Reaching the Storage of the PRAWN/Seamoth within the Cyclops

RayVermilionRayVermilion Join Date: 2017-01-15 Member: 226735Members
Hey there,

i used the search function but could not find a similiar thread of a topic the most of us will know.

You are 900 meters below the surface spotting some "whatever"-ore.
Jumping into the PRAWN Suit to not get crushed by the pressure of the water (just imagine for the flair).
Slowly you walk to the spot and start drilling, always with an open eye if a reaper or warper is in sight.
And then you have to leave the suit to manually switch the stuff to your inventory, because inside of the cyclops you can not reach the storage. D:
That is some kind of atmosphere killer.

So my suggestions are:

- to make the storage of the PRAWN/Seamoth reachable inside of your cyclops
- to make the update module section reachable
- you are recharging the energy of the docked vehicle, so why not also the lifepool? Maybe as a craftable upgrade like repair drones.

That would be very nice and also would intensify the already great atmosphere of the game.


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members

    Just a note, though, you were aware that you can craft a depth upgrade for the Cyclops, right? You must build a fabricator in the Cyclops, then that fabricator will have a new category on the bottom, where you can craft the Cyclops upgrade.

    If you wish to upgrade the Cyclops depth upgrade to the Ultra version, you have to take the upgrade to the item modification station (not the vehicle modification station in the moonpool, that's different).

    The item modification station is for upgrading items you already have (like your tanks, knife, Seamoth / PRAWN upgrades, Cyclops upgrades, etc etc).
  • RayVermilionRayVermilion Join Date: 2017-01-15 Member: 226735Members
    edited January 2017
    Thank you for your reply. :)

    Yes, i already have the first hull upgrade for the cyclops and also the energy efficient upgrade.
    I meant, you can not reach the upgrade area for the PRAWN or Seamoth from within your Cyclops.
    So you could change the arms of the PRAWN just from within the Cyclops.
    It is not a real problem, because you can leave the Cyclops within your PRAWN.
    Jump outside the PRAWN and change your upgrades and also switch the stuff inside the storage to your main inventory,
    jump inside the PRAWN again and then re-enter the Cyclops.
    I only meant, it would be quit awesome to do that all from within your Cyclops and should never leave your PRAWN in a depth of 900m,
    because in reality your body would be crushed by 91 bar :)
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