Power transmitters, and silver again, and someone really went wild with the propulsion cannons...
New Hampshire, US Join Date: 2016-03-22 Member: 214677Members

So I built my first base this game pretty close to a thermal vent, and it was the obvious source for some additional power after my initial couple of solar panels. And once again I found myself trying and failing to hook up power transmitters.
Finally I found the secret. Advice in the past has been that it's a good ides to put a foundation under your thermal plants to help protect the thermal plant from the lava chunks from the vent. DO NOT DO THIS. If you put a foundation under your thermal plant, the thermal plant, which is not very bright, will power that foundation and nothing else.
After figuring THAT out, I have three thermal plants powering my base, and my power woes are pretty much over.
Now if only I could find any more silver ... Let's see, what complete blueprints do I have that I need silver for? Thermometer, medkit fabricator, battery charger, power cell charger, modification station, vehicle modification station, all three tiers of Seamoth pressure compensator, Seamoth power efficiency module, Seamoth solar charger, Seamoth torpedo system, PRAWN suit thermal reactor, Cyclops, stasis rifle...
That's about three times as much total as I've so far found on the entire map.
There is not enough silver in this release of the game. It is TOO rare. It is almost but not quite unobtainium.
After three REAL, not game, days of searching, I finally found an additional five silver ore, over the course of about an hour, about six hundred meters south of lifepod 6. That plus the one I had in stock was just enough to build, after careful thought, the two items I most desperately needed — a modification station and a power cell charger. I made myself a set of Ultraglide fins and a hardened survival knife, and upgraded all of my air tanks to high capacity ... then disassembled the modification station again because I can't spare the silver to leave it assembled. The power cell charger came just in time; I was almost out of charged power cells for my Seamoth. Then I ran swam out to get food, and stumbled across another silver ore all on its own in shallow water, barely thirty meters from my base.
One more trip searching for the floating islands, SLIGHTLY better equipped for the trip, and this time, on my fourth try, I re-find the floating islands, and find the floating island wreck. And dear gods, is it littered with propulsion cannon fragments. I think I can pretty much tell what happened here. There was synthehol involved, and someone or other said, "No, trust me, this is gonna be great fun! It'll be awesome!"
Finally I found the secret. Advice in the past has been that it's a good ides to put a foundation under your thermal plants to help protect the thermal plant from the lava chunks from the vent. DO NOT DO THIS. If you put a foundation under your thermal plant, the thermal plant, which is not very bright, will power that foundation and nothing else.
After figuring THAT out, I have three thermal plants powering my base, and my power woes are pretty much over.
Now if only I could find any more silver ... Let's see, what complete blueprints do I have that I need silver for? Thermometer, medkit fabricator, battery charger, power cell charger, modification station, vehicle modification station, all three tiers of Seamoth pressure compensator, Seamoth power efficiency module, Seamoth solar charger, Seamoth torpedo system, PRAWN suit thermal reactor, Cyclops, stasis rifle...
That's about three times as much total as I've so far found on the entire map.
There is not enough silver in this release of the game. It is TOO rare. It is almost but not quite unobtainium.
After three REAL, not game, days of searching, I finally found an additional five silver ore, over the course of about an hour, about six hundred meters south of lifepod 6. That plus the one I had in stock was just enough to build, after careful thought, the two items I most desperately needed — a modification station and a power cell charger. I made myself a set of Ultraglide fins and a hardened survival knife, and upgraded all of my air tanks to high capacity ... then disassembled the modification station again because I can't spare the silver to leave it assembled. The power cell charger came just in time; I was almost out of charged power cells for my Seamoth. Then I ran swam out to get food, and stumbled across another silver ore all on its own in shallow water, barely thirty meters from my base.
One more trip searching for the floating islands, SLIGHTLY better equipped for the trip, and this time, on my fourth try, I re-find the floating islands, and find the floating island wreck. And dear gods, is it littered with propulsion cannon fragments. I think I can pretty much tell what happened here. There was synthehol involved, and someone or other said, "No, trust me, this is gonna be great fun! It'll be awesome!"
Silver is ridiculous. They need gold to be rarer in sandstone, and make it easy to tell from limestone. Fortunately silver problems will go away later, when you get the Prawn and its drill arm. At that point you'll be able to fill a wall locker easy.
Yeah, those propulsion cannon fragments. Seems to be it has a bunch of fragment spawn locations, each with a list of fragments it can spawn. It eliminates fragments from the list if they are already found, so all become propulsion cannons. They need to have a few sites become empty, or spawn some old fragments if fragment list becomes too small.
Yeah that is kinda silly i think too. Took me a few trials and errors as well to figure this out lol
For a new player i will agree that the fact silver is the rarest ore often means frustration trying to find some. But with time and exploration one eventually realize that theres much more silver in the game that first meets the eye. Nowadays i know all the places where silver are and have 0 troubles to find as many as i need (and i do need alot in my games)
Silver is mostly found in all the Kelp forest biomes, inside Sandstones, but thats not the only place to find them. Wherever you'll find thermal vents there is always sandstone in them (be careful the hot temperature can now hurt you!). In the Safe Shallows, whenever you see a medium/large cave system, theres always a few sandstones hidden there too.
Of course the easiest way to locate sandstones is in the few caverns you'll find in the Kelp Forests. whenever you find a cavern in a kelp forest you are almost guaranteed six to 8 pieces of silver minimum.
There is much silver to be had from Kelp Forest, especially it's caves. You'll just have to deal with Stalkers. Note that the Kelp Forest biome is separated by the Safe Shallows biome in many places, so in a way there are "many" Kelp Forests.
New and old players alike often avoid the Kelp Forest, since the Stalkers are a real threat. Bleeders are also annyoing. Learn to deal with Stalkers and your silver problems are gone. Feed them little fishes, use Stasis Rifle, Repulsion Cannon or whatever else you find useful.
It's just another obstacle, although a tougher kind than many others.
It's not a bug. If the foundation you build the generator on isn't connected to the rest of your base, then the foundation is a "base" on its own, and the generator will power it as the closest base. He doesn't mean literally that one platform - if you connect 3 platforms they will all have the power.
Maybe connect it to your base, then after building the thermal, deconstruct the connecting pieces? Not sure if that would work or if it would split the base into two bases.
Gees, I hope They don't get rid of the Platforms, they give Positive construction numbers to ones base building.
If They do that, it'll only leave the Reinforcement Panels as a way to keep ones base from destroying itself.
The Platforms are also the only way to set up Exterior Grow Beds above the water level.
I still think the different types of mineral nodules should be visibly distinguishable from another beyond label-reading distance. Preferably from within the Seamoth. Limestone, shale, and basalt do not look like sandstone.
I also note, after a brief excursion in my exosuit, that it suffers from the same major deficiency as the Seamoth — you cannot access its inventory, or even your own, from inside it.
Aside from building them on land of course.
Yeah i do hope as well that the different kind of nodes gets different visual graphics to be able to distinguish them at first sight. Personally, the idea ive got to differenciate Limestones from Sandstones is to scan a Limestone node when i first get a scanner tool but i do not scan a Sandstone node. Like this, whenever i get near'ish a Sandstone node, i get the little scanner icon pop-up on the lower right of my screen before i need to get close enough to read the name of the node
Maybe fragments need to be handled differently as the types of undiscovered fragments drop. Because the massive Monty-Haul trove of the last available new upgrade is just silly.
The game clearly already checks which fragments are still undiscovered when a chunk is loaded for the first time, and decides then what to spawn. Maybe it should also decide how many fragments to spawn? I'm thinking it could follow a set of rules such as for example: No more than three fragments of any single type, no more than one fragment of any already-completed pattern, and no more than, say, four TOTAL of ALL already-completed fragment types. That would put an end to things like finding twenty propulsion cannon fragments in a single wreck.
(...I didn't actually count them. I may possibly be somewhat exaggerating the number, but not by much.)
...Unless you're in the Seamoth. Then you've got to get out and check it.
I think the real answer is to make them visually distinct in the way the large PRAWN-minable clusters are.
But you have to go to the Floating island or the Mountain Island to do that, not especially convenient if one's base is near Lifepod-5.