Reaper-free path to repairing the Aurora drives.
Florida Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220125Members

For new players:
So you're getting tired of living in a radiation suit but you can't find a way into the Aurora that isn't guarded by a frikkin' Reaper Leviathan. What to do? Well, turns out there is a way in that doesn't require you to run that particular gauntlet (too closely), and it's actually fairly safe... provided you have a Seamoth, of course. I say this because while this path doesn't get too close to any Reapers, oh boy it is Sandsharks galore! The good news is that it's all very shallow, so you won't need any depth mods to do it. The bad news is that you'll want to pack specifically for this trip: At least one medkit, because flaming debris will land on your head at least once. A spare battery for your welder (you remembered the welder, right?) and lots of spare oxygen tanks. You'll also need a flashlight or glowstick if doing this at night (hint: wait for daylight, it's so much easier, trust me).
Now the first thing you should know about Reapers, if you don't already know, is that they love wide open spaces. When you see a lot of open space above you and nothing in it, that's your first clue you're entering Reaper territory. So the first rule of Reaper Survival is Hug the Ground. Stay low, keep near walls, and keep moving. They are fast but they hate bonking into things.
Not that you'll need to get into their hunting grounds for this, but it's a generally Good Thing to Know overall. Point being that if you stray off course and find yourself in open plains, you done screwed up somewhere, so don't blame me when you get chomped. With that disclaimer on the record...
Many pictures ahoy!

First step is to hop in your Seamoth and beeline right for the Aurora. Again, stay low and keep moving. You'll pass a lot of Sandsharks. Good grief, soooo many Sandsharks. Just stay in your sub and keep moving and the worst they can do is bonk your for 1-2% hull at most. In this picture you can see that you've basically made it safe & sound and have reached the first big debris chunk to mark your accomplishment. Don't worry if you don't see the chunk, it's not a major thing, so long as you get to...

Right about here. In this picture you can see that I've come to the surface to get a bearing on exactly how close I am to the Aurora and what angle I'm facing. From here you're going to be heading toward the bow (front) of the ship, so turn left and get back under water. You'll want to stay fairly close to the hull, never letting it leave your line of sight. Again, this keeps you from accidentally straying into Reaper territory. Again, it's a plague of Sandsharks. Whatever you do, do NOT turn right and head for the engines. That direction leads right into a Reaper den.

So just cruise along and follow the big debris chunks for a while. This is the second one you're likely to encounter, and it's a bit more important. Why? See that other big debris chunk just past it in the distance?

Now this, THIS is the critical piece of debris you want to watch for. Miss this and drive past it and you'll end up back in Reaper land again. So do not miss this! Memorize it.

Because it's the landmark to this otherwise innocuous looking trench. In this picture you can clearly see the debris chunk on the left and the start of the trench on the right. The trench aims in the direction of the Aurora. You're going to want to head into that trench and see where it goes. Anything to get away from all the Sandsharks, right?

(Insert Star Wars joke of your choice here)

Aha! What is this? Why there is a big gaping hole in the side of the Aurora! I wonder where it could lead?
Why, it leads right into the engine room! How handy is that? This is also the only place in this journey that isn't buried in Sandsharks. Now since your Seamoth probably isn't going to fit in there too well, it's time to drop it off and dive in first person.
The corridor of scrap is very long and winding, which is why I said to bring extra air tanks in case you get stuck on something before making it to the engine room. But once inside, yep, it's the engine room itself. No monsters, no pesky Flea Cave Crabs bouncing all over you, etc etc. Time to whip out the welder and go to work!
Once you repair all ten holes the reactor will stop leaking radiation. Three game-days later you can finally retire your radiation suit. Be sure to pick up the free submarine mods while you're in there, too. I suggest exiting the same way you came in. The other exits can lead to... complications. Stomach complications, that is, from the Reapers trying to digest your scuba gear.
So you're getting tired of living in a radiation suit but you can't find a way into the Aurora that isn't guarded by a frikkin' Reaper Leviathan. What to do? Well, turns out there is a way in that doesn't require you to run that particular gauntlet (too closely), and it's actually fairly safe... provided you have a Seamoth, of course. I say this because while this path doesn't get too close to any Reapers, oh boy it is Sandsharks galore! The good news is that it's all very shallow, so you won't need any depth mods to do it. The bad news is that you'll want to pack specifically for this trip: At least one medkit, because flaming debris will land on your head at least once. A spare battery for your welder (you remembered the welder, right?) and lots of spare oxygen tanks. You'll also need a flashlight or glowstick if doing this at night (hint: wait for daylight, it's so much easier, trust me).
Now the first thing you should know about Reapers, if you don't already know, is that they love wide open spaces. When you see a lot of open space above you and nothing in it, that's your first clue you're entering Reaper territory. So the first rule of Reaper Survival is Hug the Ground. Stay low, keep near walls, and keep moving. They are fast but they hate bonking into things.
Not that you'll need to get into their hunting grounds for this, but it's a generally Good Thing to Know overall. Point being that if you stray off course and find yourself in open plains, you done screwed up somewhere, so don't blame me when you get chomped. With that disclaimer on the record...
Many pictures ahoy!

First step is to hop in your Seamoth and beeline right for the Aurora. Again, stay low and keep moving. You'll pass a lot of Sandsharks. Good grief, soooo many Sandsharks. Just stay in your sub and keep moving and the worst they can do is bonk your for 1-2% hull at most. In this picture you can see that you've basically made it safe & sound and have reached the first big debris chunk to mark your accomplishment. Don't worry if you don't see the chunk, it's not a major thing, so long as you get to...

Right about here. In this picture you can see that I've come to the surface to get a bearing on exactly how close I am to the Aurora and what angle I'm facing. From here you're going to be heading toward the bow (front) of the ship, so turn left and get back under water. You'll want to stay fairly close to the hull, never letting it leave your line of sight. Again, this keeps you from accidentally straying into Reaper territory. Again, it's a plague of Sandsharks. Whatever you do, do NOT turn right and head for the engines. That direction leads right into a Reaper den.

So just cruise along and follow the big debris chunks for a while. This is the second one you're likely to encounter, and it's a bit more important. Why? See that other big debris chunk just past it in the distance?

Now this, THIS is the critical piece of debris you want to watch for. Miss this and drive past it and you'll end up back in Reaper land again. So do not miss this! Memorize it.

Because it's the landmark to this otherwise innocuous looking trench. In this picture you can clearly see the debris chunk on the left and the start of the trench on the right. The trench aims in the direction of the Aurora. You're going to want to head into that trench and see where it goes. Anything to get away from all the Sandsharks, right?

(Insert Star Wars joke of your choice here)

Aha! What is this? Why there is a big gaping hole in the side of the Aurora! I wonder where it could lead?
Why, it leads right into the engine room! How handy is that? This is also the only place in this journey that isn't buried in Sandsharks. Now since your Seamoth probably isn't going to fit in there too well, it's time to drop it off and dive in first person.
The corridor of scrap is very long and winding, which is why I said to bring extra air tanks in case you get stuck on something before making it to the engine room. But once inside, yep, it's the engine room itself. No monsters, no pesky Flea Cave Crabs bouncing all over you, etc etc. Time to whip out the welder and go to work!
Once you repair all ten holes the reactor will stop leaking radiation. Three game-days later you can finally retire your radiation suit. Be sure to pick up the free submarine mods while you're in there, too. I suggest exiting the same way you came in. The other exits can lead to... complications. Stomach complications, that is, from the Reapers trying to digest your scuba gear.
TBH though, I've got this nagging feeling that the safe mini-entrance won't remain there forever. I can't shake the feeling that it's going to be sealed up or something, like you'd need the Laser Cutter to get in that way... I certainly hope they don't do that though!
That's what they want you to think, then suddenly they come up from the deep. Devouring you whole
Really? That's too close for comfort for me, I went there giving the Aurora a wider berth and ran into a fat lot of nothing. Only Crabsquid out there (at least at the time), and they're 200+ down, so it's a clear shot. I'm not sure if the FI is going to stay that clear to release, though.
I thought the entrance to that tunnel inside the aurora drive core room was blocked off?
It is - this thread was made before then, it just got necro'd.
Ah, I see. Thanks!
Just don't go too far away or down at the front, and don't go anywhere near the back -- both of those are prime reaper territory.
1) Activate the console
2) Swim to the location without the Reaper
3) Enter "Spawn reaperleviathan" into the console.
Done! That should fix this problem.
Let me know how it works!
it worked! all the Reapers are gone!