tetherable/floating bases

morryataymorryatay Australia m8 Join Date: 2016-06-06 Member: 218175Members
basically you get some blueprint with an outrageously original name, (base tether.misc.etc) which tethers allowing for bases out in the middle of nowhere with no actual supports needed.

Whether it would be a deployable;
(deploys where it is and has an anchor sink to the depths of hell),
or a build tool item
(right click the base, and then the tether point o the seafloor)

would be up to the devs discretion

you can also tether tethers to tethers, with more tethers.... this would allow for things like suspension bridges, and multi tether anchors, sorta like how some deep sea oil rigs work with there pipes Offshore-rig-setup.jpg

also there would be a build tool installable upgrade that allows tethers to be retractable, allowing for a deep sea base that can surface, like that crazy thing in the bond film...

also tethers would be breakable, mainly from attacks by animals, as well as collisions from reefbacks/reapers and vehicles, hence the need to allow multiple.

anywho share your thoughts on my idea.

and yes, before you inevitably say it, i do understand that it is difficult to code in something like this in, and that if it was accepted then it would be a longer term task.

-morry <3


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