I have Subnautica dreams on a regular basis
United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216788Members

So, I have some Subnautica dreams. I have them about once every two or three nights, and I don't have dreams about any other games (it's really weird). So I decvided that I'd kind of make a dream journal about all my Subnautica dreams that I have. Here's the one I had last night, which made me decide to make this whole thing:
I was on a boat in the Mediterranean with all of my mates when we get told to jump into the water and dive down to find a wreck. We aren't given any diving equipment, we just have to swim down. So I start. The water's quite murky and after half a minute I have to come back up for air. There's some people who just keep on going down, and I don't even understand why, but okay. So I try again, and this time I'm so determined to find this little wreck that even when I start drowning I keep on swimming down. One of my friends, who's swimming down with me (who's completely fine, by the way), says something along the lines of "Okay, so your lungs have collapsed but don't worry because it will only effect you when you come up for air". This is why it's so hard for me to lucid dream, my mind comes up with weird explanations for stuff all the time. This is, by the way, when we both find ourselves outside the entrance to the blood kelp. So we swim down there. We swim into the Lost River and this is when drastic changes from the game happen. We go straight into the main section of the Lost River and there's blue, translucent tendrils dangling from the ceiling. Their tips are glowing yellow, and there's a Phantom Leviathan swimming around the giant skeleton. There's also loads of light blue, transparent trees growing out from the ground, and the whole place looks a lot more dense than in the game. So I think 'k' and move through this place. I can't remember what happens before this, but I find myself in the Lava Castle and I'm swimming through it. I eventually find a rusty old piece of metal that's stained with yellow blood with the white words Degasi on the side. I touch it and, Endless Ocean style, a pop up comes up on the screen saying that we found what we were looking for and I needed to come up for air. Then something really weird happens. I know I'm about to die when I come up for air, so I open the flippin' console commands and set the game mode to creative? Then I go freecam and try out the Precursor portals and stuff? I dunno, it was weird.
That's the first one, I guess. If I have any more I'll let you all know
I was on a boat in the Mediterranean with all of my mates when we get told to jump into the water and dive down to find a wreck. We aren't given any diving equipment, we just have to swim down. So I start. The water's quite murky and after half a minute I have to come back up for air. There's some people who just keep on going down, and I don't even understand why, but okay. So I try again, and this time I'm so determined to find this little wreck that even when I start drowning I keep on swimming down. One of my friends, who's swimming down with me (who's completely fine, by the way), says something along the lines of "Okay, so your lungs have collapsed but don't worry because it will only effect you when you come up for air". This is why it's so hard for me to lucid dream, my mind comes up with weird explanations for stuff all the time. This is, by the way, when we both find ourselves outside the entrance to the blood kelp. So we swim down there. We swim into the Lost River and this is when drastic changes from the game happen. We go straight into the main section of the Lost River and there's blue, translucent tendrils dangling from the ceiling. Their tips are glowing yellow, and there's a Phantom Leviathan swimming around the giant skeleton. There's also loads of light blue, transparent trees growing out from the ground, and the whole place looks a lot more dense than in the game. So I think 'k' and move through this place. I can't remember what happens before this, but I find myself in the Lava Castle and I'm swimming through it. I eventually find a rusty old piece of metal that's stained with yellow blood with the white words Degasi on the side. I touch it and, Endless Ocean style, a pop up comes up on the screen saying that we found what we were looking for and I needed to come up for air. Then something really weird happens. I know I'm about to die when I come up for air, so I open the flippin' console commands and set the game mode to creative? Then I go freecam and try out the Precursor portals and stuff? I dunno, it was weird.
That's the first one, I guess. If I have any more I'll let you all know

That's the only Subnautica dream I have though. A bit dark perhaps, but I do think it'd be awesome if leviathans could really do that sort of damage.
Only game I've ever had repeated dreams of was Tetris. They were always kinda nightmares (anxious) because I didn't want to keep playing, but couldn't stop. I'm horrified to think what any dreams of Subnautica I might have would consist of.
As you continue forward, you hear it. The anxiety inducing roar of a Reaper Leviathan. You stop, hearing the familiar mechanical noises of your seamoth. Over there. In the distance. A massive red-tipped tail emerges but then recedes into the foggy expanse. His roar gets louder. and louder. A soul piercing warning of a violent watery death. That sound shall be engraved in your ears for the rest of your very short life.
Where did it go? Where? Suddenly a gripping, murderous claw attaches to your vehicle. Your fate is sealed with a roar and violent titanium ripping shakes. The Reaper feasts on yet another victim on this horrible, merciless, god-forsaken planet.
So yeah I'd love to have a dream about Subnautica!
Subnautica: 1/3 horror, 1/3 ooh aaah, 1/3 wet
This one was kind of short, and it started before I went to sleep, when I spawned twenty Auroras and loads of Reapers on top of them and they started flying around the tops of them like little Shenrons. So that's how it started, and then I go to sleep. It starts of as usual; I'm inside a Cyclops, I descend into the Blood Kelp, into the Lost River and I park my Cyclops in the ribs of the beast. Then the ribs clamp together like pincers, and burst my Cyclops. I swim out in the Seamoth, which is heavily damaged. I try and get to the surface when I find a little air pocket at the top of the cave. I catch my breath in there, and I get back in the Seamoth and go to the Aurora. When I get there it hasn't blown up yet, so I "call in another one". I literally dial up the Precursors on my Nokia Brick and tell them there's another Aurora coming, so they shoot it down and their noses hit each other, so now I've got two nose-less Auroras to explore. I find one part of the Propulsion Cannon, swim over to the other Aurora and then explore that one. Then the AI tells me an all around happy thing: "Warning: There has been a quantum detonation in the primary drive core". So the ships blow up and I fly through the sky and land on the Sunbeam. The captain looks at me and just shouts "NO, THE RED SPIKE!" before the ship's blown up. Then I go flying into space and I land on Subnautica's moon, and into the game Osiris: New Dawn. And then a giant turn-worm gobbles me up and I wake up.
So that's my most recent god damn dream about this god damn game. Sorry if my writing isn't up to scratch, I'm kind of tired, and kind of maybe using this forum as a dream journal but whatever. There Subnautica dreams, so it's automatically awesome.
That is literally the most hilarious thing I've read this whole day!
"Hello? Yeah, precursor IT? Mhm? Yeah, well, see, I hate to break it to you but I think this Aurora isn't blown up. Yeah, no, I tried turning the drive core off and on again. Look, I'm gonna need another one, pronto. Ok. Five minutes? Thanks."
(creative interpretation)
Well that's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Dude, I wasn't prepared for that, my uvula is in pain, that shit's hilarious
But seriously, "No, the RED spike" should be a meme.
How old are you? I just wonder does it depends on age or on something else.
Teens, dude
I love that thing, so it has a lot of screen time. That's where I spend most of my time in game, apart from that floating islands wreck and the ghost tree.
Jesus I would hate to have subnautica hallucinations, just in the middle of my day I spot a reaper out the corner of my eye and then I punch the guy next to me and curl up into a ball of fear.
I did that with mario kart when I was younger... I think I envisioned an item box in the corner of my vision with a red shell in it. Yeah, it was bad, I guess.
There is but one exception: the very top floor. It is mostly pristine, and if I didn't know better I would assume someone lived on it. From what I gather this building was an office and a research facility. I assume the latter when I see a large horizontal tank in the middle of the room.
It's white sheen makes it stand out amongst everything else, not discounting it's considerable size. As I lean up on my heels, I get a look at the top of it. There is a thin opening, exposing the water within. Staring down, I see nothing but darkness staring back at me. That is until I see a flash of white swim by.
After a few moments it swims to the top of the tank, sending water spilling all over the floor. I can tell at this point it's a Reaper Leviathan, but I don't feel afraid, since it's side is wedged against the entry of the tank. It couldn't hope to escape, so I decide to give it a hug. There's no way anything could go wrong. I press up against it, only able to wrap my arms part way.
It doesn't respond for a moment, then shifts it's body. A tentacle proceeds to burst out of it's side and grabs me. The Reaper then recedes into the water as the tentacle hoists me high enough to touch the ceiling. After a moment suspended in the air, the tentacle quickly pulls me into the tank. I can feel the rush of air against me before my vision goes black all around me as I get pulled in the water. That's when I mercifully wake up.
I could actually feel the sensation at the end. It wasn't pleasant.
I was floating around, you know just a casual disembodied head floating around but it was like I have a flashlight but had the f6 command on because I could only see the light infrount of me. I was looking for something in un even terrain, like a newly developed biomes that hasn't been smoothed. The biome was also much larger with pillars supporting the ceiling like mines in lord of the rings 1.
I made then my way to the rib cage but it was different. It had a spine, thicker ribs that holes in them, like H.R. Ginger looking holes and turns. But the ribs diddnt looked finished, there were untextured squares in places and the holes diddnt look correct. The spine was also just a series of blocks with no texture.
After the tour through the ribs suddenly the darkness was gone and I could see the entire cave. And it was strange, the skeleton head was no where near the body but it looked like it was copy and pasted all over the place, the cave also somhow merged with the old deep grand reef spikes as there were skulls, both human and lost river beast stuck on the spikes. It looked like that one level from besiege with the giant skull where you have to lift the sword. It was horrific because as I looked at the rib cage is span for miles in either direction.
Near the end of the dream I heard voices that I think were from either the matrix or assisins creed but I do remember a female voice going "were going to bring you out now"
It looked like this minus the head and the ribs were a bit thicker.
I think my VR headset is making me paranoid of empty ness.
It was short and the only thing I can remeber about is was I was in the lost river but it was a mix between the stepping stones part of the lave zone and a sort of byu like you would see in swamps.
Then I killed a emperor juvanile for some reason and the empress came along and started shooting lasers at me. She also said somthing but I cant remeber what exactly exept "Where is my young".
and then it was reveiled to be a phatoa video showing new features.
But that lost river biome i came up with was just so facinating, the tress were like red forest sized and they went towards the cave ceiling with a green and blue hue.