The game is outstanding, but still can improve some things

Heaven96Heaven96 Join Date: 2016-11-01 Member: 223575Members
Hi players and devs,

I didn't read other discussions (a bit because of laziness) so it is possible that i'm going to talk about things that people have already discussed earlier:

1 - I'm sure the players would love to be able to install mods or modpacks to add more content to the game. It would also help the devs in the sense they wouldn't feel the pressure to work as hard as an exclusive moddable game to them. So, what I suggest is to add a Steam Workshop on the "Subnautica" game.
2 - I know this is pretty hard to do for an already man made map. But the world could be procedurally generated without distorting the story of the game. I mean, we could have random biomes at random locations with random geography, a bit like "Minecraft". But it is just my opinion.

Sorry for my English, I'm Portuguese.


  • TotallyLemonTotallyLemon Atlanta Georgia Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204764Members
    Sorry, but the devs have already stated they are not going to implement either of these features.
  • Heaven96Heaven96 Join Date: 2016-11-01 Member: 223575Members
    edited November 2016
    May I at least know why? It's sad to know that! Where did they talk about each of the situations?
  • Kyman201Kyman201 Washington State Join Date: 2016-01-23 Member: 211880Members
    Heaven96 wrote: »
    May I at least know why? It's sad to know that! Where did they talk about each of the situations?

    I can't quote anything, but I can give you my reason for why I personally would say "No randomized terrain" with one simple question.

    What if your pod spawns over say, the Deep Grand Reef? There's no titanium, there floor's 400+ meters down, if you want to get any resources worth a crap you may need to swim out for a LONG time and that'd just make gathering materials tedious and frankly at that point I'd rather just take another throw of the dice to start in a zone that I can actually use.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    I don't think they ever said 'No' to modding though... I recall one of the developers responding in the forums actually saying it'd be cool to see someday; it's just not something they want to enable right *now* while the game's still in the oven so to speak.

    Random generation is something they cut really early, largely because they felt handcrafting it would produce a more natural and beautiful world. Your spawn is randomly decided in the Safe Shallows (I tend to spawn near the Aurua's rear side most of the time, maybe it's not so random anymore?) but that's about it.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Kyman201 wrote: »
    Heaven96 wrote: »
    May I at least know why? It's sad to know that! Where did they talk about each of the situations?

    I can't quote anything, but I can give you my reason for why I personally would say "No randomized terrain" with one simple question.

    What if your pod spawns over say, the Deep Grand Reef? There's no titanium, there floor's 400+ meters down, if you want to get any resources worth a crap you may need to swim out for a LONG time and that'd just make gathering materials tedious and frankly at that point I'd rather just take another throw of the dice to start in a zone that I can actually use.

    Just because it's procedurally generated doesn't mean you can't set some rules governing the type of terrain in different areas.
  • Hammy2211Hammy2211 Join Date: 2016-10-18 Member: 223218Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Kyman201 wrote: »
    Heaven96 wrote: »
    May I at least know why? It's sad to know that! Where did they talk about each of the situations?

    I can't quote anything, but I can give you my reason for why I personally would say "No randomized terrain" with one simple question.

    What if your pod spawns over say, the Deep Grand Reef? There's no titanium, there floor's 400+ meters down, if you want to get any resources worth a crap you may need to swim out for a LONG time and that'd just make gathering materials tedious and frankly at that point I'd rather just take another throw of the dice to start in a zone that I can actually use.

    Just because it's procedurally generated doesn't mean you can't set some rules governing the type of terrain in different areas.

    I agree with the idea of having some sort of option to randomize the layout of certain other biomes. I've seen a few people suggest expanding the map with some degree of procedural generation. As in, where the Void currently is, have procedurally generated terrain fill in the world instead.
  • Racer1Racer1 Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9615Members
    What I suggested a while back is to have biome "tiles" (with meldable edges). This way they could prebuild the content (to get the detail that can only be achieved with hand-made content), and still have nearly infinite possibilities. Alas, this will not happen. UWE has made their decision. Gotta move on...
  • Heaven96Heaven96 Join Date: 2016-11-01 Member: 223575Members
    I'm glad that they are considering the possibility of future modding, be it steam workshop or not. Well, it seems to be definitive they aren't going to randomly generate, so i hope they keep updating the biomes and even adding new ones.
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