Precursor Cold Storage Unit: New Precursor Base + Arctic Cave Biome
I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members

So I spoke on this earlier but never really went into too much detail.
The idea of an Arctic biome with surface glaciers and such is nonsensical considering the tropical nature of the region.
So, of course, the Arctic Biome would need to take place entirely inside an enclosed area, much similar to the Jelly Shroom Caves. The Sub Zero temperatures of this Biome would be attributed to the large, malfunctioning Precursor Cold Storage Unit in the center of the cave system.
The Precursor Cold Storage Preservation Chamber
The purpose of this unit was to cryogenically preserve specimen DNA for repopulation after the Carar virus was destroyed. Unfortunately the lock failed, and the specimens were contaminated, as the freezing temperatures were released into the surrounding waters, dropping the ambient temperature to arctic levels, creating a frozen wilderness within the cavern.
The Frozen Cavern
The Frozen Caverns are an extensive cavern system with 4 large main chambers, interconnected by tunnels of various sizes, which lead to each other, and to other, smaller chambers, making the system a natural maze.
The Caverns can be accessed through a large Aurora Wreck that had fallen, and punched through the ground, creating a passage into the cavern system from above. There is also a less conspicuous entrance near the northeastern side of the Grand Reef biome in the south.

Nestled at the back of the largest, deepest cavern would be the Precursor Cold Storage unit, a large Precursor structure encased in thick ice. The player would not be able to access the structure, but merely see it through the ice. The PDA would detect frozen samples of several billion different, unknown species, but would also state that all of them are infected with the alien virus. The biome itself would be very dark, with very little bio-luminescent flora to naturally illuminate the cave.
Frozen Flora and Fauna
Flora would be extremely sparse in this biome. Patches of Glowing Algae clinging to the ceiling of the Arctic Caves, and various microorganisms would be the main producers of this ecosystem. Arctic versions of Oculus, Reginald, and Garryfish would prey on the Algae and phytoplankton, while Rapier Sharks, Ghost Whales, and the Polar Leviathan would feed on the smaller fish. Sea urchins, Starfish, and Frost Mushrooms would survive on the detritus that falls down to the seabed
Glowing Algae is a bioluminescent plant that grows on the ceiling of the Frozen Caverns, taking nutrients from the soil above. It partially resembles Creepvine, with large glowing blue Spore sacks that provide most of the light in the Cavern system. Glowing Algae can be harvested and eaten, or grown on the ceilings of Alien Containment Units, providing a funky lighted floor to the room above.
Rapier Sharks would be new carnivores exclusive to the Arctic Caverns. Smooth, sleek predators with long, sharp, sword-like beaks for impaling their prey, and powerful jets underneath their tails for rapid acceleration. They would be peaceful towards the player, unless the player pulls out a knife. The Rapier's high intelligence and keen eyesight allows it to spot another Rapier's sword from a great distance, where it will then engage in a territorial jousting match with the other shark (Or in this case, you)
Ghost Whales would be large, peaceful carnivores that feed on microorganisms. About the length of a Crabsnake, these large herbivores float lazily in pods of 2-3, often accompanied by their young, similar to Reefbacks. Their glowing, translucent skin gives off bioluminsence, providing valuable light to the player.
The Polar or Bitefrost Leviathan is a large sea monster native to the Arctic Caverns. Significantly smaller than the Reaper Leviathan, it is barely classified as a Leviathan class creature. It resembles the Sea Dragon in that it has large forearms for propelling itself through the water. It has a large vertical finned tail as its main form of propulsion. Its body is covered in thick blubber that interferes with spectroscope scanners, and its shoulders, neck, and head are covered in silky white fur. It has a head more resembling that of a polar bear. It swims normally at a leisurely pace, constantly searching for prey to feed its immense bulk. When it spots a meal, it uses its powerful arms for an explosive burst of speed to quickly take down slower creatures. The one Polar Leviathan would dwell in the deepest chamber, guarding the Precursor Cold Storage Unit.
Prohibitive Temperatures
The sub zero temperatures in the Frozen Caverns would significantly increase the speed at which your hunger meter goes down, as well as provide Hypothermia damage if you spend too long outside of a vehicle.
Whaddyathink? Just getting basic info down for the idea.
I think it would be cool to have a biome you would only be able to access due to a Wreck punching through the ground into the cave system. Could have ice all inside the Wreckage as well.
The idea of an Arctic biome with surface glaciers and such is nonsensical considering the tropical nature of the region.
So, of course, the Arctic Biome would need to take place entirely inside an enclosed area, much similar to the Jelly Shroom Caves. The Sub Zero temperatures of this Biome would be attributed to the large, malfunctioning Precursor Cold Storage Unit in the center of the cave system.
The Precursor Cold Storage Preservation Chamber
The purpose of this unit was to cryogenically preserve specimen DNA for repopulation after the Carar virus was destroyed. Unfortunately the lock failed, and the specimens were contaminated, as the freezing temperatures were released into the surrounding waters, dropping the ambient temperature to arctic levels, creating a frozen wilderness within the cavern.
The Frozen Cavern
The Frozen Caverns are an extensive cavern system with 4 large main chambers, interconnected by tunnels of various sizes, which lead to each other, and to other, smaller chambers, making the system a natural maze.
The Caverns can be accessed through a large Aurora Wreck that had fallen, and punched through the ground, creating a passage into the cavern system from above. There is also a less conspicuous entrance near the northeastern side of the Grand Reef biome in the south.

Nestled at the back of the largest, deepest cavern would be the Precursor Cold Storage unit, a large Precursor structure encased in thick ice. The player would not be able to access the structure, but merely see it through the ice. The PDA would detect frozen samples of several billion different, unknown species, but would also state that all of them are infected with the alien virus. The biome itself would be very dark, with very little bio-luminescent flora to naturally illuminate the cave.
Frozen Flora and Fauna
Flora would be extremely sparse in this biome. Patches of Glowing Algae clinging to the ceiling of the Arctic Caves, and various microorganisms would be the main producers of this ecosystem. Arctic versions of Oculus, Reginald, and Garryfish would prey on the Algae and phytoplankton, while Rapier Sharks, Ghost Whales, and the Polar Leviathan would feed on the smaller fish. Sea urchins, Starfish, and Frost Mushrooms would survive on the detritus that falls down to the seabed
Glowing Algae is a bioluminescent plant that grows on the ceiling of the Frozen Caverns, taking nutrients from the soil above. It partially resembles Creepvine, with large glowing blue Spore sacks that provide most of the light in the Cavern system. Glowing Algae can be harvested and eaten, or grown on the ceilings of Alien Containment Units, providing a funky lighted floor to the room above.
Rapier Sharks would be new carnivores exclusive to the Arctic Caverns. Smooth, sleek predators with long, sharp, sword-like beaks for impaling their prey, and powerful jets underneath their tails for rapid acceleration. They would be peaceful towards the player, unless the player pulls out a knife. The Rapier's high intelligence and keen eyesight allows it to spot another Rapier's sword from a great distance, where it will then engage in a territorial jousting match with the other shark (Or in this case, you)
Ghost Whales would be large, peaceful carnivores that feed on microorganisms. About the length of a Crabsnake, these large herbivores float lazily in pods of 2-3, often accompanied by their young, similar to Reefbacks. Their glowing, translucent skin gives off bioluminsence, providing valuable light to the player.
The Polar or Bitefrost Leviathan is a large sea monster native to the Arctic Caverns. Significantly smaller than the Reaper Leviathan, it is barely classified as a Leviathan class creature. It resembles the Sea Dragon in that it has large forearms for propelling itself through the water. It has a large vertical finned tail as its main form of propulsion. Its body is covered in thick blubber that interferes with spectroscope scanners, and its shoulders, neck, and head are covered in silky white fur. It has a head more resembling that of a polar bear. It swims normally at a leisurely pace, constantly searching for prey to feed its immense bulk. When it spots a meal, it uses its powerful arms for an explosive burst of speed to quickly take down slower creatures. The one Polar Leviathan would dwell in the deepest chamber, guarding the Precursor Cold Storage Unit.
Prohibitive Temperatures
The sub zero temperatures in the Frozen Caverns would significantly increase the speed at which your hunger meter goes down, as well as provide Hypothermia damage if you spend too long outside of a vehicle.
Whaddyathink? Just getting basic info down for the idea.
I think it would be cool to have a biome you would only be able to access due to a Wreck punching through the ground into the cave system. Could have ice all inside the Wreckage as well.
Well its a cave system, so it would be underneath the Lilypad biome
Not only that but I love the idea of having a refrigerator so you can stock up on food when it's plentiful and it wont spoil (or take way longer for it to spoil)
well, according to the Data Downloads, there were actually BILLIONS of creatures wiped out by the Carar. (Which I think is a nice cop out by the devs to only have like two creatures in each biome)
okay but now imagine being able to find a small sample to revive a long lost creature. And as you release more of them into the wild, the more common they become
I don't know if this is possible but I would love this little feature! Bringing back a creature from extinction would be amazing!