Devs are asking for any final polishing ideas for 1.0 in this thread in /r/subnautica
US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members

I'm sure they check the feedback in this thread as well, but hey! (Also a chance to organize your ideas into a comprehensive list / upvote others who already submitted the same idea)
Especially if your idea was in response to someone else's thread, I'd re-post a list of all your ideas that would be considered a final touch of polish here:
Especially if your idea was in response to someone else's thread, I'd re-post a list of all your ideas that would be considered a final touch of polish here:
Hey Subnauts! We are quickly headed for Subnautica 1.0 and I wanted to get everyone's opinion on what they would like to see in the final game. We know we have a lot of bugs left to fix, and optimization left to do; and we plan to get as much done as we can. That said, we also want to make the game as sexy as possible and adding some spit shine to various elements of the game will really help that along.
We want to get your feedback. What things would you love to see in Subnautica 1.0 that's not in there now?
Check the roadmap to make sure we're not already planning to add the feature you would like!
Here's an example of what polish IS:Here's what polish is NOT:
- The planets move too fast in the sky, you should slow them down.
- FOV slider
- Make the stupid lifepod stop drifting!
- I would love it if the label on the storage create was easier to click.
- You should add a way to turn on/off beacons and icons, they clutter the screen too much.
- Multiplayer
- More submarines
- It would be so cool if the base could transform into a robot and fight the reaper.
Bugs should not necessarily be considered on this list, this is more or less for small, new features or enhancements/minor changes to current ones.
Upvote your favorite items and if they are reasonably easy to add in or worthwhile we may pick them for 1.0.
And for the love of Sammy The Safety Reaper: Multiplayerisnotapolishitem!
Edit: Formatting
Edit 2: I'm reading every single thing here! There are some great ideas! Keep em' coming!
FINAL VERSION: I categorized and numbered the list.
Base functionality:
Acquisition & scanning:
Scrapped (?) models:
I would imagine this to be well beyond polishing if I didn't know the models to be ready from the Sketchfab gallery. At the moment, the wiki lists the species analyzer, the botanical analyzer, lithium ion batteries, and the accumulator as removed content. I do not know if this is true, but if so, these are my thoughts.
I'm a little surprised you didn't mention being able to manually rotate the Moonpool and placing base rooms in the center of platforms not just on the edges ^^
Agreed with most everything you typed up there; I'd also like to (once again) add the Floodlights being able to draw from base power and power transmitters. They're great for decoration as well as practical use (like building a base at night), but having to go around replacing those batteries...
I have "full rotation for all base pieces", which covers the moonpool. Platform placement I did not include because I am the lone individual who does not mind you can't build in the center. Although I did feel cheated too when the Grand Reef base had centered platforms. I could add it next time I update it if you want? Done.
With floodlights, I'm sorta still waiting for lithium batteries and the way those should improve their usage. The wiki currently has them listed as removed along with the accumulator, another thing I've been waiting for. Neither claim is sourced and I deeply hope its not true.
-Being able to turn on/off beacons (mentioned in the dev post) is good.
-Being able to read your PDA while seated on a chair or bench is a must, or in bed.
-Balancing power equipment needs: The spotlight draws WAY too much power, the water filtration machine is debatable (I'd like it to use less power). Battery chargers use WAY to little power, this allows for the Cyclops charger exploit (which should go away). The scanner room should draw power when it's scanning, how much power? I don't know.
-Are lithium batteries still going to happen? If not then the Seaglide power consumption needs to be reduced. It's too power hungry.
-The storage lockers on the Cyclops, if they aren't going to be made bigger at least make them 3x4 instead of 2x6 so we can store the Seaglide. Making them 3X5 would be great (hint, hint).
-Change the creature A.I. so that some creatures follow you up to the surface. Right now you can swim on the water's surface without a care in the world. Or perhaps add a surface predator?
-Please add conical spotlights to the Seamoth (just like the one's on the Cyclops). This will make the Seamoth MUCH easier to find in the dark, and add some visual continuity.
-Speaking of visual continuity, why do some scanned items not disappear? When you scan the Seamoth fragments, they disappear, but when you scan the plant pots they don't. I do understand why the Multipurpose room shouldn't disappear when scanned.
-Please add beacons to the scanner room drones that activate when they detach from the scanner room. This serves two purposes; one, to find the damn thing after you drive it out of range (or the stalkers run off with it), and two, so you can park it next to some fragment or resource you found and then find your way there.
I'll add more when (and if) I think of more.
Thank you for your consideration.
over all the game is good. I however think that your gonna get a lot of complaints about the game as new players end up dead in game because they have no guidance in this game. this is not an easy game to learn.
I think they were in experimental, last I checked.
I don't know, @DrownedOut has basically said everything I was thinking and then some...
-Glass Roof
-When I'm in the Cyclops, I shouldn't see through the walls of my base
-Give a better sense of direction for at least one of the lost river enternaces.
-Give a better sense of direction for the second and third seabase.
-Give a better sense of direction of the Lava Castle. After days of playing, have still never seen it. Maybe I suck...
-Cyclops Dock
-Food Storage
-A world map (that is revealed/created as we explore) that we can add our own markers and notations to. (since dumping beacons everywhere just cluttered up the world view with marker pings.)
-Give the cyclops the sonar mapping function the Sea Glide (and Seamoth addon) have.
-Give us the ability to repair the diving knife when it's nearly ruined. (Having to continually make new ones feels rather wasteful)
-Give us an in game "note pad" To write on. (Helpful when you wish to note down future plans or reminders for your next play session.)
Everyone has the same experience - while returning from anywhere to the habitat-base you found it: a cave, a wreck, anything of interest, and you have no buoy anymore - or forgotten to built one or already used all of them
--- and you miss the spot and search in large circles after coming back...again and again. Its a pain, not exploring.
We build high-tech habitats and subs and Exosuits ... and have no MAP - function in our Alterra PDA ( Alterra, remember ? The company that takes care about us with an all-envirement-personal suit just in case of an emergency ..... )
The found and downloaded coordinate signals have a distance - to - receiver information ( meters ) , the signal-buoy must get that function as well.
remove the crash-bugs , and then
give us this map. Please.
An improvement in the creature ai, because basically its just: are you close- go agro. are you not- kill other fish
I would also like to see less blank space in the precursor gun, because you have to think, what was all that empty space used for, they should add like old precursor ab equipment to it to make it less bland or something like that.
..devs want us to explore, not just steam straight to what we want and go back to our fortress. what if we compromised? Have a very broad set of coordinates able to be bookmarked by the PDA. Have it so broad that upon returning, you still have to go actually find it, but you know the general sector, so you won't wander off to other areas. Sort of like how large the batches are right now, maybe?
It would be like if you made a bookmark for the Aurora drive core, it would make a mark for the whole Aurora -- you would know about where it was, and you wouldn't wander off into another zone while looking, but you'd still have to find it.
This Comment Is Edited And I Just Found The Reason Thing.
- The compass is not well readable. Sometime no cardinal appears on the wheel. You have to turn to see where you're going.
- We should have a artificial horizon, especially on the Seamoth and the Cyclops.
- Beacons should be togglable and or color coded from distance in the PDA.
- Signals shouldn't be items but togglable from the PDA as Beacons.
- Glass should only cost ONE QUARTZ
- Base doors should be always open by default and open sequence camera move should be reduce (it gives me motion sickness). Cyclops doors are OK : simple and efficient.
- Please make ladder rotate ! As well as moonpool.
Thermometer should be default and part of PDA, it does say it has a full suit of monitoring capabilities for vitals and ability to get visual and audio input.
Compass should be an >upgrade< to PDA, like hardened knife or thermal blade etc. I strongly believe it shouldn't be default piece of gear since it changes your ability to navigate drastically. Maybe tied to another object... like a special beacon or require scanner room or something else as point of reference but... that would mess up internal coordinates and your navigation would be arbitrary to how you want it so it's a bit wonky.
Dive reel needs to be finished before 1.0. It's awesome for early game but rope clipping through walls makes it only a quarter as good as it can be.
Seaglide and power consumption need to get sorted out before release. Either reduce the energy use or let us put more then one battery in or what ever but it needs to be functional before 1.0 it's a piece of starting gear and it needs to be desirable.
Cyclops storange and upgrades also need to get sorted out before 1.0, animation for steering... a ship that big with bunch of scanning stuff spinning like crazy on top should have some navigational perks.
PDA pictures. For everyone!!! Ahem... but seriously everyone needs wants to be loved.
Think about the story progression and spread fragments accordingly. There shouldn't be weird loopholes that require player to either know where to find something really hard to find... or know where one can find a diamond without crazy gear and so forth.
Cyclops initial build cost. The thing is a massive game changer it shouldn't cost an arm and a leg or some crazy rare resources since those are for >upgrades< not basic hull composition but Cyclops should take a bit more resources then it currently does... double? tripple?
Vehicles and tools that use an energy source but don't have an energy source as building requirement should be built without one. A minor thing yes... but it would be consistent with the rest of the world and make for a nice little detail.
None of seeds/spores should take more then 1 unit of storage. Spore from a mushroom should not take as much space as an oxygen tank. Some other items need their size re-evaluated.
Have an option for the animations to be turned on/off
Stop the terrain from glitching out
- I would love it if the label on the storage create was easier to click.
- Thermometer should be default and part of PDA.
- Add a day and night length slider.
- Let us repair the knife.
- Ladders rotate.
- Glass roof.
Idea 2. Base Part Upgrades. Reason? I Don't Know. Maybe So That You Could Get It Stronger?
Idea 3. Batteries For The Base. Reason? For Power Storage. The Name Might Sound Stupid. But Its A Separate Room For Power To Be Stored. This Is Where The Upgrades Come In.
Idea 4. Prawn Starting At MK 1 Then Going To MK 3. Reason? I Don't Know. So That You Can Start Out With Something Cheap But Not As Good As The Final Upgraded Version?
Idea 5. Turrets. Reason? For Defense. And A Usage For The Upgrades.
Idea 6. Research And Engineering. Description. A Separate Room For Gaining The Upgrades, Tools, And Other Base Parts. Plus Fauna And Flora Knowledge. Reason? More Reasons To Explore.
Idea 7. Animal Research. Reason? To Learn About The Creature By Experence And Not By Scanning And Instant Knowledge.
That's About It.
Put in an option to remove your own shadow