How large do you like your Sea Base?
Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members

I've seen some Youtubers who build gigantic bases. I mean... they're sprawling everywhere. And they take large amounts of time to walk through. I'm never comfortable with that. Walking all that distance is annoying and if the place is damaged you'd need to run all over the place like a rooster with its head chopped off trying to find the damaged sections.
I've found that compact bases are the best thing for me. I don't have to travel too far. Then again, I don't hoard materials either (I use a maximum of three lockers most times) and I only build if I need to.
Anyways, what's your preferred size for your base?
I've found that compact bases are the best thing for me. I don't have to travel too far. Then again, I don't hoard materials either (I use a maximum of three lockers most times) and I only build if I need to.
Anyways, what's your preferred size for your base?
So, compact but complete.
Thru the course of a game ill almost always build all these kind of base. At the beginning of a game most times i'll build a very compact base -- 2-3 tubes with several lockers for more storage space --
then after a few hours (3-4) i'll move somewhere else then build a more advanced one, 8-10 tubes and 1-2-3 MP room for botany/aquarium.
Eventually i'll settle in somewhere more definitive, where i'll build a more complex base with several MP room and 1/2 Moonpool, scanner room 'n all da cool shizznits
11 assorted sections above and about 28 sections below.
(this includes platforms for higher number strength)
I built it over one of the Shallows cliffs facing a Kelp Forrest for a more dramatic effect.
Have one each of a Moonpool, a Scanner Room and two Observation Rooms. (one above and one below the waterline)
I have a 15 Level Multipurpose Room Alien Aquarium, stocked full of assorted creatures.
It runs from the ocean floor up to just below sea level.
When they fix the surface water so it doesn't go through the compartments, I'm going to add one more Mp-Room full of windows as a home-made Observation room.
Have built the Cyclops (named Seaview II) and three Seamoths.
(ORCA I & ORCA II had unlucky run-ins with those damn Crashfish)
The current one (SEABEE) got me to the entrance of AURORA yesterday and I managed to find the 4th P.R.A.W.N. suit fragment I needed before being done-in by those stupid Blighters.
(didn't bring enough First Aid kits with me)
Today I'm mostly planning on gathering the materials to build my first PRAWN suit and fiddling with it.
Then I have to go retrieve SEABEE from where it was when I died yesterday.
I'm thinking about adding a seafloor extension out into the Kelp Forrest where I can observe the Stalkers up-close and personal without getting bitten.
At that point, I may start a new game and do it all over again in a different location.
I'm fiddling with the in-game camera system this morning, so I'll try to post a few pics in the "Seabase Showcase Thread" if I'm successful.
Usually they will have a moonpool and scanner room, along with a couple of connectors and an observation room. Sometimes I'll add a multipurpose room.
I try to keep it specialized and compact, usually starting with a cross piece. Then one branch is engineering and vessel docking, one for energy, one for food/water with the bed and desk above, and one for alien containment. So far I haven't had to expand upon this design.
Also, it wasn't until after I had built a portion of mine that I learned we need to launch our vehicle pod in deep waters (I started at 13 m). I decided to extend to a nearby shelf so that I could walk safely to and fro.
I'm only a few hours into the game, though.
I might as well upload some pics of my default base. I always built my Safe Shallows base on this particular slope, not so much for orientation as for its tested effectiveness in regards to my wishes, like getting my Cyclops parked nearby. The design features two towers which height I only care about to have one full MP room above water for my gardens. The towers are connected by interspersed 2-2 hallways, which means they're long enough to replace with a moon pool. The Seamoth is small enough to be able to go between the hallways, so I can start or end my travels with minimum hindrance.
I wanted to incorporate my PRAWN moon pool like that too and would've gladly sacrificed one hallway beneath it to get the required space, but it was either sacrifice two hallways beneath or wreck the environment underneath. In the end, I built the PRAWN moon pool next to the almost-highest hallway to spare both. I'm satisfied with this solution; it's pretty cool to fall a little after entering the suit or to fly up to dock. The PRAWN is small enough to go underneath the lowest hallway, so minimum hindrance bonus here too. The only thing I am not satisfied with is the location of my scanner room. I hate my current solution (which forced the ugly T-split next to the moon pool because a corner doesn't allow ladders), but without a way to protect the cameras from the stalkers or other specialized rooms to consider more coherent expansion, this is for now the best I can do. There's a observatory towards the kelp forest on the taller tower, but it's not visible in the pics.
Normally I'd get my lifepod alongside the MVB inside the bay formed by the two towers, but moving the lifepod is slow and awkward, it landed up very far from this spot this save file, and the one time I tried my game crashed when I was at about 2/3rds and I haven't been in a well enough mood to try again.
I went for compact because while it's a lot of rooms, I could only remove one of them and put its stuff on walls in other rooms—every other room has to be separate (or could I fit water purifiers in with a bioreactor?). Even the fabbing room is much more convenient as its own room (though it might be more convenient as an I-corridor, since there's less dead space in the middle).
I just can't do the big bases everyone else does, since I don't make purposeless rooms and there aren't very many different purposes to give rooms.
At the start though, I'm happy cramming everything into a T section. The convenience of having everything in front of you is great, but later on a moonpool is helpful, and more space for lockers, power generators and plants.
It has dual reactors in the rear left tower(with a quad set of solar cells atop each tower as well), a lab/alien containment study area in the front left tower(with attached scanner room to find things to study), an observation deck overlooking a wonderful view of a grassy plateau canyon and kelp forest, a garden/cafe in the front right tower(complete with trash can bar tables and the vending machine), a workroom in the lower right tower next to moonpool, and a pair of sleeping quarters in the rear right tower complete with luggage from the wrecks ;-). Top it off with a neat office, located in the center with dual fish tanks housing all the various catch able species of fauna in SN, from which I plan my missions and collect data. Long and short if it was in game I used it somehow in the base. I still have plans to create a full assortment of underwater floral beds located in the center and sides to give it a more pleasing aesthetic, but I'll need a little bit of time to collect all the plants and arrange them.
I also have a little secret bit I'm working on, but so far it is causing me problems so I have to find a work around.
I like your idea Matt. I think after I "complete" the Field of Dreams base I'll have a bunch of mini bases with just a MP+Moonpool scattered around.
Definitely not running out of food any time soon. Fruits, vegetables, and 8 types of protein to make sure I survive in the best shape possible. (all those MP pools on the top level have alien containment units) I think I'm in the sprawling catagory pretty solidly, lol. Haven't even put in the research labs yet.
Fish storage units have expanded a bit since this picture, but its so close to the surface its a pita to get a decent picture.
You can, I have my bioreactor in the same room with my water purifier with all the lockers I need for my raw materials, 2 aquariums for overflow fishes from my fish farm along with the fab and mod station in the connecting corridor.
So my base is most hug. 4 towers in square , most time 2 or more floors and each 8 solarpaneels on the top.
And ... i build without cheats.