Fabricator Slowdown - killing my game!
United States Join Date: 2016-09-11 Member: 222250Members

First - I have a decent machine, plenty of ram, CPU/video. And this is on release 38227.
The Fabricator has been working like a charm - until 'recently'. Currently the Fabricator is taking TEN MINUTES of wall-clock time to complete an operation!
This appears to be tied to my seabase as I went back to Lifepod5 and the Fab still works nearly instantly. Beneath that Lifepod is my first seabase - just a couple corridors. There is a Fabricator in there as well - and it works instantly.
In the new base where I've been playing for a few days, I have 650 power units, 3 multipurpose rooms and a Moonpool.
I don't think this is tied to power as when the Fab is running, there is no sign of power usage: 650/650 is being shown.
Also have tried deconstructing the Fabricator and relocating in on other walls - no joy there either.
The one somewhat major event I've completed (after which the slowdown began), was to fix the radiation leak on the Aurora.
I'm wondering if there is a timer that the Fabricator (and Medical Kit Fab) uses that has been walked on or munged up in some way. I haven't timed the Med Kit Fab - but it appears proportionally slow.
Sure hoping there is a fix for as I'd really hate to toss 80 some hours of play and start over with a new game!!! This may be the only way out as at this point this game is pretty much unplayable... ARRGH!
Any ideas?
The Fabricator has been working like a charm - until 'recently'. Currently the Fabricator is taking TEN MINUTES of wall-clock time to complete an operation!

This appears to be tied to my seabase as I went back to Lifepod5 and the Fab still works nearly instantly. Beneath that Lifepod is my first seabase - just a couple corridors. There is a Fabricator in there as well - and it works instantly.
In the new base where I've been playing for a few days, I have 650 power units, 3 multipurpose rooms and a Moonpool.
I don't think this is tied to power as when the Fab is running, there is no sign of power usage: 650/650 is being shown.
Also have tried deconstructing the Fabricator and relocating in on other walls - no joy there either.
The one somewhat major event I've completed (after which the slowdown began), was to fix the radiation leak on the Aurora.
I'm wondering if there is a timer that the Fabricator (and Medical Kit Fab) uses that has been walked on or munged up in some way. I haven't timed the Med Kit Fab - but it appears proportionally slow.
Sure hoping there is a fix for as I'd really hate to toss 80 some hours of play and start over with a new game!!! This may be the only way out as at this point this game is pretty much unplayable... ARRGH!
Any ideas?
Actually, seriously, is it the one fabricator, or do others in the base do the same thing? In the same module or different modules? Different bases nearby? (Use nocost from console to build random crap.)
Note this system WAS working until AFTER the Aurora containment repair - the only significant change in the game before the slow-down began.
Have just done number of tests. First added a new multipurpose room to the existing base. Deconstructed the Fab and installed in in the new MPR - same same.
Next, recreated it in a corridor - same slowness.
Next created what I assume would be a new base, but near by: 1 MPR - 1 corridor & hatch, and one solar panel for power. brought in the deconstructed Fabricator, installed - and same 10 minute craft time. Note also along with this, the Med Kit Fab appears to be non-working, but I'll bet this time-delay thing is causing IT'S timer to run super long as well.
As mentioned earlier - the Fab's at my first seabase (right under Lifepod5) works well, as does the one in Lifepod5. I've also gone so far as to update the video drivers (move of desperation!) and naturally that had no effect.
Seeing how the slowdown appears to be affecting both fab-machines, I'm thinking the timer they use as been walked on somehow...
I guess the next test would be to go some real distance away from this area and see if building a new base would make a change. I actually started a new survival game - and OMG - I've come so far!! I REALLY don't want to have to go thru all that again... GAK!
A video showing the fabricator being slow while the game is running at normal speed would help. Also: log files please!
@LumpN -
Thanks for the heads-up on sending a vid. It is DEF visible when you click on the craft-in-progress; you get a little progress-wheel that shows percentage done. I didn't know a screen-vid could be done - will tackle that on Sunday when I get back home.
I did send a email with log to Unknown Worlds today.
Can a log-file be included in a forum post? Will be happy to provide anything that will help solve this.
Last thing I tried today was to use the console command "speed x". First I tried 1 thinking that it had been walked on. No change. Just for fun I set speed to 10... Yikes! The bouy-icons were like strobe lights! But the Fab completed almost immediately- so something in the fabricator timing system has been munged. Is there a local file where this is held, and could be fixed with a simple edit?
I have verified all files and even moved my save files to a newly installed game and the slow fabricator issue is still present, so it is in the saved files somewhere. Any help to resolve would be nice and I will also submit a complete bug report for this issue when I have exhausted a few more attempts to isolate.
What are the numbers at the top right of your screen?
It can't hurt, and it might help the devs, so yes.
It's not been so bad just recently, I thought it had been fixed.