoping
this situation would have been fixed with the last two patches. I love this game yet I would not want to
start over for I have invested considerable time so far. Any new ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated.


  • BlindGuardianBlindGuardian Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217604Members
    I'm stuck right there with you. I've managed to override a few of them with console commands but a have a bunch still locked at 3/3, etc.

    I don't have a solution outside of deleting that save, so keep waiting for more replies before doing that.

    However, last patch I made a new save in Freedom mode (I usually only play hardcore/survival) but I ONLY scanned fragments, not once did I scan a fish, or a desk or anything that wasn't the little fragment box, and I never ran into any blueprint glitch. It could have been a fluke or luck, but I managed to get every single fragment without any issue this way.

    It's worth trying out if you start a new game just in case the issue is still there.
  • scouttsscoutts Victoria, BC Join Date: 2016-07-28 Member: 220747Members
    Gonna sound dumb but have you tried building it anyways? I had the glitch for the Cyclops..ie said I only had 2 of 3 but i know I scanned all three fragments and watched it unlock. After a save and reload, it said I only had 2 of 3 but when I went to build it...i could.
  • LonzomaticLonzomatic USA Join Date: 2016-08-01 Member: 220895Members
    Yes I checked fabricator its not there.
  • SkidmarkSkidmark Join Date: 2016-08-22 Member: 221584Members
    Scout don't build the cyclops...you get it but will disappear on loading. I'm having the same issue 2/3. I do believe its a barrier because its still a work in progress.
  • scouttsscoutts Victoria, BC Join Date: 2016-07-28 Member: 220747Members
    Another dumb one then..it's in the mobile vehicle bay, not the fabricator...
  • HeartOfTheKINGHeartOfTheKING XBOX ONE Join Date: 2016-05-30 Member: 217758Members
    Skidmark wrote: »
    Scout don't build the cyclops...you get it but will disappear on loading. I'm having the same issue 2/3. I do believe its a barrier because its still a work in progress.
    Ihad the same issue with the blueprint 2/3, but I was still able to build the Cyclops and it didn't disappear on loading. That was before today's (8/29) update though?
  • LonzomaticLonzomatic USA Join Date: 2016-08-01 Member: 220895Members
    Dont you make mobile vehicle bay in fabricator? Well I cant do it eventhough I have all the fragments 3 of 3. Its not under deployables.
  • RonsloRonslo Ireland Join Date: 2016-05-19 Member: 217036Members
    I'd suggest spawning it in with the dev console and then sacrificing the materials needed to build it to the reaper
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