Best Place to Build?
Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225275Members

While engaging in another round of giving myself fits and headaches trying to place a moonpool, I began to wonder whether the shallows near the Aurora wreck is really the best place for a seabase. I had originally thought to put a small one there from which to launch larger explorations, and eventually find a more permanent and expansive home, but now I'm not sure I want to build multiplicatively.
So where do you all build your seabases? What's the best biome / best spot? I'm mostly interested in aesthetics, as I imagine that strategically it's all about the same, especially as the game is still evolving.
So where do you all build your seabases? What's the best biome / best spot? I'm mostly interested in aesthetics, as I imagine that strategically it's all about the same, especially as the game is still evolving.
Myslef, I build a base in a different location every time. I've liked building one in the southern'ish Kelp Forest, near a crashed lifepod that my Lifepod loves to start near or even on top of, since its rather devoid of aggressive fauna with the exception of a sandshark that sometimes wanders around nearby - but there's no Stalkers, Bleeders, or Mesmers around. So it's pretty, offers easy access to Silver and Seedpods, and is near the Floating Island and the surrounding important areas.
I've built a few bases in the Scarce Reef, and my current one is placed by some of its caves a little south of the BKZ Trench; though I'm going to relocate it a bit closer to the trench later on.
I don't think there's really any 'best biome' or 'best spot' to be honest. Early on, the best in terms of efficiency would probably be the Safe Shallows or nearby Kelp Forests, if only because of the resources they offer and being able to take full advantage of solar power. Plus, they both look - to me - quite pretty and also have some good music.
The Grand Reef has few dangers in it and is quite tranquil and pretty, the Koosh Zone is pretty but definitely not as safe, and I kinda like building bases in the Blood Kelp Zone because I've got a fascination of abyssal ocean biomes like that and its one of the thjings that got me looking at Subnautica way back when - my love for the deep ocean ^^
So, really there is no right or wrong answer here ^^
But on a more serious note, it really is down to your own preferences. I don't like idea of having reapers anywhere near my base but I can live with that idea but not having a thermal power source? Oh hell no. Sadly all the other places with plentiful heat either have ugly wrecks near them, and currently every time it's loaded there is a risk of damn thing duplicating ad infinity speeding up bloating of your safe. Good spot near floating islands... waaaay down below them... but it is literally barren and you have giant rocks above your head. The only other good and plausible spot I have is actually one of two volcano holes in safe shallows, the one that isn't right smack near giant leaking burning space ship.
That and every time I find a spot I like, I can't seem to put a moonpool down properly.
Now that there is a much more planned out path of things you have to find fragments for from wrecks, etc my last 2 (new) saves have been both in the safe shallows. Current one is near the back of the Aurora thrusters but before it goes into the back side crash zone where the reeapers are, and not quite up the side towards the front entrance where they spawn either. I always pick a spot that has a big enough of an edge that I can put a moonpool sticking off of it and have enough room to easily get my moth/prawn in and out of it without banging into the ground or have obsticles in the way. I pretty much always pick a spot regardless of biome with that sort of cliff/drop off feature for this purpose.
I just went through the lava zone and lost river, etc for the first time about a week ago and almost moved my base to the big tree down there, and still might. Its just a matter of doing all the damn work to move it, or completely rebuild it, but I have a decently large base and all the crafting stations etc so I'm not sure if I'll want to move it all down there or not being it takes so much time and effort to get back to the surface from there and who knows if once all the story is finalized how much time you REALLY need to be down there versus the surface. I tend to get annoyed when I have to resource hunt even just a biome or two over, let alone a full cyclops run through tight caverns and barely lit passages to get back up. lol.
tl;dr, Anywhere on the surface is pretty much the same since travel time is quick with a moth. Just pick a spot with a big enough of a drop off for your moon pool that meets your power supply requirement choice and beauty options.
I also build satellite bases elsewhere for storing supplies and powercell chargers. I build a really extensive base in the grand reef shortly after it was introduced. It's really pretty down there. I also have built bases on both above-water islands, bridging them down into the water with moonpools.
I love putting a base in the lost river on the flats beside the skeleton. I discovered a way to build an elevated base by building up from the floor several stacked multipurpose rooms, and then removing the lower ones, leaving the upper levels standing on stilts. This allowed for an elevated moonpool, and a better view of the surroundings.
I even seeded the water around there with imported fish to add life to the area before they updated it all.
As far as your moonpool, the way you place your first habitat section or foundation will ultimately decide how your moonpool will lay, so plan accordingly and mess around with a few configurations before you start adding equipment inside.
Have fun.
I like having the big open ocean all around me. Plus its still shallow enough for solar panels to work as backup power.
Due to the game's current inabilities to not render bases and to forget base components unless a base is deleted in its entirety, I've been holding back on experimenting much with base locations, doing only one or two additional ones per save file.
I like the idea of building on the underside of the Floater Island, maybe on the stalactites by the pool in the middle. Haven't got round to that.
I thought about trying to build under the floating island, but I couldn't work out how. I've also considered the undersea floating islands, a series of baselets connected by tubes. But again, not really sure how it would work.
Today, some exploring....
I'll probably put my main base in the shallows, near a kelp forest (but not so close the water goes green). I'd love to build on one or several of the towers in the red grassy areas, but there's just not enough scenery there for me. Too much red grass, not enough other stuff. I know, I'm too picky.
And I like the idea of satellite bases, just a refueling/observation base. I can see putting those down in several locales.
Camera world position:
-185.5, -56.6, -270.2 (batch# 11, 18, 11)
I think this is why I keep coming back to the shallows and searching (thus far in vain) for a place that strikes me as particularly beautiful and in which I can build successfully. Because it would give me something to look at.
Just unzip all four file into a blank slot save game directory. You'll probably want to spawn a terraformer to clear dirt (item 514).
It's not in it's final state, and I'll probably have to start over once they remove terraforming.