Safe Shallows Isn't Anymore
Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members

At game start there were five (5) gasopods in the area near my Lifepod, but none were close enough to hit the lifepod with acid clouds.
Three hours later, one of the Gasopods has migrated to a point next to the lifepod and gasses me every time I enter/exit. I encouraged him to relocate with my knife and a lot of effort. (Hooray for stockpiled First Aid Kits!)
At about 7 hours into the game, I noticed a Sandshark chasing things around in the Safe Shallows between the Lifepod and my little base down by the thermal vent.
An hour or so later, there was a Stalker in the shallows, chasing fish and occassionally he and the Sandshark would have a little fight.
At 11 hours into the game there were several Sandsharks and Stalkers in the Shallows and I had to thin them out with my Seamoth just to be able to drive around anywhere near my lifepod.
At 17 hours into the game a **Crabsnake** was swimming around *directly* under the lifepod, killing everything that moved, and essentially wiping out the game fish in the area. I ended up killing him off with the Seamoth and a couple of helpful Crash fish who decided to join the fight. I built a new Seamoth afterwards, thanks to the Crash fish.
I just logged in again, its 1 day 1 hour 7 mins into this game (by the splash screen note, anyway) and there are a half dozen Sandsharks around my lifepod again, cheerfully slaying all of the game fish, burrowing through the sand, and trying to scare my Seamoth out of the neighborhood with their roaring.
The neighborhood has gone to hell, I'm telling you.
Three hours later, one of the Gasopods has migrated to a point next to the lifepod and gasses me every time I enter/exit. I encouraged him to relocate with my knife and a lot of effort. (Hooray for stockpiled First Aid Kits!)
At about 7 hours into the game, I noticed a Sandshark chasing things around in the Safe Shallows between the Lifepod and my little base down by the thermal vent.
An hour or so later, there was a Stalker in the shallows, chasing fish and occassionally he and the Sandshark would have a little fight.
At 11 hours into the game there were several Sandsharks and Stalkers in the Shallows and I had to thin them out with my Seamoth just to be able to drive around anywhere near my lifepod.
At 17 hours into the game a **Crabsnake** was swimming around *directly* under the lifepod, killing everything that moved, and essentially wiping out the game fish in the area. I ended up killing him off with the Seamoth and a couple of helpful Crash fish who decided to join the fight. I built a new Seamoth afterwards, thanks to the Crash fish.
I just logged in again, its 1 day 1 hour 7 mins into this game (by the splash screen note, anyway) and there are a half dozen Sandsharks around my lifepod again, cheerfully slaying all of the game fish, burrowing through the sand, and trying to scare my Seamoth out of the neighborhood with their roaring.
The neighborhood has gone to hell, I'm telling you.
No idea how the crabsnake got there, but I've had a sandshark relocate into the inner shallows after a while whenever I spawn near the thermal vent by the kelp forest (I like that spot by the way; naturally there's no stalkers or bleeders in that section of the forest and only a single sandshark nearby, who's usually happy enough to leave me alone)
Sometimes a single stalker will swim into the shallows to eat a fish and then get distracted by all the scrap metal I neglected to pick up, then decides to stay..... But wow that's a lot of strange going ons for you
I think their predatory behavior should be changed to be more of the ambush hunters that their description makes them out to be. They could share the seabed with Spadefish as their primary prey. Biters can then have small schools more in the open waters with the Reginalds as prey. Stalkers should be more territorial with their stash and return there again once they finished hunting. The Crabsnake was a bug, I am quite sure.
I often notice Stalker Hoards disappearing after a while...
Earlier I had a spot where two stalkers created their own individual hoards on opposite ends of this little pit. They'd sometimes wander over to the other's stash and steal from it, and visa versa. Neither strayed more than a few meters outside this little cove. Eventually, I built a small base nearby, and they continued to trade scrap while sometimes taking turns attacking my parked seamoth. One of them stole my Scanner Room's camera drone and placed it in their hoard, and like before it ended up being traded between piles over time.
However, after a few (in-game) days, I returned to the area to find both hoards entirely gone and the camera drone had vanished - the Scanner Room couldn't even pick its signal up anymore. The two stalkers were gone as well, though there was another some distance away from this spot, but there was no hoard around it.
I find this happening a lot - the hoards will just vanish if you're away from the area too long, as if the scraps despawn or something if they're moved away from their initial position... And a lot of fauna tend to just leave if a base is built nearby (Usually stalkers; biters, bleeders and sandsharks stick around and pester your base until removed) It could be that the stalkers just moved the hoards, but often it really does seem like the scraps just disappear since even when only one stalker is present (Relocated into the safe shallows, or manually hatched and released elsewhere) their hoard tends to vanish after a while.
So then I died to dehydration.
Also is just me or are the shallows looking less pretty now? I suppose I should check todays update hasn't changed my settings.
Make a trip out to the floating island, you can get one of each seed and the planters. It's perfectly possible to just eat plants, so once you have a MFR dedicated to plants, you can't really be starved out. It's over grand reef, but nothing aggressive actually goes up to the surface out there, so you can just swim out if you need to.