A new non lethal weapon idea

Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
Now, please read the title properly. This is a thread about a "Non-Lethal" weapon idea so do consider this thread carefully. Here is my idea:
Throwing spike: Like a throwing star but adjusted for underwater combat. Used for catching fish and warding off predators, this is a multipurpose tool. Crafted from 4 titanium, you get 3 spikes and they are 1 use tools. You can upgrade the Spikes in the following ways (Note: You need workbench):
Gas Spikes: Adds 2 gas pods to the recipe and allows the spikes to release a gas cloud upon reaching target or maximum range.
Boomerang Spikes: Adds a computer chip to the recipe and wiring chip. Instead of juts using it up the spike comes back to you so you can re-use it.
Stasis Spikes: Adds a battery and copper wire to recipe. Creates Stasis field once hitting target or maximum range. Can be upgraded again to boomerang. Stasis field only effects one creature.


  • NasiasNasias Join Date: 2016-10-10 Member: 223024Members
    Whilst weapons are cool, I really like that Subnautica only really has a utility knife. I don't have the stasis rifle yet, so I can't really comment on that one. But currently, I get the feeling of helplessness out in the ocean, even if I have my knife with me. It's what makes the survival aspect of this game very appealing to me. Other survival games get old for me very quickly, as you get to a point where you have some really good equipment, and I feel like it really strips away the survival part.

    Games like Penumbra and Amnesia were super scary, because you aren't walking around with the safety buffer of a weapon to stop the bad guy killing you. All you can do is run, hide, and probably scream in the process. :P
  • DarkIntentDarkIntent Houston Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206108Members
    Nasias wrote: »
    Games like Penumbra and Amnesia were super scary, because you aren't walking around with the safety buffer of a weapon to stop the bad guy killing you. All you can do is run, hide, and probably scream in the process. :P

    Penumbra did give you a weapon, and allowed you to fight back to a reasonable extent, and Amnesia completely negated any tension inexplicably denying you the use of any of the many, many, many weapons laying around the castle might have caused by having zero penalty for dying. In fact, dying could be rewarding, as it removed the monster that killed you.

    Now, please read the title properly.

    Bro, don't bother. You said weapon, and people around here tend to clap their hands over their ears and tune out any idea or suggestion that follows; trust me, I've seen it happen to every single thread that even hints you might like something more than a knife. If you called it a weapon, they'd rage out about letting the player have a literal Nerf gun. I'm not crapping on your idea, I like it and made my own suggestions about a speargun in the H.A.R.P. thread, but nobody's gonna listen. "Nope, it's a scary assault speargun that fires clip magazines at 1,000 kills per second, that's what you want, to just kill everything ever, you devil-worshiping weapon suggester!" I'm glad the devs caved enough to let you fire projectiles out of the propulsion cannon, it's better than nothing, but I fully expect that to be removed because it's too much like an actual weapon and therefore useful for something other than mildly annoying a Stalker into eating you harder.
  • DragynDanceDragynDance Join Date: 2016-10-10 Member: 223034Members
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).
  • DarkIntentDarkIntent Houston Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206108Members
    edited October 2016
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    Not a terrible idea, actually. See, low-tech versions of the higher-tech gear would be great. Or, even better, some early tier tools that can be upgraded to fill multiple roles later on; again, see my post in the H.A.R.P. thread trying to build on the OP's idea. One jack-of-all-trades tool, suffering the traditional jack-of-all-trades drawback; it's master of none. It does a little of everything, but isn't as good as the specialized or high-tech gear, but it's cheaper to build (initially at least), available at start, and gets just enough functionality to remain viable and relevant.

    Then somebody mentions, "but why not have spears, at least for Biters and such?" Then bam, idea shot down, everybody go home. That's where I start taking exception to the attitude around here; not the fact that people don't want plasma cannons, I agree that would be stupid, but not even just a stupid speargun? Come on.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    DarkIntent wrote: »
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    Not a terrible idea, actually. See, low-tech versions of the higher-tech gear would be great. Or, even better, some early tier tools that can be upgraded to fill multiple roles later on; again, see my post in the H.A.R.P. thread trying to build on the OP's idea. One jack-of-all-trades tool, suffering the traditional jack-of-all-trades drawback; it's master of none. It does a little of everything, but isn't as good as the specialized or high-tech gear, but it's cheaper to build (initially at least), available at start, and gets just enough functionality to remain viable and relevant.

    Then somebody mentions, "but why not have spears, at least for Biters and such?" Then bam, idea shot down, everybody go home. That's where I start taking exception to the attitude around here; not the fact that people don't want plasma cannons, I agree that would be stupid, but not even just a stupid speargun? Come on.

    Well, a lot of people just don't want weapons. Lethal or otherwise. It's pretty simple really.
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I suggested that one! And I know people see 'weapon ideas' as things of destruction but in the be the character is an ENGINEER! We are going to make new things to defend ourselves and to make things easier.
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).
    These don't do damage. They are just called spikes. They do not do puncture damage of any kind. They deturre preds by hitting them but don't do damage.
    But in the end people are going to crap all over every single thing that hints weapon. Even if it says wet sponge launching gun people are still going to hate. Because they look at weapons like they look at there arch nemesis. But as I said earlier the character is an engineer which means the character will make new things.

  • DarkIntentDarkIntent Houston Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206108Members
    Well, a lot of people just don't want weapons. Lethal or otherwise. It's pretty simple really.

    Well I sure am glad you cleared that up, what with me being a simple idiot and all. Putz.

    I get that. I've gotten that for a year now, the pacifists don't want scary weapons of any kind, no matter how ineffective, and refuse to listen to anybody that disagrees, hence why I told OP he's wasting his time. But, judging by his last post, I think he already knows that.
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    DarkIntent wrote: »
    Well, a lot of people just don't want weapons. Lethal or otherwise. It's pretty simple really.

    Well I sure am glad you cleared that up, what with me being a simple idiot and all. Putz.

    I get that. I've gotten that for a year now, the pacifists don't want scary weapons of any kind, no matter how ineffective, and refuse to listen to anybody that disagrees, hence why I told OP he's wasting his time. But, judging by his last post, I think he already knows that.
    Yeah, I do get that. And that's kinda sad because I know that there is at least 1 pacifist that plays NS2. So why not some sorta non-lethal weapon!
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I suggested that one! And I know people see 'weapon ideas' as things of destruction but in the be the character is an ENGINEER! We are going to make new things to defend ourselves and to make things easier.

    Might I ask what the source for that is? Far as I know, no confirmation has been given as to the protagonist's job.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    DarkIntent wrote: »
    Well, a lot of people just don't want weapons. Lethal or otherwise. It's pretty simple really.

    Well I sure am glad you cleared that up, what with me being a simple idiot and all. Putz.

    I get that. I've gotten that for a year now, the pacifists don't want scary weapons of any kind, no matter how ineffective, and refuse to listen to anybody that disagrees, hence why I told OP he's wasting his time. But, judging by his last post, I think he already knows that.

    People are stubborn. It makes sense that they wouldn't listen to someone saying, "Hey how about this thing that's exactly what you don't want?"
    So don't call me a putz for trying to clarify something that I thought needed clarifying. I'll just read your mind to find out what you already know next time.
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I suggested that one! And I know people see 'weapon ideas' as things of destruction but in the be the character is an ENGINEER! We are going to make new things to defend ourselves and to make things easier.

    Might I ask what the source for that is? Far as I know, no confirmation has been given as to the protagonist's job.

    Ahh, the wiki, 5 other threads and various other things.
  • DarkIntentDarkIntent Houston Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206108Members
    So don't call me a putz for trying to clarify something that I thought needed clarifying. I'll just read your mind to find out what you already know next time.

    Fine, we'll say I read a condescending tone into your post that wasn't there, call it a misunderstanding, and move on; I don't have the time, energy, patience, or inclination to spam the thread with bickering.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    DarkIntent wrote: »
    Well, a lot of people just don't want weapons. Lethal or otherwise. It's pretty simple really.

    Well I sure am glad you cleared that up, what with me being a simple idiot and all. Putz.

    I get that. I've gotten that for a year now, the pacifists don't want scary weapons of any kind, no matter how ineffective, and refuse to listen to anybody that disagrees, hence why I told OP he's wasting his time. But, judging by his last post, I think he already knows that.
    Yeah, I do get that. And that's kinda sad because I know that there is at least 1 pacifist that plays NS2. So why not some sorta non-lethal weapon!

    I dunno. I'm far from pacifistic, in MoO2, I would even destroy all the planets in a solar system, just to add buffer to my borders. I've played a couple Assassins Creed games, whose gameplay I should never describe to anyone. I've played a bit of Killing Floor 2 lately, favoring berserker.

    And I don't think that ranged weapons are a good idea. With the possible exception of dud torpedoes that just do some impact damage, probably less than a good ramming with a sub.
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I tossed out a modular torpedo idea, it'd be nice if you could nail a Reaper and have the torpedo latch onto the doom-snake, and the nearest bit of terrain, and tether the thing. :D
  • DarkIntentDarkIntent Houston Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206108Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    I tossed out a modular torpedo idea, it'd be nice if you could nail a Reaper and have the torpedo latch onto the doom-snake, and the nearest bit of terrain, and tether the thing. :D

    That'd be freaking hilarious. XD
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    DarkIntent wrote: »
    Well, a lot of people just don't want weapons. Lethal or otherwise. It's pretty simple really.

    Well I sure am glad you cleared that up, what with me being a simple idiot and all. Putz.

    I get that. I've gotten that for a year now, the pacifists don't want scary weapons of any kind, no matter how ineffective, and refuse to listen to anybody that disagrees, hence why I told OP he's wasting his time. But, judging by his last post, I think he already knows that.
    Yeah, I do get that. And that's kinda sad because I know that there is at least 1 pacifist that plays NS2. So why not some sorta non-lethal weapon!

    I dunno. I'm far from pacifistic, in MoO2, I would even destroy all the planets in a solar system, just to add buffer to my borders. I've played a couple Assassins Creed games, whose gameplay I should never describe to anyone. I've played a bit of Killing Floor 2 lately, favoring berserker.

    And I don't think that ranged weapons are a good idea. With the possible exception of dud torpedoes that just do some impact damage, probably less than a good ramming with a sub.
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I tossed out a modular torpedo idea, it'd be nice if you could nail a Reaper and have the torpedo latch onto the doom-snake, and the nearest bit of terrain, and tether the thing. :D

    I wasnt necessarily talking bout you, I was talking about nearly all other pacifists on this forum.
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I suggested that one! And I know people see 'weapon ideas' as things of destruction but in the be the character is an ENGINEER! We are going to make new things to defend ourselves and to make things easier.

    Might I ask what the source for that is? Far as I know, no confirmation has been given as to the protagonist's job.

    Ahh, the wiki, 5 other threads and various other things.

    The wiki with 527 pages, of which the one of interest goes unmentioned? It is at least not the player article, because that one reads "His status as a crewmember or passenger remains unknown.". 5 other threads among the hundreds on this forum? Is a title, which would cover multiple posts already, not done? I challenge you to try "various other things" as an answer at work or at school.

    Like, if you don't want to or can't answer, whether because you genuinely can't recall the source (it happens) or because you were nonsense-ing in the first place, just go with that. This weasel answer is pretty insulting.
  • tickeratickera Australia Join Date: 2016-05-06 Member: 216399Members
    DarkIntent wrote: »
    Nasias wrote: »
    Games like Penumbra and Amnesia were super scary, because you aren't walking around with the safety buffer of a weapon to stop the bad guy killing you. All you can do is run, hide, and probably scream in the process. :P

    Penumbra did give you a weapon, and allowed you to fight back to a reasonable extent, and Amnesia completely negated any tension inexplicably denying you the use of any of the many, many, many weapons laying around the castle might have caused by having zero penalty for dying. In fact, dying could be rewarding, as it removed the monster that killed you.

    Now, please read the title properly.

    Bro, don't bother. You said weapon, and people around here tend to clap their hands over their ears and tune out any idea or suggestion that follows; trust me, I've seen it happen to every single thread that even hints you might like something more than a knife. If you called it a weapon, they'd rage out about letting the player have a literal Nerf gun. I'm not crapping on your idea, I like it and made my own suggestions about a speargun in the H.A.R.P. thread, but nobody's gonna listen. "Nope, it's a scary assault speargun that fires clip magazines at 1,000 kills per second, that's what you want, to just kill everything ever, you devil-worshiping weapon suggester!" I'm glad the devs caved enough to let you fire projectiles out of the propulsion cannon, it's better than nothing, but I fully expect that to be removed because it's too much like an actual weapon and therefore useful for something other than mildly annoying a Stalker into eating you harder.

  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    I suggested that one! And I know people see 'weapon ideas' as things of destruction but in the be the character is an ENGINEER! We are going to make new things to defend ourselves and to make things easier.

    Might I ask what the source for that is? Far as I know, no confirmation has been given as to the protagonist's job.

    Ahh, the wiki, 5 other threads and various other things.

    The wiki with 527 pages, of which the one of interest goes unmentioned? It is at least not the player article, because that one reads "His status as a crewmember or passenger remains unknown.". 5 other threads among the hundreds on this forum? Is a title, which would cover multiple posts already, not done? I challenge you to try "various other things" as an answer at work or at school.

    Like, if you don't want to or can't answer, whether because you genuinely can't recall the source (it happens) or because you were nonsense-ing in the first place, just go with that. This weasel answer is pretty insulting.

    Well, there was this other weapon thread a while ago and the poster stated that you are an engineer. Oh, I pressed the wrong button while posting so it's not '5' it's actually 3. The other 2 come from another thread about what role the character plays in the aurora. Can't remember the titles though. On the wiki there was this post about the player being an engineer but it may have been edited or taken down. Again, can't remember the title. This was a while ago and I don't have the best memory. Those "various other sources" we're things like Trello (I THINK, like I said I don't have the best memory so this may be incorrect) and just what I think.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    Actually, if you think about it, there's a far better reason that underwater throwing spikes wouldn't work:

    They don't work. Take a swim sometime, try to throw something. At best, the projectile will get a very short ways before all the forward momentum is spent, and it just sinks to the bottom.

    A few feet of water makes bullets harmless, how would something propelled by a human (even game-realistically) overcome that?
  • DarkIntentDarkIntent Houston Join Date: 2015-07-11 Member: 206108Members
    EvilSmoo wrote: »
    Actually, if you think about it, there's a far better reason that underwater throwing spikes wouldn't work:

    They don't work. Take a swim sometime, try to throw something. At best, the projectile will get a very short ways before all the forward momentum is spent, and it just sinks to the bottom.

    A few feet of water makes bullets harmless, how would something propelled by a human (even game-realistically) overcome that?

    Pretty much, which is why if you're not using a speargun, you go spearfishing in shallow water; even with a speargun, your range is fairly limited. Nothing maintains forward momentum very well under water without constant propulsion.
  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    The weapon does have its own propulsion. The base recipe is just for simplicity and early game access.
  • TotallyLemonTotallyLemon Atlanta Georgia Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204764Members
    Nasias wrote: »
    Whilst weapons are cool, I really like that Subnautica only really has a utility knife. I don't have the stasis rifle yet, so I can't really comment on that one. But currently, I get the feeling of helplessness out in the ocean, even if I have my knife with me. It's what makes the survival aspect of this game very appealing to me. Other survival games get old for me very quickly, as you get to a point where you have some really good equipment, and I feel like it really strips away the survival part.

    Games like Penumbra and Amnesia were super scary, because you aren't walking around with the safety buffer of a weapon to stop the bad guy killing you. All you can do is run, hide, and probably scream in the process. :P

    You need to get the PRAWN. You can punch everything.
  • yellowsubyellowsub manchester Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220525Members
    Just harvest a but load of floaters and load them into the propulsion cannon from the prawn. It's none lethal and utterly hilarious although I do wish I could hold more ammo for it lol oh and make it hand held with a clip.

    also out of interest I know the whole pacifist police are out there and all but isnt part of the main game about being shot down by a giant space gun. Not to hard to see devs like the idea of alien guns but human guns ohhh no sir thats too scary. Maybe we will get some tech like that. I admit though it would take alot out of the game just look at resi evil games. First ones were great due to guns being utterly useless in the long run and it made the game scary but then recent installments come along and blam here have infinite ammo rocket grenades with homing capability.

    In short some small deterrents would be good. Sonic blast to scare fish away. Nets to pin them down or float them up or gas pod grenades to annoy. The options are there if devs ever get bored
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I think the major problem is that every time I see someone suggest a "nonlethal" weapon, it isn't nonlethal in the faintest. You need to stop thinking puncture and stuff like that. I've never even seen anyone suggest something as simple as a net gun with lead weights (hey, make lead useful?) that could be used over the stasis rifle because instead of freezing them in place, the weights drag them to the seafloor (and thus out of your way).

    Nobody is suggesting nets because nets are complete and total hell to animate.
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