More scary / frightening moments in the Game
Join Date: 2016-12-22 Member: 225337Members

Ok - first of all - I know, SN is no horror game at all but I have some suggestions to give you more of this impressive moments which would make this game even greater than it is.
1. Wrack Diving: Opening Doors should cause bubbels / suction / floting you have to struggle against it while beginning to hyperventilate and loosing some air / oxygen. In fact these wracks should also have some cavities with air in it. May there are also some things like ropes / falling things you might get entangled or stuck so you have to force your way back.
2. Dead Crew Members / Bodies: In Order to more realism there should be dead peoples / crew members around and inside the aurora. Maybe some of them are still alive giving you some special items / information and passes on by an accident or a predator attack. Dead crew people / bodies should have a searchable inventory.
3. Predator Attacks: The behavoir of the bigger predator should be much more unpredictable. This would more thrilling to your exploring.
4. More scripted events: Something like: You are about to explore a life pod. The crew member in is still in it and alive. Suddenly the life pod is attacked by a big predator... (Good reason for existing demages / breaches / holes). Special events during night / solar eclipse.
5. Radiation contamination: Causes mutations at the fauna and flora - turning e.g. an eyeeye in a creapy small predator. Also there could be some kind of anormalies / artefact system in the radiation zone (something like in the STALKER game) which are dangerous but giving you some very special items / equipment: Here is the extract of the explanation for those who don't know the game:
"Each and every anomaly has different effects upon the player. Almost all of them are dangerous and eventually fatal, with the notable exception of the Space Anomaly. In game, anomalies appear alone or in clusters. The player is always carrying a detector which beeps when anomalies are near. The higher the frequency of beeps, the closer the anomaly. In anomaly-heavy areas, an extra precaution is to throw metal bolts, of which the player has an infinite amount. Note that metal bolts only help to reveal the anomalies, not remove them (although a few anomalies can be passed through without danger immediately after tossing a bolt at them). Artifacts are formed in anomalies. Certain artifacts are spawned by certain anomalies. Artifacts are rarely found anywhere but in thick clusters of anomalies and are easily uncovered by using a detector."
1. Wrack Diving: Opening Doors should cause bubbels / suction / floting you have to struggle against it while beginning to hyperventilate and loosing some air / oxygen. In fact these wracks should also have some cavities with air in it. May there are also some things like ropes / falling things you might get entangled or stuck so you have to force your way back.
2. Dead Crew Members / Bodies: In Order to more realism there should be dead peoples / crew members around and inside the aurora. Maybe some of them are still alive giving you some special items / information and passes on by an accident or a predator attack. Dead crew people / bodies should have a searchable inventory.
3. Predator Attacks: The behavoir of the bigger predator should be much more unpredictable. This would more thrilling to your exploring.
4. More scripted events: Something like: You are about to explore a life pod. The crew member in is still in it and alive. Suddenly the life pod is attacked by a big predator... (Good reason for existing demages / breaches / holes). Special events during night / solar eclipse.
5. Radiation contamination: Causes mutations at the fauna and flora - turning e.g. an eyeeye in a creapy small predator. Also there could be some kind of anormalies / artefact system in the radiation zone (something like in the STALKER game) which are dangerous but giving you some very special items / equipment: Here is the extract of the explanation for those who don't know the game:
"Each and every anomaly has different effects upon the player. Almost all of them are dangerous and eventually fatal, with the notable exception of the Space Anomaly. In game, anomalies appear alone or in clusters. The player is always carrying a detector which beeps when anomalies are near. The higher the frequency of beeps, the closer the anomaly. In anomaly-heavy areas, an extra precaution is to throw metal bolts, of which the player has an infinite amount. Note that metal bolts only help to reveal the anomalies, not remove them (although a few anomalies can be passed through without danger immediately after tossing a bolt at them). Artifacts are formed in anomalies. Certain artifacts are spawned by certain anomalies. Artifacts are rarely found anywhere but in thick clusters of anomalies and are easily uncovered by using a detector."
Accessibility is a good thing. I wouldn't know how old one has to be before SN can be enjoyed (I'm inclined to think you underestimate kids), but I know plenty of people who like their games "just fun". They can do without the bloodshed many games pride themselves on as if it's all they have to offer. Considering SN already has a no violence policy, it only makes sense for UWE to beeline for that audience.
Minecraft Squad, dude. Minecraft squad.
And the most frightening things about games in general aren't things that are put there to scare you; things organically happening to scare you is even worse. I've played Outlast and Subnautica tops that shit in scare moments. It's all because it happens organically, and it isn't made to scare you. For example seeing a Reaper in the murk for the first time really creeped me out, and I jumped out of my seat the first time a Crabsquid used its EMP on me because I'd no idea it was coming.
So in my opinion things organically scaring you are a lot scarier than things put there to scare you.
As for the reaper grabbing your seamoth, yeah, that was also pretty terrifying at first. I am used to it now but that was a nice surprise. Subnautica is like that. Peaceful, serene, and all of a sudden it turns into nightmares the deeper you go.
I'd love for the eclipse to cause a coral mass spawning event. Cloud the water with larva, increase the number of fish feasting on the zooplankton, and increase the predators feasting on the fish.
The Sea Treaders migrate, would be interesting to have a migration event for other animals - Maybe a rabbit ray migration, with them all heading a specific direction one day, and a few days later returning from that direction, repeating every week. The sandsharks suddenly stop spawning except for a very small area in the red grasses where they are "mating"
Radiation isn't going to cause mutations like that. Instead, what about a "Dead Zone" near the Aurora post-explosion. Not the full size of the PC radiation zone, maybe 1/5 of that. Anything that spawns within that range when the Aurora is radioactive is dead. Floating dead fish, sand sharks, etc. Once the breaches are closed and the radiation field is gone, then spawns there are normal. I think that would be super creepy - you drive into this area to find shoals of fish just...dead...floating... And as you approach the Aurora front, you hear the Reaper's scream and now you're like "WTF, the radiation killed everything!"
I think the reason Subnautica does so well with scares is that it telegraphs them - you hear the Reapers before seeing them in the distance, and then it suddenly grabs you from behind. You hear the low oxygen warning before you start blacking out. You can hear the mesmer's commands as it pulls you, etc.
This. I just imagined the MC grabbing it and taking it back to their base, hanging it on the wall... And then musing to themselves "Heh. There was going to be stir-fry for dinner that shift... Perkins always hated the stir-fry..."
And just being quiet for a moment.
RIP Perkins, a true alterran hero
Today we remember the tragic loss of Alterra's best and brightest, commadore Perkins. An avid hater of stir fry since the age of 3, Perkins set out on a mission across the stars to open a phase gate and abolish stiry fry on whatever precursor-forsaken wastes lay beyond. He was taken from us too soon, by the cruel hand of fate (and the robotic hand of the precursor array). Let us mourn the loss of a great man.
That actually does sound like a really good idea, sorry I had to make a joke about it