More uses for stuff.

solar71solar71 usa Join Date: 2015-06-06 Member: 205276Members
Hey guys... ok here goes...

We need WAY more uses for Magnesium, Diamonds and Crash powder... Like, WAY more.
Same with everything else... But to a lesser degree.
Salt needs more.
Titanium needs more.
Copper is ok for now. :)
Quarts is ok for now :)
Acid mushrooms need more.
Creep vine needs more.
Lubricant needs more.
Gold needs WAY more.
Silver is ok for now :)
Lithium needs more.

Just more ingredients for more complex stuff.
more more more!!!! :)



  • mimiguy2mimiguy2 United States Join Date: 2016-07-20 Member: 220458Members
    Give the Devs a break (wow this is a year old yet i'm the first commenter)
  • Shifter6Shifter6 Join Date: 2017-01-11 Member: 226556Members
    In regards to this topic, and after playing a more updated subnautica, I agree that crash powder and magnesium STILL are not very useful, as their primary use is to create tools, which have infinite durability and are not lost on death. Some other use for such interesting items would be fantastic and would make gathering such things (which in the early game are no simple task) more valuable. I would say that silver is over strained, as sandstone is only found in a couple of biomes, and even in the correct biomes, I am frequently assaulted by limestone, and humorously gold is everywhere with the only good use being power transmitters. The only other thing that needs to be expanded upon is uses for copper other than batteries and wire, as in the late game has proven to fill all of my lockers with nothing but gold and copper, despite copper being so valuable in the early game. Not sure if this is the perfect place to post such things but I figured a post with this title would be a good start :smile:
  • RobertClaypoolRobertClaypool Camby, IN, USA Join Date: 2017-01-20 Member: 226985Members
    edited January 2017
    Well, vinegar and salt is polish. Maybe the constructor is too handy. Maybe refinement steps can be added before something is suitable for construction. You have to have circuits and wiring constructed before making bigger devices already, sometimes though.
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