Invisible septic sam bug(Help me anybody pls)

kubazet99kubazet99 Czech Republic Join Date: 2016-08-17 Member: 221450Members
edited December 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
So few of us get Septicsam from code,i was the lucky one.Everithing was ok,,item in steam invertory,icon in game PDA+recipe, and in builder menu.Howewer at this moment i got problem.I select Septicsam Tank in builder menu,but i dont see his ,,shadow,,(I DONT mean i see just red shadow,just nothingles).Wierd is als too i can build him(is invisible as no texture),and play his sound,but i dont see anything just the floor where i build him.I hear somebody repair it by reinstalling game,but i dont want re-install subnautica,it take too much time to me(with me wi-fi speed days),and also is chance this will continue,so i ques for help.

PS:Latest experimantal version


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Try verifying local game cache, then try clearing your cache. Links to do both should be in my sig ▼ down there.
  • kubazet99kubazet99 Czech Republic Join Date: 2016-08-17 Member: 221450Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Try verifying local game cache, then try clearing your cache. Links to do both should be in my sig ▼ down there.

    Im silly person,so i try steam cache verify,everything other can be very dificult without manual(im not PC genius).
    And for clearing the cache,how do you do it can you explain me easier than on thread(1step./C:/Program filles/steam...etc),and open this or this.
  • kubazet99kubazet99 Czech Republic Join Date: 2016-08-17 Member: 221450Members
    Problem solved!,howewer i dont know if i repair it or devs do it,becuse before i verify cache was new mini-update(experimental normal situation),and AFTER this update i verify,so if devs sai it was their work,i thank them.
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