Get rid of ladders, replace with short range vertical teleporter
Join Date: 2017-01-19 Member: 226955Members

Forget the ladders, the are ugly (no offense model guy) and are difficult to use since you have to very carefully selected which ladder to use in a row since they overlap and such.
An alternative to the clunky ugly ladders, is since the teleport you up and down anyway, why not replace them with whatever the graphical equivalent of a subnautica blue glowing ring going around the floor/ceiling in place of the ladder, that extends about 3 or 4 inches below/above the hole. The hole itself showing the other side of the portal or something.
I think it would go by the sify look of the game without being super expensive either perhaps just copper wire instead of titanium.
This would make selecting which "ladder" to use much easier by having to look up at the ceiling to go up or by having to look at the floor one to go down.
What do you think great anons/devs
An alternative to the clunky ugly ladders, is since the teleport you up and down anyway, why not replace them with whatever the graphical equivalent of a subnautica blue glowing ring going around the floor/ceiling in place of the ladder, that extends about 3 or 4 inches below/above the hole. The hole itself showing the other side of the portal or something.
I think it would go by the sify look of the game without being super expensive either perhaps just copper wire instead of titanium.
This would make selecting which "ladder" to use much easier by having to look up at the ceiling to go up or by having to look at the floor one to go down.
What do you think great anons/devs
The major problem with using a teleporter is the philosophical ramifactions and ethics of it.
The precursor transporter doesn't seem to suffer from this problem due to going through the portal, but I am not certain if being attacked by a Warper suffers from this problem. If the devs want to add localized teleportation into the game, then it would be as a blueprint and ladders will still exist.
Hoop fish are able to use their antennas to create a low density area in front of them and a high density field in front of them allowing for linear locomotion. (Brilliant one devs)
Why not have to use it in the construction of a thing like that to upgrade the ladder
Your profile picture, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Honestly I don't like the elevator idea, I rather like having to go floor to floor. Own opinion I suppose but late game/creative elevators may be chill. But I am just trying to clean up the bases here, and if you can have the door take up a small part of the ceiling then hey why not.
I just think there should be a better way to pick up or down between floors honestly
Using portals are better than teleportation since they don't need to be disintegrated in order to travel to another location. If you are disintegrated, have the particles that compose your body transmitted to another location, and then the particles are reassembled to form an identical copy of yourself, do you still exist? Might be better to teleport clones to alternate destinations and treat the clone as an avatar than bother with the philosophical ramifications of teleportation. Androids would also work and less of a problem of creating and discarding clones, but it would be a problem to get touch, smell, and taste to work right in an android.
Teleporter fits within the small hole the ladder creates
It is survival at its core not convenience
The simplest thing to implement airlifts would probably be a tech glass tube replacing the ladder and representing an airlift transport power system. The tube is open to one side to exit while you are rising or falling down. And one type of tube for an upflow and another for the downflow. So you can either flow up or down and move forward to enter or exit at any connection level. Or in a more simple form the airlift would only be for long range vertical connections and with only a top and bottom connection. This simple kind of airlift system would only need simple models for the seabase. For a teleporter the devs would have to create a fully animated interior or exterior big base module. That would probably take more time to develop.
Of course when I look at the fact that the devs never connected those ladders or made them 90° rotatable for all those 2 years, I think we might have to live with those teleport ladders until 1.0.
Unfortunately I'm a lowly xbox peon so no precursor for me
Welcome to the subnautica forum where the rules don't matter and shit gets posted wherever whenever anyway
You don't want to know what I think.
erm language plz, k, thx, bai.
-attacked for grammar
Who cares
I think it was more for the word use / choice in regards to forum rules....
By the way, this isn't /v/; you can't greentext, and there're no anons here.
>>>>mfw meme arrows
Alright fine sorry I even posted
As for your idea, I think it's terrible.
Ladders are fine and work fine and stick with the aesthetic. Sliding up and down ladders and ducking through hatches is everything good about submarines. We need klaxons and battle stations. And we desperately need climbing animations.
We need better ladders, not no ladders.
The more sci-fi this game gets, the worse it gets. And teleports are almost as cringe worthy and unoriginal as you using 4chan etiquette on every website you visit.
But that's just my own feeling on it.
How do you figure the game gets worse the more sci fi it gets? It's a science fiction game.
I'll agree that teleporters are unoriginal but so are ladders????
I didn't necessarily want my first post after getting back to be something like this, but I simply can't resist.
Thinking about this in a logical sense, if you were someone designing a open-world survival game, and you had a character in a survival scenario, what makes more sense? A short range teleporter, a device requiring technology that Alterra has not been shown to have? Or a ladder, something anyone with basic knowledge can design and create?
Before the precursors, when it was just Alterra corp. with not-too-advanced tech (apart from the fabricator, which we've had huge debates about) it was okay, you could suspend disbelief.
Alterra has ladders. We've had ladders for thousands of years.
Alterra does not have teleportation technology. If it did, we probably wouldn't be stuck in the situation we find ourselves in.
This game was not always so science fiction, it once more heavily leaned in the survival direction. It's bad enough we're expected to believe the precursors had teleportation technology. No way should we have it in our bases. It would have absolutely no believable place in our world.
But, then again, at this point it doesn't really matter. Any logic or sense has pretty much been abandoned by now so why the hell not? Teleportation, sure. Then we'll go back in time, fall in love with a precursor girl and save the world from the evil Alterra corporation.
Welcome back @dealwithitdog... you didn't miss much, and you can see nothing's changed.
You made me look at it a different way, thank you. At the core of my post I want easier ladders to use. Doesn't have to be a teleporter.
The more I think about the more ultra Sci fi could kill some immersion and take you away from the survival aspect. I think the precursors having that tech would be fine but idk I'm just a lowly console peon.
I would like to see some more survival aspects to the game. They already cover food water and o2 there isn't much more to cover from there aside from mental health
We know the Aurora's main mission was gathering resources to setup a new Phase Gate - in the realm of this world what is a "Phase Gate"? Is it something like the gates in SG1 or is it a jump gate like we see in the game Eve Online?
And on the topic of tech for teleports and usage - in the world of Star Trek - they still used ladders and elevators on their ships and buildings for every day usage.
Did did try a quick forum search - I see the gate mentioned but nothing talking about the supposed tech. I also looked at the wiki
He has returned...
Welcome back, Sir @dealwithitdog .
It's probably something like either one of those. It could be a artificial wormhole gate system (Stargate) or a jumpgate (EVE Online). It could also be a less advanced form of the Precursor teleporter gate system. Except it's on a larger scale for spaceships of varying sizes.
In that case, this is just for you.
>mfw I persuade someone of something online