Optimization update

omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
edited January 2017 in Ideas and Suggestions
This problem has been solved, Thank you ^^


  • Sample_TextSample_Text Join Date: 2016-12-13 Member: 224913Members
    i think they shouldnt because you could just lower the settings, i play on an i5 4590 and a gtx 960 on max settings and it runs fine, sure sometimes it crashes with me but thats because i use experimental mode but if it lags its just loading chunks of the world because they cant all be loaded at the same time. but hey, everyone can have their opinion.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Playing on an SSD helps this tremendously. See my sig. Also, cache cleaning (also in my sig).

    Other than that, they have done some optimization, which should hit in the next update (Dec 15th).
  • CAPSHAWCAPSHAW Nevada Join Date: 2016-09-29 Member: 222692Members
    The game. is. not. finished....Don't turn this into the Xbox forum.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    To be fair, xbox users basically couldn't play after a while of using the game.
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    omegataur wrote: »
    Just stop add things for a month and optimize this game... it is very annoying. i think the developers have to clean sometimes

    That's not at all how game design works. Thank you for playing.
  • omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
    I dont know how to explain this post but... i think this game has gotten a little bit of overweight. at first i was playing with all at maximum, like textures and etc... after some updates the game got crashing all over and over... every 5 minutes... i have lowered all the settings and i have played a lot, i liked it, i think this game is marvelous. i'm trying to say. my computer is not bad... but the game is... a lot heavier than before. got a lot of lag spikes and all over.

    Last time i started this game... i just cant move the cursor to select new game or whatever. i dont understand why... but i cant play again, so i have reinstalled the game and it's the same

    So i was a little angry when i posted this and i forgot to reply a convenient response to explain why i have posted that. Sorry

    i just think... this game is getting unstable at least for me.

    Im not sorry for buying this game because i like it

    Somebody said that optimization is not necesary because we can lower the settings but this is not the thing
    im talking about... generally optimization. so i hope somebody can understand what i'm trying to say
    and excuse me all of you. thanks

    got an i7
    18gm ram
    AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series (2gb)

    On Cyri page... i got the recommended pass test... hope anyone can help me to optimize the game instead of making complains... or... whatever. thanks to all of you again
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Can you please post your output_log.txt file found in Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\Subnautica_Data\ ?

    If it's too large to post here in [ code ] [ / code ] tags (no spaces), then just right-click it, add it to a compressed folder, upload the resulting .zip file to Google Drive on Dropbox or something, and post a share link here.
  • omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited December 2016
    Hmm, well it's using the R9 380, I was afraid maybe multi-GPU had been enabled and the HD 530 in your i7 was running, but that's not the case.

    If you're having extreme lag even in the menus, though, something isn't right. What antivirus do you use?

    As well, there's a bunch of errors in the logs, but the devs will have to look at that as I don't know what they mean (do a ctrl+f search for the phrase 'shouldn't really happen' without quotes).
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Oh, hey, see if you can also upload a dxdiag.txt file (run dxdiag and hit 'save this info' or similar, then upload the file generated). The devs want that info usually.
  • omegatauromegataur Spain Join Date: 2016-01-28 Member: 212240Members
    edited December 2016
    i do not use any antivirus since... well i dont remember, but i got like an AVG residuals like that Zen or something that i removed not so far ago...

    Here's my Dxdiag


    Happy Xmas for everybody who reads this post!
  • somerandomsurvivorsomerandomsurvivor Join Date: 2016-12-28 Member: 225606Members
    So I do agree that an optimization update is very needed. It's not just for players, but for devs too. (Note: I only have worked from a modding standpoint but have talked to game devs before from long term projects.)

    One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a game dev is 0 optimization as time goes on. Think of updating a game as adding a block to a tower, but not exactly in line to it. at first it isn't a big deal, but as you keep going off the mark and things start to sway one way, eventually it all falls down. Over time you need to stop and realign those blocks, fix the code a bit. It doesn't have to be a total shutdown of updating, but optimization should be on the side at all times being occasionally moved to the front (ESPECIALLY after huge updates where bugs tend to rear there heads as unforeseen hiccups occur). I'm not saying kill updating for a month for optimization, this game is in development and needs constant updates flowing, but maybe one week a month or 2, make it a pure optimization/bug week where there is pure focus on stabilizing the game, because what is the point in building on a game you can't play.

    Because this game is so early access, full polishing is not the main priority, but from playing the game for a while, I can see that there are some real lag spikes all over the place, definite crashing, and very VERY annoying bugs that need to be handled (Im looking at you Leviathan collision detection and your popping out of the ground scares), and giving a week of time can help. Overall it isn't a complete screw up if they just keep it the way its going, but a bit more focus on polishing the base before they keep working on it would be a bit nice. It's always a plus to play with and work on a solid base
  • smellslikebleachsmellslikebleach Join Date: 2016-12-22 Member: 225337Members
    There should be more grafical tuning options and a option for hd or better 4k-textures because the texture aren't that highress yet.
  • XauxinXauxin Join Date: 2016-11-30 Member: 224388Members
    Obraxis wrote: »
    Optimizing is not something that is simple, or done with a flick of a switch. It can take months of hard work.

    For instance, Jonas & Max have been working very long and hard on refactoring how the 'cell streaming' works in the game. In his own words:
    This is the foundation for fixing all the things streaming plus enabling performance improvements and GC optimization
    This has been a ton of effort, and only once the refactoring is done can optimizations start.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the team have been working on gameplay code and artwork as we have a diverse team with many disciplines. We see the issues people are having and will address them in time. Performance will continue to go up and down until we get closer to 1.0 where the trend will start to go up. We appreciate your understanding.

    This is the correct way to do things, building your foundation and reinforcing it continuously. Kudos!

    Playing your game, I can really see how much your team loves it, and I honestly cannot wait to see where you guys go moving forward. Of course there are issues, and things for QoL that should be tweaked, but those are for down the road!
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Xauxin wrote: »
    Obraxis wrote: »
    Optimizing is not something that is simple, or done with a flick of a switch. It can take months of hard work.

    For instance, Jonas & Max have been working very long and hard on refactoring how the 'cell streaming' works in the game. In his own words:
    This is the foundation for fixing all the things streaming plus enabling performance improvements and GC optimization
    This has been a ton of effort, and only once the refactoring is done can optimizations start.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the team have been working on gameplay code and artwork as we have a diverse team with many disciplines. We see the issues people are having and will address them in time. Performance will continue to go up and down until we get closer to 1.0 where the trend will start to go up. We appreciate your understanding.

    This is the correct way to do things, building your foundation and reinforcing it continuously. Kudos!

    Playing your game, I can really see how much your team loves it, and I honestly cannot wait to see where you guys go moving forward. Of course there are issues, and things for QoL that should be tweaked, but those are for down the road!

    A complementary awesome for your first post!
  • yungmewyungmew United States, California Join Date: 2016-12-24 Member: 225432Members
    Obraxis wrote: »
    Optimizing is not something that is simple, or done with a flick of a switch. It can take months of hard work.

    For instance, Jonas & Max have been working very long and hard on refactoring how the 'cell streaming' works in the game. In his own words:
    This is the foundation for fixing all the things streaming plus enabling performance improvements and GC optimization
    This has been a ton of effort, and only once the refactoring is done can optimizations start.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the team have been working on gameplay code and artwork as we have a diverse team with many disciplines. We see the issues people are having and will address them in time. Performance will continue to go up and down until we get closer to 1.0 where the trend will start to go up. We appreciate your understanding.

    Good luck Obraxis.
    I look forward to the completed game.

    I also look forward to more funny bugs and shenanigans as you add stuff.
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