Ideas to help new players
Canada Join Date: 2016-11-30 Member: 224393Members

I understand that a survival game should be hard. The main thing I like about Subnautica is that people need to explore to succeed. However I think the beginning of the game could be more... streamlined. By that I mean the beginning of the game should be stupid proof. Instead of showing them limestone deposits tell them that limestone deposits are where you acquire almost all your resources. Also make the basic tech you need for the early game very apparent. I was almost at the end game before I finally found the seaglide. It was buried in the sand so I couldn't find it. I think maybe the beginning of the game should be more streamlined. That's not to say I don't like the game. I love the game! I've barely ran into any bugs either which is rare for an early access game! Also, maybe the beginning tutorial should teach you to catch fish and that Bladderfish give water. These are just a few ideas. Just giving my opinion!
There's others saying the exact opposite; that the game is too easy. Sounds like devs have a balance in the middle for now. Who knows, maybe after 1.0 they'll have differing difficulties within each gameplay type?
What I meant is the very beginning of the game could be a bit more noob friendly. More like a RPG esque difficulty curve. Once you have basic everything the "real" game kicks in a la Diablo. Teach you all you need to know instead of drop you in with little to no information and leave you to your ingenuity. Some people don't make the connection of "I got this resource from limestone deposits, maybe I'll get other things from it too" and other things. Just the very beginning of the game.
As far as actuality, maybe the pod was being worked on, so the locker is empty? Backstory could easily explain an under-equipped pod.
A far as gameplay, a fairly open world usually needs pathfinding of some sort, unless every resource can be found in most locations. And fragments in wrecks doesn't really fit that criteria. (Minecraft ore distribution DOES fit that criteria, for contrast).
So nudging a player along until they have a base, then using the base to make a Cyclops, then using the Cyclops to scan the rest seems the most obvious progression line to me. Pod gets you basic safe-shallows resources, base gets you wreck locations, Cyclops gets you mobility and pinpointing, plus the meat of the plot.
For gameplay purposes, the locker should not be filled up so to leave the player storage room. The current supply covers most of early game, but a scanner and a battery or two would be logical and worthwhile additions.
I think that the storage box should be more obvious. Look at most youtubers videos and they either stumbled across it by accident or their comments told them.
Yep. Pretty sure I saw that issue in one of the Trello cards, so that'll likely be taken care of before V1.0 too.
Thanks for the info!