Giant Worm Biome



  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Possible story implications: precursors have discovered the worm. Sent a sub into it for inspection. Sub stopped responding. This precursor sub contains an upgrade for any vehicle: -75% damage and +60% depth.
    Precursorso set up pylons for warnings and research.
    My own drawing:

    Giving the player a reason to go inside and check things out xD
    Upgrade sounds a little powerful though.
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Possible story implications: precursors have discovered the worm. Sent a sub into it for inspection. Sub stopped responding. This precursor sub contains an upgrade for any vehicle: -75% damage and +60% depth.
    Precursorso set up pylons for warnings and research.
    My own drawing:

    Love your drawings, by the way!
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Possible story implications: precursors have discovered the worm. Sent a sub into it for inspection. Sub stopped responding. This precursor sub contains an upgrade for any vehicle: -75% damage and +60% depth.
    Precursorso set up pylons for warnings and research.
    My own drawing:

    Love your drawings, by the way!

    Yeah, they're nice and detailed.
  • EternalGolemEternalGolem Join Date: 2016-11-04 Member: 223650Members
    Thanks for the comments on my drawing, I hate doing stuff in pen. The reason I was saying +60% depth and -75% damage is the precursors have bases with "an alloy of unprecedented integrity."
  • Julian1337331nailuJJulian1337331nailuJ The Grand Reef Gubtorial Election Or Something. Join Date: 2016-11-12 Member: 223824Members
    Nobody Responded To This In A Few Hours So Im Doing This. You Have Not Guessed The Fetish I Have. So. Heres A Hint. It Starts With V.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    edited December 2016
    Nobody Responded To This In A Few Hours So Im Doing This. You Have Not Guessed The Fetish I Have. So. Heres A Hint. It Starts With V.

    Well you said it wasn't a secret so I assumed everyone already knew. :P

    Thanks for the comments on my drawing, I hate doing stuff in pen. The reason I was saying +60% depth and -75% damage is the precursors have bases with "an alloy of unprecedented integrity."

    I could never draw in pen xD Being unable to erase stuff would drive me insane. I don't really like drawing in pencil much anymore either though, it's pretty much all digital with my Wacom tablet now.
    Can the depth/strength work in percentages? Right now they only work in set whole numbers. Would these work for all vehicles or just specific ones? Any suggestions for the resources required?
  • Julian1337331nailuJJulian1337331nailuJ The Grand Reef Gubtorial Election Or Something. Join Date: 2016-11-12 Member: 223824Members
    Well I Did Not Think Anybody Would Know. Thus I Added A Hint.
  • EternalGolemEternalGolem Join Date: 2016-11-04 Member: 223650Members
    Maybe there would be a few scraps inside the worm. Combine these 4 scraps with some plasteel and you get the module. About percentages, I don't remember the exact depths so I wanted to make sure that there was a huge improvement in depth.
  • LeechSoupDotYumLeechSoupDotYum Join Date: 2016-02-24 Member: 213378Members
    This could work as one of those "optional story areas" on the roadmap
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    This could work as one of those "optional story areas" on the roadmap

    That's what I'm thinking; though it wouldn't even need to be story-related. Just having it off to the side for the curious at the very least.
  • smellslikebleachsmellslikebleach Join Date: 2016-12-22 Member: 225337Members
    Is this worm like a static biome with specific coordinates or does it move?
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Is this worm like a static biome with specific coordinates or does it move?

    It'd be static; just burrowed into a single part of the map and remains there.
  • smellslikebleachsmellslikebleach Join Date: 2016-12-22 Member: 225337Members
    Would be cool if it's not static and moves to diffent places. Do you think?
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Would be cool if it's not static and moves to diffent places. Do you think?

    It would be cool, but hard. With a handcrafted world, things have to be in very specific positions. Take the floating island for example. Realistically, it should move, but in terms of the game it's pretty hard to code that.
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Still think this would be a cool idea. Bump.
  • Ai_AiharaAi_Aihara Join Date: 2017-01-04 Member: 226083Members
    There Is A Fetish. I Count It As My "Secret" But It Was Never A Secret. Just Guess Its Name.

  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    Ai_Aihara wrote: »
    There Is A Fetish. I Count It As My "Secret" But It Was Never A Secret. Just Guess Its Name.


    Normally I would give you a complementary awesome on your first post, but I'd care not to awesome that. I do agree that that is most likely what Julian meant, though. Before this thread derails into a discussion on vore, let's discuss the non-vore reasons we want this biome implemented. I think it would encourage and reward curiosity to the extreme degree, and would come as an unexpected (and exiting) surprise to new players.
  • TheRelmLordTheRelmLord The Void Join Date: 2017-01-04 Member: 226060Members
    It Is Actually What The Fetish I Have Is.
  • Casual_PlayerCasual_Player a really good question Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221875Members
    Possible story implications: precursors have discovered the worm. Sent a sub into it for inspection. Sub stopped responding. This precursor sub contains an upgrade for any vehicle: -75% damage and +60% depth.
    Precursorso set up pylons for warnings and research.
    My own drawing:

    Let me help you:


    When you post images here, put the URL as this (I'm going to write everything, not using the symbols)

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    Don't use the spaces, and, between the []s, use the bold letters.
  • almisamialmisami Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227094Members
    My spin on the idea:

    I think living worms are overdone in fiction. HOWEVER, we do see the sea threaders going back and forth between their nests and the edge of the map. What if they were going there for food or nesting material?

    Stay with me here, what if they were detritivorous and were actually piecing apart a giant creature that just died.


    Now, I really like to incorporate unused art, so think this thing, except dead. Or migrated.

    Now, since it's recently dead, think a bunch of detritivores have suddenly swopped in and starting eating the insides, picking the inside of the crab or lobster-like exoskeleton mostly clean.

    Now, it should be mostly picked clean, but the abundant flesh should be feeding a bunch of life:

    Now, we know we need a spaceship, but perhaps titanium just isn't strong enough for whatever engine the precursors want us to build, so maybe we need the creature's gizzard or other hardened, exotic body part.

    Now comes the tricky part:
    The locals do not want us ANYWHERE NEAR their food.

    But we gotta head down there and actually fish out some crazy biological vibranium cloaca or whatever this thing had that could contain an ion crystal. Hell, maybe it just ate some Precursor tech a while back.

    Anyways, that's my spin on the idea.
  • almisamialmisami Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227094Members

    Have us forced to scout the inside of that maze creature with camera drones, because only our swimmer body and our seaglide can actually fit inside the little holes in the shell of this dead monster.
  • subnauticambriansubnauticambrian U.S. Join Date: 2016-01-19 Member: 211679Members
    almisami wrote: »

    Have us forced to scout the inside of that maze creature with camera drones, because only our swimmer body and our seaglide can actually fit inside the little holes in the shell of this dead monster.

    I think both ideas sound cool!
    like your incorporation of the Ohm Ohmu(?) into your suggestion. Really like that movie!
  • estrapadeestrapade Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227105Members
    "biological vibranium cloaca"

    I fricken' love this thread.
  • almisamialmisami Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227094Members
    estrapade wrote: »
    "biological vibranium cloaca"

    I fricken' love this thread.

    Got a better word salad for it? I mean what other part of a giant sea creature would make a nuclear rocket nozzle?
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited January 2017
  • almisamialmisami Join Date: 2017-01-22 Member: 227094Members
    We already have a dev art of a punching crustacean though, and it's alive and lively.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    almisami wrote: »
    We already have a dev art of a punching crustacean though, and it's alive and lively.

    I meant more of look at the chitin design in the video for some sort of advanced material to harvest.
  • Casual_PlayerCasual_Player a really good question Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221875Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    almisami wrote: »
    We already have a dev art of a punching crustacean though, and it's alive and lively.

    I meant more of look at the chitin design in the video for some sort of advanced material to harvest.

    Biological vibranium cloacas, man. That's all we need :)
  • CalvinTheDiverCalvinTheDiver A place Join Date: 2016-10-08 Member: 222971Members
    I just noticed the julian.

    Actually kill me.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    almisami wrote: »
    We already have a dev art of a punching crustacean though, and it's alive and lively.

    I meant more of look at the chitin design in the video for some sort of advanced material to harvest.

    Wasn't there some plans for potentially utilizing Reefback shells - or something inspired by their design - for Hull/Pressure upgrades? Plans or at the very least ideas.
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