Special Hull Plate Contest
*chortle*Canada Join Date: 2002-01-23 Member: 7Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica Playtester, Pistachionauts

I have an extra hull plate that I bought when that was available and forgot about it for ages. You can read more info about this plate at the wiki. I believe the plate is #14, but I can't check it without redeeming the code. These numbered plates are not available any more so this is likely last chance to get one. All I am asking for is a reply in this thread with your favorite Subnautica story. They can be short, long, not even yours but you heard from a friend, stuff you saw on Youtube, etc. The winner will be picked randomly. You may post multiple times, but only one entry will count.
What you will win:
- 1 copy of Subnautica
- 1 numbered Hull Plate (probably around #14)

Replies up until 10pm MST on January 4, 2017 will be in the draw.
You can redeem just the Hull Plate if you already own the game. I don't believe the game can be re-gifted unfortunately.
Once a winner has been picked, I will contact them with the needed information. Redemption will take a while as it requires a lot of hands on work from the team.
What you will win:
- 1 copy of Subnautica
- 1 numbered Hull Plate (probably around #14)

Replies up until 10pm MST on January 4, 2017 will be in the draw.
You can redeem just the Hull Plate if you already own the game. I don't believe the game can be re-gifted unfortunately.
Once a winner has been picked, I will contact them with the needed information. Redemption will take a while as it requires a lot of hands on work from the team.
I guess my favorite (recent) story was the first time I ventured into the Lost River biome. I had made a staging base in the blood kelp zone near the entrance to it and went to go check it out in my PRAWN suit, leaving the cyclops behind not knowing if it would even fit in that entrance.
Exploring the lost river was amazing. Anxiety inducing crab squids set the tension at the entrance, then coming in over a beautiful green waterfall to see the massive expanse of the inner chamber full of massive skeletons. Gathering resources and admiring the fauna, memorized by the mesmers I had begun to lose track of time.
Then proceeding onto the tree chamber, in complete awe of this beautiful massive structure with ghostrays abundant in the area. Thinking to myself this would be an amazing location for a base! As I approached the large drop off cliff that leads to the Inactive Lava Zone, I got a friendly warning from my pda that I was dying of malnutrition. Well that was depressing to hear. Realizing I had not brought any water or food, I turned back.
Climbing back up at the snails pace the PRAWN moved at, I was really beginning to worry that I wouldn't make it in time. Then taking a wrong turn on the way back and ending up in some weird root system, the anxiety really started to set in. I had reclaimed water to drink but that would push my food even lower. I pressed on down the unexplored root system since turning back would be certain death.
After coming to the end, what looked like a dead end actually curved outward towards the Grand Reef. 3% food remaining I was in a real hurry, using the grappling arm to speed things along. I finally come out into more open water and see some small fish! Crabsquids and warpers be damned, I am getting that food! So I rush in and grab a reginald, never to be so happy as to eat some sushi.
It was a long trek back but a valuable lesson learned, always bring a pack lunch with you on long journeys
It all started out when the Aurora was first released or, more importantly, when the Reaper Leviathan was implemented. I was calmly going to repair the Aurora in my trusty Seamoth, unaware of how dangerous a Reaper was. As I near the exploded bow of the ship, I hear the telltale roar of fear. Needless to say, I was not ready for what was to happened next. As I saw it, it went aggro and continued to bite my Seamoth, as it was somewhere between 10 and 15% health, I escaped. However, the Reaper was not done with me yet. It chased me past my lifepod, past my base in the Grassy Plateaus, all the way to the void where it then finally destroyed my Seamoth. It then proceeded to eat me.
Ever since then, I have never gone near the Aurora without a Cyclops again.
Anyhoo gl to people that want to win one.
way back before the H20 update, on my very first saved game: Times were good. I had explored the first few biomes with eager joy, reveling at the strange and wonderful creatures that inhabited the game. I actually hadn't gotten very far, considering I'm pretty bad at survival games. However, each new foraging foray brought something different: an entirely new creature, or some stunningly beautiful sights.
Since this was back before the scanner was implemented, I actually would spend my free time (irl) drawing up bios for the creatures, which I would analyse with reckless abandon. In fact, that's probably why I had progressed so little: most of my time was spent following creatures around, marveling at their genetic traits and theorizing what survival mechanisms they might use. In several cases, these studies were carried out in... stressed environments (read: me being chased by a pack of stalkers, with a notepad, jotting down observations about their teeth).
By far the most mysterious creature for me, at that time, was the Reaper Leviathan (since I was playing without the wiki, I had affectionately taken to calling this rare-sighted creature Tim) Finally, after many hours of gameplay, and a few dodgy scenes with sandsharks ("Oh my god! Would you believe" *CHOMP* "the ambush tactics" *CHOMP* this species has perfected!"), I managed to make a seamoth. I'll never forget the feeling of freedom, zipping around from my safe shallows base to my grassy plateaus base for the very first time. Of course, now that I had the meagerest of submersibles, what would be my next course of action? Study the biggest, deadliest creature I could find... up close and personal! With rations packed and notebook at the ready, I set out for the nearest dropoff: the location of the last known sighting of Tim.
I was about 300 m deep, and gliding down between a subaquatic ravine, when I heard the roar. The sound sent a primal chill of fear down my spine- and an equally forceful buzz of excitement to go with it! Chasing the meagerest hint of a fin, I finally rounded a cliff and the huge beast popped into view (in retrospect, it probably just popped in, as in the bug, but it did not detract from the awe). Observing it from afar, I quickly began to- what else- sketch its body plan, only to look up and see it charging right at me! Scrambling for the controls, I sped away, but not fast enough! Needless to say, the reaper grabbed me with its claws, forcing my seamoth around to face it. Now, I wish I could say I gritted my teeth and wrote a detailed thesis on "Reaper Leviathan Hunting Habits." However, the reality was probably just me half-screaming, half frantically writing down anything I could make out (skin color, mandibles, number of eyes, etc). When I finally noticed my seamoth's health at around 0%, I desperately flung myself from the vehicle, hoping the reaper would drop it and focus on me. To my dismay/delight, that is exactly what happened. Long story short, I scrambled back into my seamoth and fled the scene, sparks flying inside the cockpit.
And that is how I "observed the reaper leviathan's unique hunting habits." No other game has left me so terrified, or so thrilled. By the way, if any of you out there had the immediate reaction to study a reaper while it was munching on you, please share your story! I hope I'm not the only masochistic/insane scientist out here. Oh, and sorry for the long-winded story. I don't really write much, so I've no clue exactly how bad my prose is.
Then my Cyclops sank.
I was heading due Southwest, to the Grand Reef. I was drifting over some shallows, not really concerned with anything. Then I heard something RAM the hull, and the entire Cyclops lifted up. I could see the sky dead ahead. There were 2 more bangs, and the entire Cyclops spun around me. I was instantly disoriented. In a panic, I disengaged from the controls, and fell to the back of the ship. One more loud bang, and it all went silent.
The ship was tilted about 115 degrees to the right. But my character had remained perfectly vertical the entire time. I was in a blind panic. When had I last saved? Oh god, it was over 3 hours ago, before I built my Cyclops! I had to fix this! Somehow, I had to make this right, or an entire day was lost.
I knew I could could work with the game's geometry. I hopped, weaved, and waggled all around. I had to get through those doors. I had to get out of the ship! I'd never actually felt claustrophobic in a game before that moment, but now I was trapped and scared. Actually scared. It's unnerving, to have the world at an unnatural angle.
But I couldn't get out. I couldn't reach the hatch, or my docked PRAWN. I'd have to be more... Creative.
I found a small seam in the reality of the game- a tiny fracture in the Cyclops near the bottom-right corner of the engine room. I leapt at it dozens of times, twirling and bouncing like a mad ballerina in a twisted mockery of grace. And then I was outside.
But something was wrong.
The game didn't recognize I was outside. Gravity steadfastly held me to the ground. The water around me refused to drain my oxygen. The Cyclops was perched on a sandbar, tilted, like a plasteel corpse.
More panic.
I'd REALLY broken the game now. Did I dare save, and hope that a reload would fix the suddenly impossible physics of the world? Did I risk losing my entire file?
Desperation dawned... Untill I realized that I could explore. The ocean was mine to walk, unimpaired by lungs. And so my legs carried me over the seafloor, ever onward. I walked the dunes seeking wrecks and planting beacons.
But the gods do not look kindly on hubris. The world snapped back into proper order. I was drowning. I swam in terror. I had to make it, I had to make it! The world became dark, everything faded...
And with a gasp my character and I shared, I broke the surface. My heart was pounding.
I retrieved my Seamoth near my lifepod and returned to my Cyclops. Slowly, I pushed it off the reef where it had turned on its side, and watched as it tired itself.
Everything was fine, and I continued that save for another month or so, until the Bones update. But until the day I put away that save forever, my Cyclops always did seem to jump a little higher out of the water than it should have...
It was an amazing experience, and it only redoubled my love for this game, giving me in the span of a single hour all the thrills, chills, and wonders that 2 months of the game had delivered. I don't know why this happened, but I'm glad it did.
I have an unconventional story. My friend was having issues with Subnautica taking a long time to load, stuttering, and crashing. Nothing really solved his issues; he'd start a new game, then a few hours later he'd start crashing. Great. As it turns out, he decided to skip on an SSD. I have no clue why. However, he decided that getting 24GB of RAM was a fantastic idea.
I suggested that he use a RAM disk to run Subnautica. This would drastically reduce load times, stuttering, and hopefully reduce the amount of crashes experienced. After helping him set it up with only minimal TeamViewer use, he tested it. 9-second load times, no crashes, almost no stuttering, and an overall smooth experience. There was a MASSIVE difference in performance, and he greatly enjoyed playing Subnautica after this. He currently has 80 hours on record, and I think about 30 of these have been after the RAM disk swap.
Here's a writeup I made for how to use a RAM disk with Subnautica. I personally don't recommend it, since it requires extra effort when starting and quitting Subnautica and has a higher chance of losing your data, however it can work if you're in a bind and can't invest in an SSD at the moment.
But I want something more...... the thing is I've had so many good times its hard to narrow down. But here's another one:
I had ventured further and further into the blood kelp. And once I heard it and tried to resurface I realized my mistake. I had gone into the section of blood kelp where the Dunes was right outside. I had to decide to try to run through the Dunes to the Mushroom Forest for safety, or go back into the Blood Kelp for safety and find my way out. I did that one cause I am wimp.
Hmmmmm anymore.... seeing the sea dragon for the first time that was fun but not enough. Ahha! I remember one now!
So I wanted to make my first Cyclops, I needed Stalker teeth and to get those I would need a Stalker to bite into some metal, so I grabbed 3 scrap metals and brought it near the Kelp Forest. A Stalker was swimming around the border and I decided to use him. And honestly I had a blast playing with this Stalker and the scrap metal dropping it so he could grab and getting stinking hyped whenever a tooth dropped, but honestly I feel like I got this thing to be my pet, once it got to the point where he wasn't attacking me, I don't know I just liked that I had made this animal who originally wanted to eat me suddenly trusted me enough to swim alongside it.....
Well thats all I have for now, would love to win, but I probably won't my stories aren't that good xD
I had recently constructed a Seamoth and was whizzing through the ocean looking at the jaw-dropping scenery, searching for fragments, so on. I continued for about half an hour before I looked down and realised there was nothing beneath me. I turned to see the edge of the world, and how it dropped so suddenly. I surfaced and saw I was at the very nose of the Aurora. After I had figured out where I was I dived beneath the surface again and drove up and down the edge of the void to try and find any special fragments. I saw bone sharks and stalkers, and the occasional wreck, but this was about all. I decided that this would be my last scan of the edge before I made my way back to my base in the Kelp Forest. So I drove up and down the edge, and realised only too late that I had driven further than I had meant to. I felt the Aurora rumble, and I heard a roar in the distance. I turned to try and see the monster, and all it showed me was its tail beating up and down in the murk. I stared in this direction for a second before its head burst through the fog. I charged towards it and dodged at the last second, like you are meant to, and as it curved around to try and catch me I darted over its head, towards the void. It turned again to follow me, but I definitely had the upper hand. I drove further and further until I reached the drop off. In my mind the only escape was downwards, so I darted downwards keeping to the rock cliff face. I turned to look up. The water was a dark blue. I saw no reaper in the distance, so I slowly began to make my way back up. Then I heard the monster roar as if it were a foot away from me. I jumped and the mouse moved with my hand. As I faced the wall of rock, in my headlights burst the reaper from the wall. It grabbed my seamoth and shook it in its mandibles, its head thrashing in every direction. It let go of the seamoth, and I once again darted upwards. The reaper began to chase me once again, and I knew that I didn't stand a chance. I hopped out of the seamoth and used pulled out my propulsion cannon. I swam above the seamoth and with a single shot it was sent five meters further into the depths. The reaper followed and as its jaws sunk into the metal I fired a stasis shot at the beast. It sat still, and I pulled out my seaglide in an attempt to reach the surface in time. I was five hundred meters down at this point, and my oxygen quickly depleted. The screen turned dark, and I heard the roar of the beast beneath me. I died in the depths, but I locked down there a monster, and I'm proud of that.
@UWE you need to implement stuff like this ^ in the game mechanics (random emergencies that can bring even the mighty Cyclops to its knees). Make a way for the player to get out, but leave them in a panic.
If you have $30, you can use DIMMDrive (Steam store program, automagically does all of that ^ for you).
Anyway, what happened was his viewers told him to go behind the Aurora to start his journey to find the floating island with the his new seamoth he literally just built. He went over and was just on the ridge overlooking the debris field behind the Aurora when he realised that he didn't have is radiation helmet on. He got out of his seamoth to equip it and when he was doing it a reaper came up and grabbed his seamoth. It scared him so much he accidentally dropped his radiation helmet. He was freaking out and decided he needed to find his helmet so he wouldn't die to the radiation, meanwhile a few 100 feet away the reaper destroyed his brand new seamoth. He was devastated by that but still needed to find his rad helmet so he could still survive, but due to the helmet model being fins he just couldn't find it.
He ended up dying and was devastated by losing his seamoth he just made a few minutes prior and his radiation helmet and was even more angry once he found out he couldn't just craft the individual helmet and had to craft the entire suit which he didn't need.
It was hilarious and I was there to witness it live! Shame he got very frustrated with the game and kinda took a break for a little after that.
This gave me a good excuse and place to share this story, so thanks!
PS: I am trying to collect all the Subnautica special items and my hull plate collection is almost complete! All I need is one of these ones and the Gilathiss Hull Plate.
So the guy streaming got glitched in his PRAWN, and was sent flying thousands of meters into the air. After 5 minutes of rising and falling, he finally reached sea level, and he and his PRAWN were sent into the abyss below. Was kind of funny just seeing the crazy bugs that could happen in this game, haha.
My favorite SN story is - shamelessly - my own ridiculous tale of learning how certain plants work. I posted it in another thread, but here it is again if anyone feels like reading:
Back before there was even a shred of lore.... before wrecks, multipurpose rooms, and before Floating Islands or Bloodkelp... And certainly before I even knew that there was a third layer(Lost River) Or a fourth(Inactive/active Lava) the simplicity of simply exploring this crashed world was my highest delight. Imagine a new player constantly confusing the glowing orbs of the Grand Reef as "koosh balls" and you have the mindset I was in.
So... there I was, proud of myself that I had managed to make my way to the Aurora with only a seaglide, doge a Reaper Leviathan right at the mouth of her, and fix the drive core. That's when i found "the hole" probably a dev quick-access for debugging the drive core before more guts were added later.... Anyway... upon my exit i found a rare sight. A supply crate, stuck in the access path. gleefully I opened the box hoping the contents would be something valuable like a power cell... OR WATER! OH GODS HOW I ALWAYS NEEDED WATER!
But, casting open the lid I found myself struck by the curious oddity of a white X. Intrigued, I picked it up and "Boop! Boop! Boop!" off in the distance, hundreds of meters away was a beacon, "Large Organic Mass."
"'Organic Mass?' There's nothing that way but the Dunes and more death than i care for," I thought to myself. Still, I took back to my small 2x1 foundation and it's ring of hallways. Slowly i gathered the materials and built myself a mobile vehicle bay....
Deploying it I looked over the designs of the seamoth and cyclops, their fragments I had researched in a little device on my Escape Pod... Back them it seemed wholly easier, and it was, to build a cyclops before a seamoth. So that's what i built... If i was gonna go to Reaper country i was gonna bring the baddest mamma-jamma I could.
Gathering the parts was easy... making sure the mobile bay would build over deep enough water... Tha-at was the tricky part. luckily my base and pod were close to the Grassy Plateau where the giant Jelly Shroom Cave entrance is. Perfect depth for a Cyclops.
Once she was built i climbed aboard and, christening her Calypso, turned for the beacon. "Boop! Boop! Boop!" "Large Organic Mass." The ship ran smoothly around the kelp forest and other side of safe shallows... and that's when I heard them... Reapers... But not where I was heading.... they were... Behind me?
"Wow... I must never have been this far before!" I thought... and I was right, I hadn't. Eagerly pushing forward spindles and columns of what looked twisted earth emerged from the world just over the horizon... Creeping spires of a dead region. "This can't be right" these don't look Orga-HURK!"
Calypso banged on something, then again! I was terrified. Could there be something BIGGER and WORSE that a Reaper? When I let go of her controls the world stopped... frozen in time as if it were finally catching up with me in a ending reminiscent of The Langoliers. That's when it happened... Massive heads of mushrooms began to appear all along the nearby spires. I instantly took the controls and began backing up, desperate to make sure i wouldn't get stuck.
Once free I began to surface over the tops... noticing a gnarled, twisted mass of crust bigger than the others with the beacon still pinging, dead on at that point "Boop! Boop! Boop!" "Large Organic Mass."
Bravely I pushed forward, sure some reaper would suddenly spawn before me and gobble me from inside por Calypso. But that's when I heard Calypso's Siren Call.... A crying as if mourning the loss of their entire world as more of them began to sing... Unable to see below myself in this monstrous machine I'd constructed, I let go again and dove from the hatch into a small pod of Jelly Rays! They were floating just below my Calypso and their song both haunted and soothed my spirit and mind. I swore then and there that if I ever found a way, I'd tame one as my own and let it's call free me from this world, in death or escape.
Climbing back aboard Calypso i remarked how proud I was of this day. Of this chance to explore... And of the vow i have kept.
Every time i begin again the first place I go, provided I have a seaglide at least, is the Mushroom Forest... where i scoop a Jelly Ray egg, or two... one to hatch in an alien containment tank... and one to cure and take with me when I finally leave this Precursor forsaken world...
I was collecting some peepers at the start of the game, and the AI said that the ship was about to explode! I quickly ascended to the surface, just in time to see the Aurora explode! It was brilliant! From then on, I adored Subnautica, and I have put many hours into the game now!
Of course, the Reaper Leviathan is the real star of the game here. Since the very first time i encountered it that thing has been obsessing me very much. Heres a lil recap of my first encounter:
'The Reaper Leviathan scares the crap out you even before you see it for the first time, you hear it in the distance at first and tell yourself WHAA DAA FAAA is this thing i hear roaring in the distance .... then you get a bit closer, very slowly at first of course, then you hear that roar again, much louder
Then bam you see it circling in the distance. You observe it a few seconds then decide to take a closer look, advancing towwards it VERY SLOWLY
Thats when ''it'' notices you and decides to swim towards you at full speed and you (of course) freak the F*** out and try to run away but HOLY SURPRISE BATMAN! that thing swims faster than your seamoth
It grabs you from behind (without lube, of course), making sure to turn your seamoth around so you can admire his face in all its amazing glory'ness while it tears your seamoth in pieces and leaves you butthurt naked in the midnight sea
Welcome Aboard Captain, all systems online
Now that you've got time to kill, how bout sipping on that reclaimed water ... hope you activated that taste neutralization function on yer swimsuit beforehand
Nowadays whenever someone on youtube catch my attention im very anxious to see them encounter a Reaper for the first time just to see their reaction to it.
Its always immensely fun to see people freak out in either curiosity or downright horror whenever they cross path with one for the first time! My favorite all-time youtube one was definitely Morgan Wheeler (Morgan Wheeler Games , on youtube). Her reaction to meeting one for the first time was pretty intense hahaha! (skip to 9:40 'ish for the exact moments
If you want want good Reaper Leviathan reactions, check out Coryxkenshin's playthrough. It's a little old, but well worth it. If you look at the Subnautica playlist of his, you'll know exactly which videos contain the Reaper.
LOL got to agree, that one was indeed pretty great
A science fiction story inspired by Subnautica.
• • •
The blood rushing to his head, Aaron tried not to scream. The interior of the pod was rapidly warming, and the heat was almost unbearable. Aaron dared to look out the window, seeing the Aurora streaking past him towards the nearest planet; a sphere of lush blue painted in many different shades. A loud boom jerked him back to reality as the pod entered the planet’s atmosphere, and a steel plate ripped forth from the wall, smashing around the spherical room until slamming brutally into Aaron’s temple. He slid into blackness.
“The AirPack was designed by the Alterra Corporation. Using a classified material, it disperses all weight into the two nano-antennaes, which then discharge the energy into the surrounding air, thus eliminating all strain on the carrier. The PDA also has the ability to scan the contents of the AirPack”.
Aaron whistled. Alterra tech had really been advancing lately. Taking one last look around the pod, he noticed the new Alterra Fabricator that he had learned about on the Aurora. Using a combination of lasers and hydraulic pistons, it formed and shaped materials into new objects. Looking back to the ladder, he climbed up for a second time. On the top of the pod, he strapped on the mask, and jumped.
• • •
Stuffing the salvaged metal into the fabricator, he jabbed his fingers on the holographic keypad that blinked to life until he found the titanium option. The lasers set to work, shaping, molding, and breaking down the metal parts until he had ten chunks of solid titanium. He then inserted the quartz and melted it down into glass. After it cooled, he used the glass and titanium to fabricate an extra oxygen tank using the preinstalled blueprints that came with the PDA. Inserting the tank into the specialized slot on the AirPack, he felt crisp air flood his lungs. Making sure that the antennae that adsorbed oxygen were sticking up and into the air, he opened the airtight hatch built into the floor of the lifepod, and jumped back into the sea.
• • •
Using the vines (which the PDA identified as “creepvine”), he fabricated a couple of rolls of silicone rubber. He dumped in the chunks of titanium along with the silicone into the fabricator, inserted the PDA, loaded the survival knife blueprint, and hit start. After a couple of seconds a steel knife with a rubber handle had been formatted, and he tested it in his grip. Using the leftover rubber, he also created a pair of fins so that he could swim a bit faster. Feeling confident, he headed out again.
“The Scanner requires: 2x Titanium and 1x Battery” the PDA rattled out. Checking the resources for a battery, he realized that he needed copper wire and acid mushrooms. Presuming that acid mushrooms where the purple mushrooms that he had seen earlier, he swam out of the pod and picked up a couple. He then kicked around trying to find copper ore, and after a while decided to use his knife to smash open the chunks of limestone that were apparent across the sand. Swimming over to one, he drove the hilt of his knife into the chunk a couple of times, and it shattered. All that remained was an amber colored chunk of stone, and the PDA informed him that it was copper. Kicking up to the surface for air and then breast stroking back to Lifepod 5, he fabricated copper wire and used it along with the acid mushrooms to create a battery with a titanium shell. He plugged in the scanner blueprints and made the scanner base, and then plugged in the battery and put in glass and wire, letting the fabricator touch it up for him. A few moments later, he was alerted with a pleasant ding and went over to the fabricator. Picking up the scanner, he played around with the controls. Holding down the trigger and pointing it at the chunk of titanium that he held in his hand, it collected data from the Aurora and then used it’s the surroundings to complete a report about the titanium. The data then transmitted from the scanner to the PDA with a whirring swoosh. He opened the hatch on the bottom of the pod and dived out, and started scanning every fish that swam by.
After a couple of minutes of scanning and draining the battery, he finally found a fish that was presumably edible. It turned out to be one of the blue and yellow fish with the huge eye that he had initially seen (which he learned to be called a “Peeper”), and had chased after it and then grabbing it. Collapsing it’s throat with a jab from his knife, he took it back to the lifepod just as the PDA informed him of calorie deficiency. He set it on the ledge of the fabricator, pressed the “cook” function, and watched as the lasers from the fabricator burnt through the flesh, evaporating the bone, and then heated it to a suitable temperature. Lifting the mask, he braced himself, and took a bite of the peeper, and was immediately surprised as flavor flooded his mouth. He decided to collect more peepers, cook them, and then headed up to the top of the pod.
And the biomes themselves! The main draw in this game is difinitely all the beautiful biomes. I'm currently playing a new game and slowly wokring my way down to the Lost River. I've seen pictures, but I know from other biomes actually getting there makes pictures feel lackluster. Very excited to find all the hidden gems down there!
As for a particular story, the one that comes to mind from my playthorughs, is probably the first time I really explored the purple mushroom biome. I'd popped in briefly a few times, and this particular time wasn't supposed to be different. At least, until I lost the little cave I came in at and spent the next twenty minutes getting so turned around that at some point I just decided to explore until my Seamoth ran out of power. It's very beautiful down there, but also very scary. I had quite a few close calls with the snakes when I got out of my Seamoth to see if I could find an egg. I really regret not taking the time to explore the biome more completely much sooner but I was busy with trying to do other things. Just when I thought I'd die down there, I found another way up. It was close. A little too close for comfort, but I made it to the surface before the Seamoth died completely.
Everytime I play I find something new and I know I will continue to play this game for quite a long while. Looking forward to the completed package in the future!
As I was speeding along, trying to be cautious, looking out for any reapers ahead, I hear that horrible roar...behind me. A chill runs up my spine, and I do my best to speed along through the debris at the back of the Aurora. Just as I think I'm in the clear, my Seamoth is pulled back, and I'm face to face with the reaper leviathan, freaking out, glad I'd had my Seamoth fully repaired beforehand. As soon as I've wiggled free, I speed off as fast as I can toward the climbable wreckage, beaching my Seamoth in the process. Once I get out, I turn around to see the tail of the reaper in the air as it dives, still nearby.
I proceeded to then explore the Aurora as normal, not thinking much about the trouble I'll have in getting around that leviathan in my Seamoth when I head to leave, but trying to get everything I can so I don't need to come back.
When I finally get out of the Aurora, having scanned and looted the ship thoroughly, even having repaired the reactor leaks, I walk out to find....my Seamoth is gone. Destroyed, apparently, likely because I'd left it partially beached on the wreckage. Then it occurs to me that, if I want to continue without losing any of my goods, I have to swim. And avoid the reaper leviathan, that I could see peaking its tail out of the water once more. That tension, that fear, that planning to try and avoid, it is part of what makes Subnautica great to me. It forces me to think, while not making me immune to feeling. I was genuinely terrified of the reaper, I was genuinely excited when I managed to get past him on the way back. It was wonderful. I love this game.
I have a name for the story: The Damaged Progress.
It started after I constructed my seamoth, I was so excited! Getting the seamoth after never being able to find seaglide fragments, I immediately finished building it very quickly as from all my watches of jacksepticeye's videos, I knew where every item and recipe was in my heart. After seeing those drones build the seamoth, I went right in and started exploring immediately. I dared not to pass the aurora, for I did not want to lose my seamoth. I went on my way to find the Grand Reef; but I did not know what it looked like at all. I ended up in a very deep place, more than 200 meters, which was more than my seamoth could breach. It was a deep grassy plateaus I soon realized. I had found a big crash site, with hardly anything in it. I kept going. But suddenly, the map seemed to... Stop. The screen was showing me that I wasn't going anywhere. I didn't have a signal with me, so I couldn't see if I was actually moving. Suddenly, my pda tells me; there are many leviathan type creatures where I was. I dared to keep going. I turned around to explore, since I seemed to not be moving. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I see a leviathan! Or so I thought. As I got closer, I realized it didn't have any arms. It was a crab snake! I had never seen how powerful they were, as in the start of the game I saw one in the safe shallows, terrified, I swam away. But in this instance, I decided to get a little bit closer. The design was amazing, how it slithered along the ocean. I dared not to get closer, as I may get attacked. But then I realized, it hit me. Didn't those crab snakes only reside in the Jelly Shroom Caves? How did it get to the safe shallows? Perhaps it chased a creature? The nearest Jelly Shroom Caves was very far, as I saw it trying to attack me while I was near my lifepod. I had daydreamed too long, I could hear the screams of the reaper leviathan. I drove back to the Deep Grassy Plateaus, the bare ocean floor was too much for me there. Finding the wreck once more, so I knew I was on the right track. Thinking my cool adventure into the deep was over, I just kept holding down the gas while looking away. Suddenly, a few seconds later, BAM! I hit something. It was a small crash site! It damaged my seamoth only a little, it was very durable. I look inside, and I find a gold mine! There were about 30 fragments in there, no jokes. I had gotten most of the blueprints already, so I happily returned home with a full inventory of titanium, and about still even about 10 fragments left! Putting away the titanium, I decided not to go back to the small crash site as I had plenty of titanium for now. Time passes, I eventually find seaglide fragments in a wreck at the kelp forest. I almost didn't get them, because the entrance was at the bottom side, almost covered completely by ground. I went back and made a seaglide, soon realizing it was a waste. It took too much space, and I had to get a new battery every few minutes of use! Luckily, inside my base I had a battery charger, which I unlocked from that gold mine small crash site. So all my batteries were fine, but I stored away the seaglide and didn't use it again. I had logged off, and went to sleep with my cat, excited to play again tomorrow. One night later, I wake up without even grumbling about being woken up, as my sleep schedule usually includes waking up at 12pm and sleeping at 2-3am. Logged back onto subnautica, ready to explore. I decided it was time; I was brave enough to explore the aurora. I had feared the reaper leviathan, as I knew they spawned at the back and the front of the aurora, from my creative mode exploration of the active lava zone in another save file. I thought they spawned on the sides; too. But I was proven wrong to not find a single leviathan on the sides. I had gotten many fragments there, excited to get in, I went to the back of the aurora, trying to find a way in. Unlucky me didn't know the entrance was at the front, so I wasted time being scared and staying at 0m depth. I eventually found the entrance at the front, hearing the leviathan scream. Horrified, I got onto the ramp that lets you in. I couldn't find a way in for a while, till finding a path and getting behind a wall, to get inside the ship. The ship was surprisingly smaller on the inside, as there wasn't much to explore. I had gotten the prawn fragments, seamoth depth limit upgrade, and lots of PDA downloads. I came back home, excited to make the PRAWN. I got all the materials, went to the wiki to find out what the grand reef looked like, got the aluminum oxide crystals, the spore sacks, the titanium ingots, etc. After finally making the PRAWN, I took advantage of the power to kill my worst enemy; Gasopods and Stalkers. They may not seem very harmful to you, but my lifepod was right above a Gaspod spawning zone and just a few meters from Stalker spawns. I was attacked and hurt by them many times, but I usually escaped. My game was going great, the game was amazing and beautiful. Until, that is, the one horrible day. The day I call, the Damaged Progress. I wake up one morning after making the prawn last night, excited to progress even more. But when I look at my save, my mind starts repeating "no" over and over... My save was damaged. I didn't know why, as I saved normally, not even inside any vehicle. I try to load my save, for minutes... And minutes... until, 1500 seconds. I went to seek for help in the forums. (Also known as the recent thread post by me called Damaged Save File?) No hope was there for my save file. My gameinfo.json was completely empty. After deleting cache files, it was clear that I'd lost everything. Normally when you clear all cache, stuff is just missing and messed up. But mine; I had no items. No base. No PRAWN. No Seamoth. I was sad, I'd lost everything. And that's the sad ending to my, well, preferably, non-favorite story. Thanks for reading.