What's your most recent close call?

DaAngryCheeseDaAngryCheese Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222374Members
Mine was when I had left my cyclops in my sea moth to scan the new base they added and as I was heading back to the cyclops, when a warper appeared. It warped me out of sea moth took me down 20 health as quickly hit the w key towards my cyclops. As I entered my cyclops a crabsquid came and pushed me down into a wall. My cyclops was below crush depth, stuck in wall and there was a warped and crabsquid outside. After a few minutes of trying to get my cyclops out and repairing my ship as it filled with water I was forced to abandon it and go out towards the sea moth. Then just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, the crab squid emp my sea moth. After a brief blasting it to death with the propulsion cannon I drove(swam?) my sea moth back to my base...

R.I.P Cyclops


  • FathomFathom Earth Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219405Members
    I was at the wreck in the Blood Kelp to scan some Fragments but only had 300m crush depth on my Seamoth. So I tried to park it as close to 300m as possible to have it as close to the wreck as it can be. Overshot a little and things started creaking when suddenly a flash and I was outside some distance from the Seamoth, face to face with a Warper. Managed to fend off the thing with Propulsion Cannon and some Uranite I picked from a wall, only to hear more creaking in the distance. Found the Seamoth leaking heavily. Got it out just in time before it went pop. Wouldn't have made it to the surface if it had.
  • DaAngryCheeseDaAngryCheese Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222374Members
    edited September 2016
    Fathom wrote: »
    I was at the wreck in the Blood Kelp to scan some Fragments but only had 300m crush depth on my Seamoth. So I tried to park it as close to 300m as possible to have it as close to the wreck as it can be. Overshot a little and things started creaking when suddenly a flash and I was outside some distance from the Seamoth, face to face with a Warper. Managed to fend off the thing with Propulsion Cannon and some Uranite I picked from a wall, only to hear more creaking in the distance. Found the Seamoth leaking heavily. Got it out just in time before it went pop. Wouldn't have made it to the surface if it had.

    Warpers have been the cause of me nearly losing vehicles so many times...
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Mine is a little less dangerous. I had just started the game, picking up some salt deposits in the grassy plateaus. Suddenly, something shiny caught my eye to the left. I went to swim towards it, and in doing so accidently avoided the sandshark charging me at top speed from behind!
  • SidchickenSidchicken Plumbing the subnautican depths Join Date: 2016-02-16 Member: 213125Members
    I had a similar incident at Degasi base 3... I went down with just the seamoth, and left it outside the hatch while I went inside to check things out. I came back out and the sub wasn't where I left it. Obviously there was no making it to the surface from that depth, and I was playing on hardcore, so I was a bit panicked. Looked around and saw a crabsquid abusing my sub a little ways away. Was able to dive into it and drive away from danger before the squid finished it off.

  • JamezorgJamezorg United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members
    I was just jumping around in the Inactive Lava Zone with my PRAWN suit, minding my own business when I turn around and see a great big Danny fire ball coming strait towards me. I tried to boost out of the way but mid jump (Guess what...) a Warper took me out of the thing. I swam away from the Warper after taking some damage and watched helplessly as my Exo blew up before my eyes (it had already taken a small amount of damage from me being stupid around lava). I knew I had to get to my Cyclops which I had parked down there, so I swam for it. I nearly lost all of my oxygen before I reached the sub, but in the end I was fine.

    But then a Warper warps me out and decimates me, bloody hell guys
    jk lol
  • GreyFox33GreyFox33 Australia Join Date: 2016-07-13 Member: 220145Members
    alot of these are good stories, albeit not an experience i would like to have myself lol. My recent close encounter was in a drop off from the lost river area to an in-active lava tube. My seamoth had reached its 900m limit and since i was new to the area at the time, i was eager to continue exploring so i jumped out with the glider and headed on down the drop off. I got so intrigued by the new area that i wasn't paying attention to where i was going(at this point i was maybe 1300m down).....i check my oxygen, only 1/3rd left....panic kicked in...i make a quick 360 turn looking for the seamoth beacon, found it! Desperately start gliding back to it, there seems to be a roof between me and the seamoth, where the hell is that drop off!? last battery draining...... found the drop off!....20 seconds of air left.....10% battery left......heart pounding.........no battery left...Emergency! 10 seconds of air remaining, i can see the seamoth!! I'm desperately trying to swim there.....0 oxygen now.......fading to black.......swimming......getting blacker.......almost there.......death imminent.........screen black...cant see.....frantically pressing 'E'..................Welcome Aboard Captain!!! Those were the sweetest words to my ears. :)
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